Opened 14 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

#7933 closed bug (fixed)

Haiku lags in Virtual PC 2007

Reported by: HaikuReactOSTrac Owned by: stippi
Priority: normal Milestone: R1
Component: User Interface Version: R1/Development
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


When Haiku is Running in Virtual PC 2007, The Mouse cursor appears to lag, and even appears to "float" across the screen when the mouse is mooved quickly, even after I stop the mouse, The cursor may still float for a few seconds. I will post a video of this problem if I can.

Change History (8)

comment:1 by HaikuReactOSTrac, 14 years ago

Summary: Mouse Cursor lag in Virtual PC 2007Haiku lags in Virtual PC 2007

I also forgot to add that when I try to run the GLTeapot demo, the mouse cursor freezes, and is nearly impossible to move.

comment:2 by KarmaMechanic, 14 years ago

What are the specs on the computer running Virtual PC?

Also, something you might be able to try possibly, I haven't used Virtual PC but I've noticed a slightly better responsiveness in VMware by increasing the process priority on the virtual machine from the Windows task manager(I'm running on a Vista laptop).

in reply to:  2 comment:3 by HaikuReactOSTrac, 14 years ago

Replying to KarmaMechanic:

What are the specs on the computer running Virtual PC?

Also, something you might be able to try possibly, I haven't used Virtual PC but I've noticed a slightly better responsiveness in VMware by increasing the process priority on the virtual machine from the Windows task manager(I'm running on a Vista laptop).

The specs of my computer are:

CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad Q8200@2.33GHZ, RAM: 8GB DDR2@800MHZ, Video card: NVidia Geforce GT120@500MHZ with 1GB of GDDR2Memory, Hard Drive: 640GB@7200RPM, OS: Windows Vista x64 SP1

I will try increasing the priority of Virtual PC and see if that helps.

comment:4 by HaikuReactOSTrac, 14 years ago

Increasing the priority of Virtual PC helped only a little, if at all. and the cursor still froze when running the GLTeapot demo. I tried both the "Above normal" and "High" priorities.

comment:5 by KarmaMechanic, 14 years ago

Noticed version was listed as Development, if its a recent build have you tried Alpha/3 in Virtual PC instead? Outside of that I'd recommend trying the same build in VMware, its free online, so you should be able to determine or not if its something particular to Virtual PCs virtualization, or something else.

comment:6 by HaikuReactOSTrac, 14 years ago

I just tried R1/aplha3, and it performed worse. the pointer was still sluggish during Install, and after rebooting, it was locked up completely. And after resetting the virtual machine, it refused to boot at all, but repeated resets made it boot again. the cursor was still laggy, and running GLTeapot still froze the cursor. VMware has a couple of free products, But registration is required to download them, and all of VMware's products are Closed source. I use Virtualbox, which is open source, and is faster than VMware and Virtual PC. Haiku runs very well in Virtualbox. I think it may be 2 things that cause Haiku to lag.

  1. Virtual PC is slower than VMware and Virtualbox
  1. Virtual PC's Emulated Video card (S3 Trio), may not be fully supported, which may also be why Haiku is in 15 bit color by default when run in Virtual PC.

comment:7 by luroh, 10 years ago

Any improvement here with a recent version of Haiku?

comment:8 by waddlesplash, 10 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

No response for 5 months. I can run pretty much any OS in VPC without any problem, so assuming this one is fixed.

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