Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#8311 closed bug (fixed)

Switcher crashing (layout related), not compiling

Reported by: humdinger Owned by: nobody
Priority: normal Milestone: R1
Component: Applications Version: R1/Development
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


This is hrev43696.

Switcher (not Twitcher... but src/apps/switcher) is crashing when invoked by moving the mouse to the screen border while holding CTRL. Backtrace:

Thread 4204 caused an exception: Segment violation
[Switching to team /HiQ-Data/3rd party apps/Switcher (180) thread w>panel (4204)]
0x003b7e8a in BTwoDimensionalLayout::LocalLayouter::ValidateMinMax ()
   from /boot/system/lib/
(gdb) bt
#0  0x003b7e8a in BTwoDimensionalLayout::LocalLayouter::ValidateMinMax ()
   from /boot/system/lib/
#1  0x003b6c09 in BTwoDimensionalLayout::_ValidateMinMax ()
   from /boot/system/lib/
#2  0x003b626c in BTwoDimensionalLayout::BaseMinSize ()
   from /boot/system/lib/
#3  0x0031591e in BAbstractLayout::MinSize () from /boot/system/lib/
#4  0x003c2fb6 in BView::MinSize () from /boot/system/lib/
#5  0x003cb1bb in BWindow::UpdateSizeLimits () from /boot/system/lib/
#6  0x003cd9a4 in BWindow::Layout () from /boot/system/lib/
#7  0x003cad06 in BWindow::DispatchMessage () from /boot/system/lib/
#8  0x003cf108 in BWindow::task_looper () from /boot/system/lib/
#9  0x002f8833 in BLooper::_task0_ () from /boot/system/lib/
#10 0x0059b093 in thread_entry () from /boot/system/lib/
#11 0x78074fec in ?? ()

Change History (2)

comment:1 by humdinger, 13 years ago

Summary: Switcher crashing (layout related)Switcher crashing (layout related), not compiling

Since it may be that the Switcher I'm using was built from an older revision, I wanted to build it from the current source revision. I get this, however:

/HiQ-Data/source/haiku/src/apps/switcher/GroupListView.cpp: In method `void GroupListView::SetModel(GroupListModel *)':
/HiQ-Data/source/haiku/src/apps/switcher/GroupListView.cpp:111: cannot allocate an object of type `RendererLayoutItem'
/HiQ-Data/source/haiku/src/apps/switcher/GroupListView.cpp:111:   since the following virtual functions are abstract:
/HiQ-Data/source/haiku/headers/os/interface/Layout.h:80:        void BLayout::DoLayout()
/HiQ-Data/source/haiku/src/apps/switcher/GroupListView.cpp:127: cannot allocate an object of type `RendererLayoutItem'
/HiQ-Data/source/haiku/src/apps/switcher/GroupListView.cpp:127:   since type `RendererLayoutItem' has abstract virtual functions

Funny, now, after the initial crash, restarting Switcher often has it in a working state. At least when using the app-switcher at the top/bottom of the screen. If you invoke Switcher at the left/right border - for inter-app-window-switching - it crashes like this:

Thread 4289 caused an exception: Segment violation
[Switching to team /HiQ-Data/3rd party apps/Switcher (4289) thread Switcher (4289)]
0x003c18b7 in BView::AddChild () from /boot/system/lib/
(gdb) bt
#0  0x003c18b7 in BView::AddChild () from /boot/system/lib/
#1  0x0020e318 in GroupListView::SetModel ()
#2  0x0020e0a9 in GroupListView::GroupListView ()
#3  0x00211e40 in WindowsView::WindowsView ()
#4  0x00211049 in PanelWindow::_ViewFor ()
#5  0x00210e28 in PanelWindow::PanelWindow ()
#6  0x002118f8 in Switcher::MessageReceived ()
#7  0x002f72d7 in BLooper::DispatchMessage () from /boot/system/lib/
#8  0x002edd51 in BApplication::DispatchMessage ()
   from /boot/system/lib/
#9  0x002f8c45 in BLooper::task_looper () from /boot/system/lib/
#10 0x002ec871 in BApplication::Run () from /boot/system/lib/
#11 0x00211a0f in main ()

comment:2 by humdinger, 13 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Just recompiled and now it's working (hrev44335). Closing as fixed, I guess.

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