Changes between Version 8 and Version 9 of GoogleSummerOfCodeIdeas

Nov 19, 2009, 8:47:20 PM (15 years ago)

Initial draft for 2010 ideas.


  • GoogleSummerOfCodeIdeas

    v8 v9  
    1 == Google Summer Of Code 2009 Ideas for Haiku ==
     1= Google Summer of Code Ideas for Haiku ==
     3== 2009 ==
    34See official page here: []
     7== Work In Progress: 2010 ==
     10 * Should be peripherary projects that will not affect any timelines for the project.
     11 * Published ideas need at least one person willing to be mentor.
     12 * Maybe we can mention which ideas require a mentor to be found ?
     15 * Make sure every idea has a detailed explanation
     16 * Create a list of small tasks -- or at least guidelines as the type of tasks that can be piggy-backed on another project
     17 * Provide links to or at least mention:
     18        * relevant parts of the source tree
     19        * relevant chapters in BeBook
     20        * existing bug tickets
     21        * persons who can discuss the topic -- this is primarily for the admins, to help redirect inquiries. 
     22                * eg. NickName is currently on IRC or AnotherNickName reads the mailing lists.
     24Actual Ideas
     25        * Non R1 tasks:
     26        * TTY Layer
     27        * Remote app_server -- user-friendly integration
     28        * Finalize new driver architecture & rewrite drivers
     29        * Updating & Utilizing RamFS
     30                * detect available memory at boot.
     31                * create drives based on some rules
     32                * /tmp should be mounted as ramfs -- for both RW & RO medium
     33                * create a true live cd experience.
     34                        * keep settings on ramfs.
     35                        * write to a secondary disk at shutdown or at 'sync'
     36                        * read imagefile from disk to ramfs at boot
     37        * Non-x86 Ports:
     38                * Atari Falcon
     39                * ARM
     40                * PowerPC
     41                * Mipsel
     42        * Improving POSIX support
     43        * 3rd Party Applications
     44                * IM Kit
     45                * Services Kit
     46                * WebKit based browser
     47                * OpenJDK
     48        * Utilizing aspects of 3rd party software
     49                * Creating Text Translators from OpenOffice
     50        * Intergrating software into Haiku
     51                * InfoPopper
     52                * PecoRename or
     53                * Colors!
     54        * Native GUI for:
     55                * Transmission
     56                * VLC
     57        * Updating applications to use layout manager.
     58        * Hardware profiling tool
     59                * an application for creating a hardware database.
     60        * Language bindings in SWIG
     61                * python
     62                * perl
     63                * ...
     64        * Maybe something involving HaikuPorts?
     65                * improving HaikuPorter to work more like FreeBSD's ports
     66        * Jam build system enhancements.
     67                * like what...?  generic wrapper for autotools, makefiles. This would help intergrate existing projects into Haiku's source tree or 3rdparty folder
     68        * Enhancements for Virtualization Software