Change History for HardwareInfo/WirelessFirmwares

Version Date Author Comment
55 15 years mmadia updated page, to hide non-relevant information.
54 15 years aldeck removed the "in construction" comment, document is stable
53 15 years mmadia
52 15 years colin Changing naming conventions of settings files
51 15 years colin Rephrasing of introduction
50 15 years colin Adding description about driver settings files
49 15 years colin Updating handling of group 3
48 15 years colin Working out a solution for firmware renaming
47 15 years colin Rephrasing
46 15 years colin Start writing introduction
45 15 years colin Finalizing first draft of mailing list proposal
44 15 years colin Rephrasing
43 15 years colin Extending description on how to handle group one with an alternative …
42 15 years colin Adding common firmware rules
41 15 years colin Modifying problem description and proposed solution for group 1
40 15 years colin Adding further firmware handling proposals
39 15 years colin Refinement of wording
38 15 years colin Summing up firmware distribution possibilites
37 15 years colin updating firmware distribution proposal of marvell88w8363 and ralinkwifi
36 15 years colin First draft of firmware distributing consense for iprow2xxx firmware
35 15 years colin making link clickable
34 15 years colin Adding firmware distribution information for ralinkwifi
33 15 years colin
32 15 years colin Adding firmware notes for Marvell 88w8335
31 15 years colin Adding the headings for the last remaining wifi chipsets
30 15 years colin Adding the headings fo the last wifi vendors
29 15 years colin Status update on Intel contact progress
28 15 years colin Tracking progress on getting Intel contact points
27 15 years aldeck bumped 'in contruction' date
26 15 years mmadia
25 15 years colin Firmware requirements for broadcom43xx added.
24 15 years colin Intel 2200 and 2945 chipsets are supported by the same driver & firmware.
23 15 years colin Convert firmware notes to a section.
22 15 years colin Adding missing linebreak.
21 15 years colin Added references for minimial version requirements of Intel firmwares.
20 15 years aldeck
19 15 years aldeck
18 15 years aldeck
17 15 years aldeck
16 15 years mmadia Corrected firmware download links for ipw2xxx
15 15 years mmadia added some text to b43xx. Aiming to add license information to more …
14 15 years aldeck
13 15 years aldeck
12 15 years aldeck
11 15 years aldeck
10 15 years aldeck
9 15 years aldeck
8 15 years aldeck
7 15 years aldeck
6 15 years aldeck
5 15 years aldeck
4 15 years aldeck
3 15 years aldeck
2 15 years aldeck
1 15 years aldeck