
The Xth beta release of Haiku continues the trend of more frequent releases in order to provide our users and developers with an up to date and stable platform to work on.

Please keep in mind that this is beta-quality software, which means it is feature complete but still contains known and unknown bugs. While we are mostly confident in its stability, we cannot provide assurances against data loss.

System requirements

This release is available on the x86 32-bit platform, as well as the x86_64 platform. Note that BeOS R5 compatibility is only provided on the 32-bit images, but the 64bit version is recommended if you don't need BeOS compatibility.

MINIMUM (32-bit)

  • Processor: Intel Pentium II; AMD Athlon
  • Memory: 384MB
  • Monitor: 800x600
  • Storage: 2GB


  • Processor: Intel Core i3; AMD Phenom II
  • Memory: 2GB
  • Monitor: 1366x768
  • Storage: 16GB

SSE2 support is required to use the WebPositive web browser. On machines where this is not available, it is recommended to install the NetSurf browser instead.


Installation process

Package management

User interface

app_server (graphics server)

Web browser


Storage and file systems

BeOS compatibility

POSIX compatibility

System performance


Hardware compatibility


Mass storage




Known issues and workarounds

There are no known major bugs.

Last modified 3 years ago Last modified on Feb 13, 2022, 8:58:47 AM
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