Haiku in the News
This is a placeholder page for press regarding the Haiku Alpha 1.
News in English
- Official Haiku Release - Sept. 14th 0:00 UTC
- Press release Haiku Project Announces Availability of Haiku R1/Alpha 1
- ALPHA! GET YOUR HAIKU ALPHA! Announcement from IsComputerOn
- Haiku Alpha Available Now! Announcement from BeOSNews
- Haiku R1 Alpha1 is now out! Announcement from BeGroovy
- Haiku OS Beta 1: Simple Is Beautiful InfomationWeek's Open Source Weblog
- First Alpha of BeOS-inspired Haiku released The H open
- After 8 Years of Work, Be-Alike Haiku Releases Official Alpha slashdot.org
- BeOS comes back to life as Haiku TGDaily
- Haiku Project Announces Availability of Haiku R1/Alpha 1 OSNews (article by Eugenia)
- BeOS Lives Again fastcompany.com
- Ancient Operating Systems Keep Going ... and Going PCWorld.com
- Haiku Alpha 1 available now: BeOS lovers of the world rejoice Engaget
- BeOS Reincarnated As Haiku OS Applelinks.com
- Haiku Alpha 1 available now: BeOS lovers of the world rejoice onu.ro
- Haiku R1/Alpha 1 Released haikuzone
- Excited for the future, Part 1: Haiku Lunduke.com
News in German
- Erste Alpha des offenen Betriebssystems Haiku erschienen golem.de
- Betriebssystem Haiku soll Nachfolger von BeOS werden magnus.de
- Erste Alpha des BeOS-Nachfolgers Haiku heise.de
- BeOS-Nachfolger Haiku in einer ersten Alpha-Version veröffentlicht pro-linux.de
- Haiku: Erste Alpha-Version des BeOS-Nachfolgers derstandard.at
- Haiku Alpha Nr. 1 haiku-gazette.de
- Die Rückkehr des BeOS Spiegel online
- Wiederauferstehung: BeOS kehrt als Haiku zurück Die MacCommunity
- Haiku: BeOS ist wiederauferstanden Mac Life
- Haiku Alpha: Be-OS reloaded als Open Source Macwelt
- HAIKU: Erste Alpha-Version des BeOS-Nachfolgers erschienen OSZine
International News
- Haiku项目发布Haiku R1/Alpha 1 Osss.cn
- Проект Haiku добрался до стадии Alpha 1 F1CD.ru
- Yeni işletim sisteminiz: HAIKU techno-labs.com
- E' nato Haiku, il mondo dei pc non sarà più lo stesso vivereitalia.eu
- Haiku Project, finalmente la prima versione Alpha ossblog.it
- Haiku OS krijgt na acht jaar ontwikkeling de alfastatus tweakers.net
- Le projet Haiku Project annonce la disponibilité d'Haiku R1/Alpha 1 Linuxfr.org
- Haiku, un sistema operativo ispirato a BeOS Hardware Upgrade
- Haiku Alpha lansat MYLRo.org
- În sfîrşit - Haiku Alpha faclia ziar independent de Cluj
- Haiku Live CD/Live USB Basho JPBE.net
- Le système Haiku publie sa première version Alpha siteduzero.com
Reviews in English
- The Computer Action Show The folks at The Computer Action Show have made a 40 minutes review of the prea-alpha version of Haiku. Starts at 0:49.
- In the Round: Haiku Alpha Released An article from Thom at OsNews covering BeOS history and a short review of the prea-alpha version of Haiku.
- Hands-on: Haiku, the future of BeOS, is pure poetry Ars Technica
- Haiku alpha: Wow. Just wow. A small blog review
- Review: Seven Days in Haiku. OSnews
International Reviews
- Lo spirito di BeOS rivive in Haiku punto-informatico.it
Interviews in English
- Q&A With Haiku OS's Jorge Mare Information Week
Last modified
15 years ago
Last modified on Aug 7, 2010, 12:20:55 PM
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