Opened 18 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#1026 closed bug (fixed)

Black screen when Haiku switch to graphical mode after bootscreen GeForce 6150

Reported by: acca Owned by: rudolfc
Priority: normal Milestone: R1
Component: Drivers/Graphics/nVidia Version: R1/pre-alpha1
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: x86


Black screen when Haiku switch to graphical mode after bootscreen. It looks like the wrong graphic mode. Video : nVidia GeForce 6150 (integrated in the motherboard). With resolution 640x480x8 uses incorrect refresh rate.

Attachments (16)

listdev.txt (3.4 KB ) - added by fano 16 years ago.
syslog (82.1 KB ) - added by fano 16 years ago.
mpu401.log (288 bytes ) - added by fano 16 years ago.
syslog_1280x1024_VESA (62.0 KB ) - added by fano 16 years ago.
The boot in VESA that WORKS!
syslog.VGA 1280*1024 NOT WORKS (82.3 KB ) - added by fano 16 years ago.
Boot in VGA - Black screen (84.7 KB ) - added by rudolfc 16 years ago.
testversion of nvidia driver 0.92 (no pll programming, always logging)
nvidia.10de_0392_050000.0.log (294.8 KB ) - added by tigerdog 16 years ago.
logfile of "out of range" test
nvidia.10de_0240_000500.0.log (141.9 KB ) - added by fano 15 years ago.
Two boot first "out of range" (monitor OFF to protect itself) second "black screen only" (monitor stays ON) (89.4 KB ) - added by rudolfc 15 years ago.
nvidia driver 1.05 compiled with gcc2 (hrev33255)
nvidia.10de_0240_000500.0.log.VGA mode (88.3 KB ) - added by fano 15 years ago.
That doesn't works
nvidia.10de_0240_000500.0.DVI mode (74.2 KB ) - added by fano 15 years ago.
... This works, indeed!
nvidia.10de_0240_000500.0.VGA.switchheadTRUE.log (88.2 KB ) - added by fano 15 years ago.
VGA - SwitcHead TRUE (89.6 KB ) - added by rudolfc 15 years ago.
nvidia driver 1.07: added fix for gc 6100/6150/6200 black screen
Haiku Nvidia (102.6 KB ) - added by fano 15 years ago.
VGA out works now & DualHead tests
DualHeadSetup (66.5 KB ) - added by rudolfc 15 years ago.
dualhead setup V0.04
DualHeadSetup Layout problems.png (88.3 KB ) - added by fano 15 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (90)

comment:1 by ketsuban, 18 years ago

Cc: thomas_winwood@… added

Are you sure this is a bug and not just the normal blank screen associated with a change in graphics mode? I've noticed something similar when changing mode with my GeForce FX 5500, but as far as I can tell it's not a bug.

comment:2 by k2s, 18 years ago

Hm, It seems that this bug is similar to #1023

comment:3 by ketsuban, 18 years ago

Ah, I think I understand now. The description isn't terribly clear - should this be marked as a duplicate?

comment:4 by acca, 18 years ago

Monitor does not turn off. It only displays the darkness. Haiku is not stuck because respond consistently to F12 and "reboot". So even in the not KDL falls. I think this is not like # 1023.

comment:5 by ketsuban, 18 years ago

Cc: thomas_winwood@… removed

comment:6 by tigerdog, 18 years ago

I've experienced some troubles with the nvidia driver not always restarting the graphics card. The "usebios" flag defaults to "true" and causes the driver to rely on BIOS to restart the card. In my system, I've had to set "usebios false" for graphics to start reliably.

It would be interesting to see if this fixes ketsuban's problem. If yes, maybe we should change the default?

comment:7 by tigerdog, 18 years ago

Um, not Ketsuban's issue. My mistake. Problem was reported by acca. Acca, any chance you've tried this?

comment:8 by acca, 18 years ago

What file enter this line (usebios false)?

comment:9 by k2s, 18 years ago


comment:10 by acca, 18 years ago

File nv.settings did not exist. His creation and the addition of the line did not solve the problem.

comment:11 by ketsuban, 18 years ago

I'm fairly certain this is a duplicate of #1023 - they describe the same symptoms (monitor turning off after mode change during startup) with much the same sort of hardware. Perhaps we need to get Rudolf (or an approved delegate of Rudolf) to take a look at his driver with regard to the 6xxx series of video cards.

comment:12 by acca, 18 years ago

Perhaps it is true. But I ask you to pay attention to the fact that, in my case, the monitor does not turns off (continues to work in graphical mode), and shows darkness.

comment:13 by acca, 18 years ago

It seems the problem is that Haiku displays the image on DVI. I do not have a DVI monitor, so I can not verify this. Zeta returns the same result. So, the problem is in the Rudolf's driver.

comment:14 by mmadia, 16 years ago

Owner: changed from axeld to rudolfc

comment:15 by fano, 16 years ago

Sorry to have opened a another copy of this! I've done a search but not found this...

However I've the DVI connected to a HDTV display and the VGA connected to a monitor. During the Haiku boot the image in is in all the screens in "clone" mode... when Haiku boot finish the monitor goes black and turns off while the HDTV is black saying "frequency not supported".

So the problem is present in all the output DVI or VGA!

If I use VESA mode the desktop is showed in all screens but at only 800*600 the quality is ugly as you can imagine...

by fano, 16 years ago

Attachment: listdev.txt added

comment:16 by fano, 16 years ago

I don't know if it can be useful but I've attached the result of listdev command in my system. Maybe lspci give more useful infos... but in Haiku is not present... for now I've only Windows and Haiku (on usb key) installed on my PC.

comment:17 by richienyhus, 16 years ago

Fano, you should try the workaround in #2780 , and see if it works for you too.

comment:18 by fano, 16 years ago

I've tried to set the nv.settings and nvidia.setting files (in my Haiku was only the nv file... to be sure I added the nvidia one, too) to not force wide screen res but nothing is changed... after reboot black screen!!!

In a side note what is the right file the nv or the nvidia one? It's pretty confusing... seeing the interior of the files they seems the same!

To note that usable resolution in failsafe mode are 640*480 an 800*600 and nothing more! Maybe my monitor is not recognized by Haiku too?

In the screen preference there is nothing about the connected screen... how I can know if my monitor is recognized?

comment:19 by richienyhus, 16 years ago

Well it was worth a try.

I downloaded the "nvidia.setting" file from trac as I didn't have on in my file system, so I can't help you with your side note.

comment:20 by rudolfc, 16 years ago


You need nvidia.settings. With old driverversions it was nv.settings: but the driver (and accompaning settings file) was at some point renamed by Axel for clarity reasons.

Please, place that file in your home folder and enable full logging. Please upload the resulting logfile from a reboot (try to restart from user-started kdl or something blindly if you have no picture.)

If you have a 4:3 aspect screen also set force_ws to false please.

Can you tell us what the brand and type of the screen is you are using?

Also: you could upload syslog: it should have an entry for DDC/EDID for your screen and it names the nvidia card somewhere.



comment:21 by fano, 16 years ago

I don't know how to enable full logging... I've tried to set all the bits of the logbitmask at 1, that is: logmask 0xFFFFFFFF

But after reboot I've a very short file... maybe incomplete too... I simply don't know when exit from the "black screen" the keyboard don't respond... I've to do a hard reset!

I've collected syslog too... maybe this is more useful: my monitor is correctly recognized as Sony SDM-HS95P connected via VGA.

by fano, 16 years ago

Attachment: syslog added

by fano, 16 years ago

Attachment: mpu401.log added

comment:22 by tigerdog, 16 years ago

This sounds similar to the trouble I have here with a 5600 card. Haiku is unable to distinguish my monitor's max supported resolution and tries to start in a mode higher than the monitor supports. I work around it by hitting space during boot, manually setting fail-safe video mode to 120x1024 then choosing safe mode options and use fail-safe video.

Once the system starts, I choose a _different_ supported resolution using Screen Preferences. After this, a restart brings the system up normally and I can set my desired mode which stays permanently.

comment:23 by rudolfc, 16 years ago


There are probably at least 3 different problems reported here, so it's hard to nail it I fear. Hopefully (probably) there is one or two that's a duplicate of another bug which might already be solved or known howto work around.

Anyhow, I'll give it a shot:

BTW acca might have the force_ws true problem: if a DVI non-ws screen is set in a lower resolution than it's native one, it probably displays blackness. Modifying nvidia.settings to read force_ws false solves this.

tigerdog: I'd be curious to know what resolution Haiku tried to set (you can see that in the driver logfile if you could grab it), and what the native resolution of your screen is. And: DVI or VGA?

fano: hmm, tough one. If you'd have a second machine you'd probably be able to telnet into the machine and tell it to shut down? It's possible that it hangs though in which case that won't work either. Anyhow: testing with more than one screen connected at the time isn't such a good idea to find out what's going wrong. Try one at the time, I prefer not the HDTV, and an analog connection to begin with. Does that work OK?



comment:24 by fano, 16 years ago

Rudolf I've tried to boot HAIKU using only VGA to my Sony LCD monitor... something different happens.. after the Sky Rocket the screen is always black but the monitor says "Out of range 80.5 Khz / 100 Hz" particularly that 100 Hz is a very strange values... my native monitor resolution is 1280*1024 at 75 Hz maximum!!!

I've booted in safe mode too... and surprise! The GUI is at 12080*1024 in VESA mode! In the screen preference I've a lot more resolution to choose, now (1024*768, 800*600 ecc...).

I've tried the trick proposed by tigerdog I've select 1024*768 then rebooted...but after reboot the screen is black (again!) but not "out of range" if I see the monitor OSD is 1024*768 at 60 Hz should be right but it stays black!

I've tried to reboot at 1280*1024 but the screen is always black but the screen is at 60 Hz!!!

I haven't another PC to telnet to the machine so,again, I don't know if syslogS are complete, but I link it... maybe they're useful.

by fano, 16 years ago

Attachment: syslog_1280x1024_VESA added

The boot in VESA that WORKS!

by fano, 16 years ago

Boot in VGA - Black screen

comment:25 by tigerdog, 16 years ago

Fano, you are seeing behavior similar to what I see except that it works for me after the second boot. One possible difference; I'm not using a laptop, I'm using the analog output of my graphics card. Rudolph, to answer your question, I believe when starting out of range, my card is setting to 2048x1536 (not sure of second number) I think this is so because that resolution is invalid for my monitor but DOES show as a choice of "safe mode" video resolution if I go into boot-up options. 1920x1200 (monitor native mode) is not in that list. I hope this helps.

comment:26 by rudolfc, 16 years ago


If you all have a 4:3 screen and have force_ws disabled now by using a modified nvidia.settings, I think maybe the DAC PLL simply won't lock a calculated frequency for the refresh.

I think we should rule that out: i'll upload a modified version of the driver here that won't program the PLL's so you can test that. This means however, that you should make sure that the choosen resolution at boot time is the same as is used for the desktop. If the boot would succeed with this modified driver, then don't change the resolution of your desktop since otherwise the screen would go black again.

I'll compile the driver with gcc2 over here.



by rudolfc, 16 years ago

Attachment: added

testversion of nvidia driver 0.92 (no pll programming, always logging)

comment:27 by rudolfc, 16 years ago

Hi again,

I just uploaded a testing version of the driver (a readme.FIRST is included). people having a black screen, or a turned off screen after boot, please test this driver and see if you can get a picture using it. Also please upload the log it creates (see readme) and place a comment here describing what happens.

I'm curious to the results!



comment:28 by fano, 16 years ago

Nothing changed for me, sorry... Always black screen and no logfile is created in my home folder...

I've substituted the nvidia driver in /Haiku/system/add-ons/kernel/drivers/bin and the accelarant in /Haiku/system/add-ons/accelarants... is this right?

I've something other to do?

The very strange thing is that the screen is black but not out-of-range is a black screen but the display not go in "energy saving mode"... that is a signal is present... and OSD says 1280*1024@60 again all is right but the screen remains black!

No mouse cursor too... nothing... and sadly no logs!!!

My I've to try a new Haiku image? But I dont't think something can change...

comment:29 by rudolfc, 16 years ago

Hmm, I just read that I advised to place the nvidia.settings file in the home folder. This is _wrong_! (oops, sorry..)

It should be in: home/config/settings/kernel/drivers

Fano, did you place the file there and enable full logging? The resulting logfile does get created in your home folder... It's named something like: nvidia.10de_0141_010000.0.log



comment:30 by tigerdog, 16 years ago

sorry so slow to respond, been away for a while. I just tried the test driver. Still no video here, but the result is different. Before, my monitor reported no video at all. Now, it reports "out of range".

by tigerdog, 16 years ago

logfile of "out of range" test

comment:31 by rudolfc, 16 years ago

Hi tigerdog,

Could you modify nvidia.settings for the switchhead setting?

Make that line read: switchead true And reboot.

Try the testdriver first please, then also try the current driver from svn. The old driver and the testdriver select the wrong video output, the current svn driver should choose correctly since it now uses EDID (which works on your card and monitor).

Please also upload a new clean log from a boot with the current svn driver..



comment:32 by rudolfc, 16 years ago

Oh, tigerdog, if you use the current svn driver you need to disable switchhead again!



comment:33 by tigerdog, 16 years ago

Interesting points: with the current SVN driver and with your test driver, nvidia.settings never gets created. Also, I can't get current SVN driver to work at all, even if I manually copy the settings file from an older version. I'll try again later today and upload the logs.

comment:34 by rudolfc, 16 years ago


That file should manually be copied to home/config/settings/kernel/drivers when needed, it doesn't get created indeed. It's in SVN at the kerneldriver folder location.

If you try the current driver, make sure you also copy the new kerneldriver: shared_info was modified.



comment:35 by fano, 16 years ago

I've installed the last svn (hrev31262) and after I put the nvidia.settings file in the right folder... and black screen as always and NO LOGS!!!

So... a little discouraged I've tried the test driver but nothing... no LOGS for me! I've tried to set switchhead to true but nothing... black screen and no logs...

At this point I don't know what to do... the screen is always black, no logs... in this situation I think you have no possibility to understand my problem...

I have to hope that tigerdog's log is enough for you (and that if you solve its problem ... my system continues to no log anything!!!

Thanks for trying, fano

comment:36 by PieterPanman, 16 years ago

I used to have the same problem (My integrated 6150 would only show a black screen on both, not turn off the screens). Vesa worked fine. But with the current revision it works fine, so maybe your latest commits fixed something Rudolf :) Bedankt! It does start at 800x600 for the very first time after I built haiku. Don't know if that's normal. Current revision: hrev31396.

comment:37 by fano, 16 years ago

I've not found hrev31396 version on download... I've tried the last version hrev31402 nothing "Out of range".

comment:38 by rudolfc, 15 years ago

Hi again fano,

Could you please retest the current driver in svn and upload a log? I'm curious what the current status is..



comment:39 by rudolfc, 15 years ago

Hi again,

Please upgrade to hrev32946. Does it work correctly now? If all is right the problem(s) are really gone now!



comment:40 by rudolfc, 15 years ago

Hi there,

Please disregard the previous message and upgrade to hrev32958. Now the fix seems complete. Please test and let me know!



comment:41 by fano, 15 years ago

I've tried hrev32959 and black screen... what we can do at this point?

comment:42 by PieterPanman, 15 years ago

hrev32971: I am able to get dual screen on my 6150 onboard videocard using vga and dvi, so nice! It would also be nice if setting dual screen could be integrated into the current screen application, not many people will find the DualHeadSetup utility.

I do have an issue when setting both screens to 640x480. See #4442, new ticket I created for this.

Just a side note, your bebits link to DualHeadSetup is broken, probably since you moved provider?

comment:43 by rudolfc, 15 years ago

Hi fano,

I think the best thing on your system is to focus on getting a logfile. As long as that won't work it's hard to find the problem. Of course there's always a change I solve the problem anyhow since this problem might be the same as someone else is having.

Can't you trop to KDL and blindly type: reboot? Or: install a line: Terminal & in your UserBootScript. That way the terminal is always opened automatically after boot. Over here I need to hit <CTRL><TAB> once to give it focus after the boot, so I can blindly shut the system down nicely by then typing:

shutdown -r

Please see if one of those options would work for you. If so, then we should be able to get a logfile.

(another option is to telnet/ftp into the machine from another machine and copy the log over via ethernet before killing power and doing a reboot..



comment:44 by fano, 15 years ago

I've the logs finally!!! The shutdown -r in the "void" do the trick...

I hope you can understand what the problem is... for what I can understand it is probing all resolution but the "preferred" resolution of my screen (1280*1024) give "not supported"? I'm connected via VGA to a LCD display.

by fano, 15 years ago

Two boot first "out of range" (monitor OFF to protect itself) second "black screen only" (monitor stays ON)

comment:45 by rudolfc, 15 years ago

Hi there Fano,

This is good news! I'm glad I can now see the logs indeed :) Anyhow: Tell me, what did you change between the first and second boot? The log seems to indicate you had your sony 1280x1024 screen connected using a DVI cable AND a VGA cable during the first boot, and via a VGA cable only during the second boot?

Is that correct? Please tell me exactly what was connected to the gfx card during these two boots..



comment:46 by fano, 15 years ago

No it's not correct I've previously disconnected my DVI cable... to avoid confusion... or I think so! Maybe for some strange cause it not recognized this?

It's a very strange the first boot I see the monitor (connected via VGA) says "Out of range"... and I think to remember that during the boot I see the icons BIG (as it's using 640*480?)... the following boot my impression is 1280*1024 is selected during the boot and maintained after too... indeed my LCD don't says "Out of range" anymore but only a black screen is showed... as if the desktop was black, the display doesn't goes in standby mode it sees a signal, I think!

comment:47 by rudolfc, 15 years ago

Hi again Fano,

Well, the driverlog reports at boot #1 you have the DVI cable still connected, but the information is incorrect. Might it be that you unplugged the DVI cable at the moment your system was restarting, around the time the BIOS does it first 'beep' indicating startup is underway?

Please tell me:

  • does your card have _two_ connectors: a VGA connector and a DVI connector?

Please upload a new log from a boot with only the DVI connector attached. Please power off your system and THEN change the connections!

Also, can you connect your screen via VGA only (while power is off again), and upload a log from that as well?

I need to make absolutely sure what the log says is correct...



comment:48 by fano, 15 years ago

My GPU has 2 connector DVI that is connected via DVHDMI adapter to a Sony LCD TV and VGA connected to a Sony LCD Monitor... maybe I've unplugged the DVI cable after power On... I, sincerely don't remember for sure.

So this the test to do:

Boot with DVI only attached (to the Monitor or can leave it to my LCD? It's a 1080p screen) and create a LOG, then power off unpugg DVD and retry with VGA only (that is only the monitor connected).

Is this correct?

comment:49 by rudolfc, 15 years ago

Morning from Holland Fano,

Thanks for the clarification. I did not realize you have _two_ sony brand screens there!

Please, do _not_ connect your sony TV to the graphics card until we have the card working with your normal computer screen. That normal computer screen you have is a sony, 1280x1024 screen. Right? Does this computer screen have both a DVI and VGA input? If so, use the input I requested. If I talk about DVI use only the DVI input, and if I talk about VGA, use only the VGA input please.

So, If your computer screen has both a DVI and VGA input, you can do both tests with this screen. If your computer monitor only has a VGA input, then let's do it this way: If I ask you to do a DVI test _only_ connect your sony TV using DVI or HDMI, and if I ask you to do a VGA test _only_ connect your computer monitor.

So, if this is the case you can do one of the asked for test with the TV, and the other with the computer monitor.

Please let me know how the situation is, and do the tests..

Thanks a lot!


comment:50 by rudolfc, 15 years ago

Oh Fano,

Since you have two DVI connectors on your GFX card (right??), you should do four tests:

  • DVI 1 connected;
  • DVI 2 connecte;
  • VGA 1 connected
  • VGA 2 connected.

One at the time please, and only modify the connections during computer POWER OFF.



comment:51 by fano, 15 years ago

No the 6150 have only 2 output: 1 DVI output, 1 VGA output (and tv-out if enabled VGA out don't work, that is are in common!)

Actually I use DVI for my HTPC usage with a HDMI adapter connected to my FULL HD TV and the VGA connected to my LCD monitor.

My monitor has 2 input DVI & VGA, only VGA is connected.

comment:52 by rudolfc, 15 years ago

Ok then Fano,

So please don't use your TV for now: disconnect it before running the tests. There are three tests I'd like you to do: -1 connect your monitor only with a VGA cable to the VGA output; -2 connect your monitor only with the DVI cable to the DVI output; -3 connect your monitor only with a VGA cable to the DVI connector using a DVI<>VGA adaptor provided you have that.

Thanks in advance!!


comment:53 by rudolfc, 15 years ago

Hi again fano,

I modified the driver in the meantime. If can do the tests with either the old or the new version of the driver. The new version is hrev33255.

It might be that this version actually gives you a picture.

Please keep me posted!


by rudolfc, 15 years ago

Attachment: added

nvidia driver 1.05 compiled with gcc2 (hrev33255)

comment:54 by rudolfc, 15 years ago


I just uploaded the current driver to this ticket for convenience. Please test this one. Thanks!



comment:55 by fano, 15 years ago

OK I have used the new driver... the result are a little strange IMHO... with VGA connection black screen as always (out-of-range LCD goes off) using DVI connection indeed works!!!

For what I can understand in VGA mode EDID doesn't report anything driver tries all possible resolutions (reported always success apparently with very strange values as 2560*1950, too!) and then goes select anything and black screen... it seems VGA is secondary HEAD, not primary as I expected... my LCD panel is seen as "CRT Analog" I'm not sure this is correct (maybe that an LCD connecte via VGA "emulates" a CRT?)... using DVI EDID works and 1280*1024 is right selected.

Well I thought VGA was more simple to support (is legacy) than DVI... maybe is not the case.

I hope you can understand what is the problem I want use VGA for the monitor, not DVI... DVI is dedicated to my LCD display!

Ahh I can't test DVI/VGA with a converted... I don't have one of that!

Thanks a lot for your efforts, rudolfc,


by fano, 15 years ago

That doesn't works

by fano, 15 years ago

... This works, indeed!

comment:56 by rudolfc, 15 years ago

Hi fano!

Thanks for testing again. It's good to hear that DVI works at least :-)

Can you do another test with the VGA connected screen (so remove the DVI cable(s) from the graphics card:

In nvidia.settings change the line: switchhead false

to read:

switchhead true

Now, reboot with only the VGA connection. Do you have a picture now? Can you successfully set the modes lower than / equal to 1280x1024?

Please upload a logfile from this test.

Thanks for your efforts as well!


comment:57 by fano, 15 years ago

I've set "switchhead false" and tried with the VGA only... black screen!

The monitor doesn't goes in standby but stays ON: I don't have resolution information... but it has oddly refresh numbers selected: 44.4 KHz/55 Hz.

by fano, 15 years ago

VGA - SwitcHead TRUE

comment:58 by rudolfc, 15 years ago

Hi there fano,

Don't know where you live, but: Would you happen to be on Begeistert the coming weekend? If all is right I'll be there so I could test your system personally if you'd be able to get it there..



comment:59 by fano, 15 years ago

Hi Rudolf I didn't go to Begeistert... too far from where I live!

So there is no way to solve this problem? If I could send the card to you... but it's integrated in the motherboard :-)

comment:60 by rudolfc, 15 years ago

You're a funny person, aren't you fano.. ;-)

Anyhow: I indeed didn't see you here, and I'm still sitting here in Duesseldorf :) So, about that card of yours: well, just send the mainboard then. I will kind of automatically have access to your gfx card then as well!

I went to the store and bought a 6200 card, hoping it will malfunction as well (though I doubt it). That's the last thing I can do for you without having actual access to a 6100 or 6150..

I'm off to bed now. Bye!


comment:61 by rudolfc, 15 years ago

Hi again Fano,

Some months ago I bought a 6200 card to see if it exhibits the same problems as you have. It looks like partly it did.

I updated the driver to now work correctly with this 6200. Can you test hrev33966 or later for me and see if the driver now works on VGA? If all would be right using DVI has not been changed and should work as before.

If both VGA and DVI work now you could try to use dualhead setup V0.04 to enable dualhead on my driver to see if you get a picture on VGA and DVI at the same time..

Thanks in advance for testing again!


comment:62 by fano, 15 years ago

Thanks for your effort I want to test it now... but in I can see hrev33964 as last release. Can you give me a direct link to the new version?

by rudolfc, 15 years ago

Attachment: added

nvidia driver 1.07: added fix for gc 6100/6150/6200 black screen

comment:63 by rudolfc, 15 years ago

Hi again Fano,

I just uploaded the newest nvidia driver to the ticket. Please let me know how it holds up!



comment:64 by fano, 15 years ago

Hi Rudolf! Good news VGA out now works!

I've done a lot of test today:

VGA connected to Monitor / DVI disconnected screen is not black now Haiku desktop is showed but the resolution is not the monitor "preferred" is 1024x768 instead of 1280x1024 (see "1 - nvidia.10de_0240_000500.0.log.1024x768" )

I can select 1280x1024@60 Hz and all is good (but there are some strange refresh rates... > 75 Hz does "out of range")

After reboot the selected resolution is correctly maintained as you can see in "2 - nvidia.10de_0240_000500.0.log.1280x1024".

Then I've shutdown the system and connected the HDTV display via DVI/HDMI connector, too. During the bios and Haiku boot all the screens show the same image but after boot ends the Monitor is black and only on HDTV image is showed! The selected resolution is 800x600 @ 72.4 Hz (?) I can select 640x480 only... only a part of the screen is covered! I've no way to set dual head (it must to appear in the "screen preference or is an applet separated?) maybe if I can set it something happens... See "3 - nvidia.10de_0240_000500.0.log.HDTV on DVI-HDMI & MONITOR on VGA" and HDTV strange refreshrate.png

The 4th test: I changed the nvdia.settings to say "switchhead true" and rebooted. The desktop is now showed on monitor only BUT IS FLIKERING (800x600 @ 60 Hz... nothing strange), HDTV has no signal if I select 640x480 @ 60 Hz all turns right. See "4 - nvidia.10de_0240_000500.0.log.switchhead true SCREEN WAS FLIKERING @ 800x600 60Hz!!! I HAD TO SELECT 640x480 60 Hz. Nothingh Showed on HDTV"

Then I've changed "switchead = false" again and rebooted with HDTV only (connected via DVI/HDMI) the screen was at 800*600 (but I thought the refresh rate was more correctly 60 Hz), I can select 1280*720@60 Hz but not its preferred resolution 1920*1080 (and if understand well log stated wrongly "1920*1080 is not supported"!). 24p / Hz is not present (in "other" it starts at 48 Hz) but my HDTV supports this refresh rate, too... strangely enough I can select 48 and 72 Hz... on Windows I tried a lot to create "custom resolution" at this refresh rate: but only black screen! In windows the only allowed resolutions are 24-50-60 Hz nothing more!

I don't have a way to know if Haiku screen preference selects really these refresh rate (HDTV OSD no say nothing regarding used refresh rate)... ahh I could select 100 Hz too and the HDTV was happy (my HDTV is KDL-46W4500 is a formally 100/120 Hz screen but I though was only internally for motionflow usage!!!) I've not tried if I can select 120 Hz too...

If it is right really good! In this case is best of the Windows Nvidia Driver (I always had the impression was in some way software "blocked".)

See "5 - nvidia.10de_0240_000500.0.log.800x600 selected, 1280x720 selectable 1920x1080 not selected" for reference.

If you want some more tests not hesitate to say, fano.

by fano, 15 years ago

Attachment: Haiku Nvidia added

VGA out works now & DualHead tests

comment:65 by fano, 15 years ago

This is "dualhead setup V0.04" you're talking: ?

Mmmh the download link is broken :-(

by rudolfc, 15 years ago

Attachment: DualHeadSetup added

dualhead setup V0.04

comment:66 by rudolfc, 15 years ago


I've added this app to this ticket. Go ahead and test it :) I'll checkout your logfiles a bit later.



comment:67 by rudolfc, 15 years ago

Hi again fano,

The behaviour is OK as much as is possible now.

  • if you only connect your VGA screen then the driver doesn't know it's specs since the I2C buses don't work on your card. Therefore the app_server takes some failsafe, and you can set resolutions/refreshes not supported by the screen (but the card does support them).
  • if you connect both screens, the driver only lets you select resolutions supported by both screens. It assumes the VGA is a 4:3 so all WS modes are not selectable. All 4:3 modes your TV can display are selectable, according to the reported specs of your screen by the GPU programming done by the VGA card's BIOS it can do max. 1280x720: so only 640x480 and 800x600 are selectable.
  • if you only connect your HDTV then you can select WS modes 16:10 and 16:9 supported by the TV's reported resolution: so also 1280x720. This is the max the driver can do for your TV since the driver uses the pre-programmed GPU DVI link which is set at that resolution.
  • I checked your TV: it's indeed a 1920x1080 panel. If the BIOS would program your card for this resolution the driver would allow you the option if you only connect your TV. The only advice I can give you here is to check your DVI cable connector: is it a fully pinned version (so dual link)? IF it isn't please find a duallink cable for testing if possible: it might be that the card's BIOS sets the fullHD mode if it finds such a cable.

If that's not done, or not possible you can do max. 1280x720.

Please note that the refresh is not programmed for the TV. You can enable refresh programming via nvidia.settings, but even then it will program for fixed 60Hz.

Maybe I could remove that limitation and let it program the refresh the user selects, but probably only if DDC/EDID works since that gives the valid refreshrate options. Since the I2C buses don't work with my driver on your card I don't have this info at my disposal (the driver that is :).

At this time the only real bug left in the driver for your card is the lack of working I2C buses. That I can't fix without access to a non-functional card in this respect.. And I don't have such a card.

Anyhow, I'm glad we could get this far :-) !!

I'm awaiting your dualhead tests, and I think we could close this ticket afterwards since the original fault is now gone.

Awaiting your reply.



comment:68 by fano, 15 years ago

I don't understand a thing: my 6150 hasn't this I2C, is broken (?) or in some way undocumented in such a way that your can't find it?

For the all the monitor to be 4:3 issue ,if I understood well, there is an option on the setting file (wide something) but maybe I obtain the contrary effect all display considered as 16:9...

For the 720p selection I feared is BIOS fault indeed it selects 1280x720 but this not a problem for Windows that CAN override this and go to 1920x1080... I try to understand if my cable is dual link or not...

Now I try DualHeadSetup and I see what I get.


comment:69 by fano, 15 years ago

Only a clarification my HDTV is connected via a DVI/HDMI adapter (something as this and then a normal HDMI cable.

Apparently the adapter is dual link in the DVI if Wikipedia is right... I don't know if the HDMI cable "broke" something.

comment:70 by fano, 15 years ago

OK I've tried DualHeadSetup and it works... so far! If I click on Dual Head the VGA Monitor obtain a signal but the resolution is the same for the 2 scrrens: I can't select 800x600 for HDTV and 640x480 for the monitor for example!

Haiku seems to have some problem with DualHead setup the Desktop is in some way "extended" in the 2 screen (that maybe good) but when some MessageBox is showed they are in the middle of this "extended" desktop that is button OK is cut in half: a part in HDTV and a part on Monitor... not cool.

Finally the utility has some layout problem as you can see in the linked image: some label are truncated!

comment:71 by rudolfc, 15 years ago

From your report dualhead setup works as expected. You have to realize any dualhead support on BeOS/Haiku is a trick, since for it to be as you'd really expect you need appserver support. This doesn't exist yet though.

I have no doubt that in the future you'll see a very nice implementation of official multihead support across multiple cards even. But not today.

Dualhead setup won't be extended by me. It might be I'll add 'standard' haiku Screen prefs support, but then again maybe not: as this is just another workaround like 'mine' created by Thomas Kurchel for the ATI cards.

What you experience is the current status of how things is in Haiku. Except for one thing: the ddc/edid (I2C) channels should indeed work on your card, but your card's hardware differs from other nvidia products in this respect. I am apparantly not able to get it to work, especially without your system at my desk. And even if it were here, I couldn't guarantee it because nVidia isn't in the habit of sharing specs with others.. And that's why you also can't use above 1280x720 on your HDTV.

You have to live with that, unless some guy is willing to spend another 5 years of his freetime to overcome some of these problems. (You are lucky you have a driver at all so to speak!!)



comment:72 by rudolfc, 15 years ago

BTW: I guess your cable is right then. (It depends on different technical aspects of the card, the cable and the screen if for some resolutions a single link cable is sufficient or you need a duallink cable. I expect HDMI to not exist in single link though.)



comment:73 by fano, 15 years ago

You have to live with that, unless some guy is willing to spend another 5 years of his freetime to overcome some of these problems. (You are lucky you have a driver at all so to speak!!)

Yes at least for the monitor is OK! Really thanks for your efforts spent on freetime, too!

Dual Head in other way for the use that I do of it (Mediacenter APP FullScreen on HDTV that not exits for Haiku today and Desktop on monitor togheter) is premature, for now.

It was a curiosity nothing more.

I think the principal problem is solved: now I've an image on VGA maybe if possible add the possibility to "disable" dualhead so I don't have to disconnect the HDTV to use the monitor at full resolution. I'm lazy I know...

comment:74 by rudolfc, 15 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

OK Fano,

Thanks for the clarification. I'm closing this ticket for now then. If I can come up with a solution for the I2C DDC buses not working I'll report back here to see if you can test then. Unfortunately I still have no access to a 6100/6150 mainboard over here.



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