Opened 10 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

#12052 closed enhancement (invalid)

TV app hopelessly out-of-date

Reported by: haiqu Owned by: nobody
Priority: low Milestone: Unscheduled
Component: Applications/TV Version: R1/Development
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


The old analog TV application needs a modern replacement, since most of the world has shut this system down in favour of digital TV.

Suggest targeting the Realtek RTL2832U controller and Elonics E4000 tuner type USB sticks since these are cheap (~ $20) and can be used also for Software-Defined Radio.


Change History (8)

comment:1 by waddlesplash, 10 years ago

Component: ApplicationsApplications/TV
Keywords: TV removed
Priority: normallow

comment:2 by vidrep, 10 years ago

Does this application even work, or does it only show SMPTE color bars? In BeOS it was used with analog TV tuner/capture cards. I presume it's purpose now is for DVB cards? Maybe the functionality should be merged with the MediaPlayer once streaming digital broadcasts support is implemented.

comment:3 by waddlesplash, 10 years ago

Does this application even work, or does it only show SMPTE color bars?

No, if you have a DVB tuner card, it really does play TV. Colin Gunther did a lot of work on it last year, and IIRC it was mostly working for him.

comment:4 by vidrep, 10 years ago

So, basically this application continues to exist in the base install because there is driver support for one DVB card (Hauppauge WinTV-NOVA-T model 928) and a single Haiku user who happens to own one?

comment:5 by vidrep, 10 years ago

According to Pulkomandy, mp4 support was also broken in Haiku for Colin's DVB card:

ffmpeg: disable runtime frame rate changes support. hrev48469 This change was introduced by Colin for DVB-T support, however it also breaks the timing of several MP4 files.

This is part of the frustration I and others are feeling.

comment:6 by waddlesplash, 10 years ago

Except PulkoMandy's work on the Media Kit a few months ago reverted all the commits that broke stuff, so why are you frustrated about this...?

comment:7 by vidrep, 10 years ago

Ticket #11272. AVCHD video was playing perfectly until this change. It may have fixed support for one format, but broke support for another. Ultimately, the solution would be a current ffmpeg build instead of the antiquated one we now use.

comment:8 by pulkomandy, 10 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

There is a lack of drivers, but the app does work with at least one DVB-T tuner (currently owned by Puckipedia). So the app does not needs any updates.

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