Opened 10 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#12284 assigned bug

Kernel thinks I always have a key pressed

Reported by: pulkomandy Owned by: nobody
Priority: normal Milestone: Unscheduled
Component: System/Kernel Version: R1/Development
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


Noticed this while trying to use KDL on one of my machines. It will show the prompt, then a lot of > characters untill the prompt size overflows, then start over. Paging of the on-screen debug is also affected (it never asks me to press a key).

This is with a ps/2 keyboard (unplugging it while inside KDL made no difference) and the machine also has a serial port.

Userland and boot menu are working fine.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by axeld, 8 years ago

Owner: changed from axeld to nobody
Status: newassigned
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