Opened 9 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#12402 assigned bug

Amazon Payments donation option not working

Reported by: Max-Might Owned by: kallisti5
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Website Version:
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All



The Amazon Payments donation option has stopped working. When you try do use it, it says we are using an old version of their API. They have disabled it and probably have a new one set up.

Change History (8)

comment:1 by umccullough, 9 years ago

It's on our internal list of "things to fix".

Thanks for reporting!

comment:2 by kainjow, 8 years ago

Still broken. Now when I submit the form, it just takes me to

Probably should just remove it altogether until it can be fixed.

comment:3 by waddlesplash, 8 years ago

Component: WebsiteWebsite/
Status: newassigned

component to Website/

comment:4 by waddlesplash, 7 years ago

Component: Website/www.haiku-os.orgWebsite
Owner: changed from haiku-web to kallisti5

comment:5 by kallisti5, 7 years ago

ack. I was wondering about this. We have several donation options which I never really see income from... this is why :-)

I'm working on an updated Inc. site here:

I'll see if I can fix the Amazon donation links.

comment:6 by pulkomandy, 7 years ago

Web+ support for the new website would be nice. Right now it does not show any text. Just saying :o)

comment:7 by kallisti5, 7 years ago

Sounds like Web+ needs some bugfixes :P Odd, I wonder what is causing it... pretty simple layout.

comment:8 by jt15s, 4 years ago

Upon checking the website, it seems we don't offer Amazon Pay (formerly Amazon Payments) donations anymore - any plans to reintroduce this to the website?

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