Opened 7 years ago

Last modified 4 months ago

#14009 new bug

Live CD [nightly]: boot failure on Toshiba Satelite

Reported by: al_xv Owned by: nobody
Priority: normal Milestone: Unscheduled
Component: - General Version: R1/Development
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: x86


Current Behavior:

When booting from nightly x86 32 bit build 51808 Live CD, Boot startup screen displays and changing bootloader settings seems to get part way through the boot process but then machine hangs. I also tried waiting over 30 minutes but there was no change- never finishes booting.

Disabling(enabling) all settings in bootloader safemode does show first three icons on boot splash screen as passing but still hangs. From what I see in the syslog there seems to a problem revolving around a partition.

Additional test with x86 32bit build 51146 resulted in same hangup.

CD Media verified good (boots) on a different machine.

See attached listdev (created with R1A4) and bootlog screenshots.

[Expected] Behavior:

with R1A4 Live CD: Using only fail-safe video setting @ 1024x768 in bootloader, CD boots to desktop in under 3 minutes.

Machine Specs:

  • Toshiba Satellite Laptop
  • Intel Celeron M @ 1.6 Ghz
  • 896Mb Ram
  • ATI Radeon XPRESS 200M

Change History (6)

by al_xv, 7 years ago

Attachment: listdev-listusb.txt added

listdev for the hardware in question

by al_xv, 7 years ago

Attachment: 2006-10-24_11-46-11_93.jpg added

last two pages of boot log

by al_xv, 7 years ago

Attachment: 2006-10-24_11-46-31_337.jpg added

last two pages of boot log

comment:1 by al_xv, 7 years ago

Additional tests with older nightly builds and I get the same results:

  • HREV35928
  • HREV45141
  • HREV47010
  • HREV50544

All boot logs for above builds end the same as screenshots already attached.

in reply to:  1 comment:2 by al_xv, 7 years ago

Replying to Alex:

Additional tests with older nightly builds and I get the same results:

  • HREV35928
  • HREV45141
  • HREV47010
  • HREV50544

All boot logs for above builds end the same as screenshots already attached.

After testing with the 4 old nightly builds above (and not booting), I wondered if the CD media was the problem. I had burned the R1A4 image to a old Sony CDR (maybe 24x) and all of the Nightly builds were burned on Memorex CDR (52x). I burned hrev51808 to the same Sony CDR media and found it also would not boot the Toshiba. I pulled out a TDK CDR and also burned hrev51808 to that media. Again it would not boot the machine.

But after playing with the bootloader settings, I was able to get the Toshiba laptop booted with the Sony CDR with hrev51808. However, the setting that made it possible was just turning on the on-screen debugger. Once that was enabled, it took over 15 minutes to complete the boot process but finally I got to the desktop and was able to use Haiku though it was slower and less responsive.

I tried using the on-screen debugger from the CD bootloader on the TDK and Memorex media and both of those would hang a few seconds into the boot.

So... the CD media does make a difference, but it doesn't quite make sense because I can boot other machines with the nightly builds burned to the Memorex and TDK media. However, there is a subtle difference. If a boot my Compaq Evo with the Memorex media, it takes about 8 minutes to get through the boot screen with 6 of those minutes dedicated to the CD drive making lots of noise (spin up and down every 20 seconds). If I boot the same nightly build on the same machine using the TDK media, it boots in about 4 minutes and no significant annoying CD noises.

comment:3 by waddlesplash, 4 months ago

Keywords: Live CD Nightly removed

Please retest on a recent nightly.

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