Opened 7 years ago

Last modified 7 years ago

#14201 new bug

pkgman doesn't lowercase input

Reported by: KapiX Owned by: nobody
Priority: normal Milestone: Unscheduled
Component: Applications/Command Line Tools Version: R1/Development
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


haikuporter creates packages with all provides/requires lowercased.

Now if I go to the recipe, find lib:libKF5ConfigCore in REQUIRES and try to install it I'll get a message saying there's no package containing that lib. I need to remember to lowercase stuff manually. It's confusing.

Why does haikuporter lowercase stuff when we have case sensitive filesystem? Where should this be fixed? haikuporter, pkgman, solver?

Change History (5)

comment:1 by waddlesplash, 7 years ago

It would be nice to know why HaikuPorter lowercases things in the first place. I know it's done this since the beginning of HaikuPorterForPM, anyway, but why?

comment:2 by korli, 7 years ago

This started when some people decided to use case in recipes, instead of just lib:libkf5configcore. So to simplify things, haikuporter now does the lowercase itself.

comment:3 by waddlesplash, 7 years ago

Yes, but why simplify things? Since we can theoretically have both a and a, why restrict package provides to only allow lib:libuppercase?

comment:4 by jessicah, 7 years ago

There is logically absolutely no reason to be case-sensitive. So automatically lowercasing makes sense. We should update the package kit to do the same.

Installing two packages with provides that differ in case only seems ridiculous.

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