Opened 6 years ago

Last modified 5 years ago

#14846 new bug

Deskbar display of weekday clipped

Reported by: smallstepforman Owned by: jscipione
Priority: normal Milestone: Unscheduled
Component: Applications/Deskbar Version: R1/Development
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


When using larger font sizes (Hi-DPI monitor), the Deskbar display of the day of week can be clipped, especially when time >= 10.00 and <= 12:59 am/pm.

Eg, right now I'm looking at "ue. 12:59pm" with system font settings set to 20. The 'T' in Tue is clipped.

Change History (13)

comment:1 by waddlesplash, 6 years ago

What hrev are you running?

comment:2 by jscipione, 5 years ago

AFAIK the clipping in intentional, you have to make to make Deskbar wider to fit the longer string in vertical mode or switch to horizontal mode which resizes the status tray to fit the wider time string.

comment:3 by pulkomandy, 5 years ago

How can this be intentional? The Deskbar should make sure there is enough space for the date, either by setting its own minimal size properly, or splitting the date-time to multiple lines if it doesn't fit on one.

comment:4 by X512, 5 years ago

Any changes after hrev53955?

comment:5 by jscipione, 5 years ago

Just made the window wider. Vertical Expando mode has a fixed width.

comment:6 by smallstepforman, 5 years ago

The vertical expander mode (default on fresh install) still has the Day of week clipped (eg. the W in Week is still missing the left most \). Font size is 20. The new horizontal short mode works well (it is my new favourite).

comment:7 by jscipione, 5 years ago

I've tried to explain that the time getting clipped in vertical expando mode is not a bug because the width of Deskbar is set by the user in this mode and the clock displays only within the width you set. You can drag the window to make it wider with the little dragger widget in the status tray on the non-screen edge (left side for default top right mode). Unless what you mean is that you did make the window wider and the clock is still truncated with the W in week cut off then this bug is invalid. If you make your font size bigger, you can't expect the minimum/default width to work, you're just going to have to make Deskbar wider.

I'm glad that you like the new mini-mode!

comment:8 by pulkomandy, 5 years ago

Shouldn't the DeskBar either adjust its minimal size so the clock can always fit, or remove the weekday automatically when resized too small?

comment:9 by jscipione, 5 years ago

No, the width is entirely up to the user in this mode. The width is never altered by any Deskbar setting. If the week day doesn't fit and that bothers you, you can turn it off or adjust your font settings or make Deskbar wider. That is also up to the user and is not modified by Deskbar. There's a balancing act between the area used by Deskbar and the area granted to zoomed applications outside. We provide always-on-top, auto-raise, and auto-hide settings that allow for app windows to take up the whole screen area while still allowing you to access Deskbar or you can use horizontal mode or (new) mini-mode which give you even more options to strike a different balance between the area taken up by Deskbar and the area taken up by zoomed applications.

comment:10 by pulkomandy, 5 years ago

Then I think the weekday should hide itself if it doesn't fit. You can see how this is done for example in Tracker for the date column, where we automatically pick a suitable format depending on the column width?

comment:11 by jscipione, 5 years ago

The time format options are controlled by settings in Time Prefs for Deskbar unlike in Tracker where the "Modified" column date is calculated based on the available width. We need to respect the user's settings here and show the time as they specify, not alter it based on the available width. Wouldn't you rather see a partial week day than none at all given that you altered the settings to turn the week day on? It would be confusing to not show the week day when you turn the setting on because your Deskbar isn't wide enough to accomodate it and would make the feature seem broken. This is not a problem at the default font size it's only if you increase the default font size and turn on the week day that this issue even comes into play. I already did the hard work to make it so that you could increase the width of Deskbar in vertical expando mode to fit the larger time or to fit an extra replicant icon on the first row. Do we turn seconds off if there's not room? Do we turn time zone off if there's no room? How do we decide which options take precedence?

comment:12 by jscipione, 5 years ago

Also, the week day might fit at 9:59 but not fit at 10:00, we can't fix this unless we check that there's still room at least four times per day and then your week day would get turned off at 10:00AM every morning and turned back on at 1:00PM then get turned off again at 10:00PM and finally turned back on again at 1:00AM. Don't get me started on how daylight savings time could also come into play here in rare instances.

comment:13 by pulkomandy, 5 years ago

Drawing something that's too large to fit is incorrect. Either we do some "smart" truncation by removing the less important information, or we use TruncateString for a more primitive approach. But showing "ue. 12:59pm" or cutoff letters is not acceptable.

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