Opened 5 years ago

#15378 new bug

Exception in WindowList:RemoveWindow()

Reported by: humdinger Owned by: axeld
Priority: normal Milestone: Unscheduled
Component: Servers/app_server Version: R1/Development
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


This is hrev53496, 32bit

Had the app_server crash in a to me new way, full report attached. From the trace, I assume I was switching workspaces, but cannot really remember... Tracker was jamming in the background.

state: Exception (Segment violation)

Frame		IP			Function Name
0x72b58d90	0xa79a2f	WindowList::RemoveWindow(Window*) + 0x4f 
		0x00a799e0:               55  push %ebp
		0x00a799e1:             89e5  mov %esp, %ebp
		0x00a799e3:           83ec0c  sub $0xc, %esp
		0x00a799e6:               57  push %edi
		0x00a799e7:               56  push %esi
		0x00a799e8:               53  push %ebx
		0x00a799e9:       e800000000  call 0xa799ee
		0x00a799ee:               5b  pop %ebx
		0x00a799ef:     81c322140e00  add $0xe1422, %ebx
		0x00a799f5:           8b7d08  mov 0x8(%ebp), %edi
		0x00a799f8:           83c4f8  add $0xfffffff8, %esp
		0x00a799fb:             8b07  mov (%edi), %eax
		0x00a799fd:               50  push %eax
		0x00a799fe:           8b450c  mov 0xc(%ebp), %eax
		0x00a79a01:               50  push %eax
		0x00a79a02:       e8a1beffff  call 0xa758a8
		0x00a79a07:           8b550c  mov 0xc(%ebp), %edx
		0x00a79a0a:             89c6  mov %eax, %esi
		0x00a79a0c:           83c410  add $0x10, %esp
		0x00a79a0f:           395704  cmp %edx, 0x4(%edi)
		0x00a79a12:             7508  jnz 0xa79a1c
		0x00a79a14:             8b06  mov (%esi), %eax
		0x00a79a16:           894704  mov %eax, 0x4(%edi)
		0x00a79a19:             eb19  jmp 0xa79a34
		0x00a79a1b:               90  nop 
		0x00a79a1c:             8b07  mov (%edi), %eax
		0x00a79a1e:           83c4f8  add $0xfffffff8, %esp
		0x00a79a21:               50  push %eax
		0x00a79a22:           8b4604  mov 0x4(%esi), %eax
		0x00a79a25:               50  push %eax
		0x00a79a26:       e87dbeffff  call 0xa758a8
		0x00a79a2b:             89c2  mov %eax, %edx
		0x00a79a2d:             8b06  mov (%esi), %eax
		0x00a79a2f:             8902  mov %eax, (%edx) <--

	Frame memory:
		[0x72b58d60]  ...........r....   00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 a8 8d b5 72 ee 99 a7 00
		[0x72b58d70]  ...............r   10 ae b5 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 d8 8d b5 72
		[0x72b58d80]   ...`......r)...   20 09 a3 00 60 00 04 01 d8 8d b5 72 29 09 a3 00
0x72b58de0	0xa30924	Desktop::_ChangeWindowWorkspaces(Window*, uint32, uint32) + 0x74 
0x72b58e10	0xa2c842	Desktop::RemoveWindow(Window*) + 0x8a 
0x72b58e40	0xa5fa2a	_._12ServerWindow + 0x4e 
0x72b58e70	0xa3fda0	MessageLooper::Quit() + 0x78 
0x72b58ef0	0xa6d9c3	ServerWindow::_MessageLooper() + 0x37b 
0x72b58f20	0xa4008e	MessageLooper::_message_thread(void*) + 0x26 
0x72b58f48	0x18b238b	thread_entry + 0x27 
00000000	0x606dd258	commpage_thread_exit + 0 

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