Opened 5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

#15377 closed bug (not reproducible)

Web+ Crash Report

Reported by: DFergFLA Owned by: pulkomandy
Priority: normal Milestone: Unscheduled
Component: Applications/WebPositive Version: R1/Development
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


Web+ crashed while on

Actually Web+ crashes a lot. I will just start putting my crash logs on this ticket,

Attachments (2) (213.7 KB ) - added by DFergFLA 5 years ago. (40.9 KB ) - added by DFergFLA 5 years ago.

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Change History (8)

by DFergFLA, 5 years ago

comment:1 by DFergFLA, 5 years ago

Well, that didn't take long.. adding report for crash on

by DFergFLA, 5 years ago

comment:2 by pulkomandy, 5 years ago

Please open a separate ticket for each crash. They could all have the same cause, or be different things. If they are different things, we will fix some, and then no one will know which reports are still valid and which are already solved.

What we need is cases where you can predictably crash the browser by going to a specific website. This makes it possible to reproduce the problem and check the changes.

If you have crashes that don't seem related to a specific website, itwill need looking at the debug reports to identify a pattern (usually a similar stacktrace, meaning the crash happens in the same place in the code)

Ageneric "WebPositive crashes" ticket is not something we can fix. That would be nice and easy, but software doesn't work that way!

comment:3 by DFergFLA, 5 years ago

I will do what I can. Just to document. What I am seeing is not really predictable. I can sometimes go to and it will be ok. Then the next time it will crash on me. It may crash immediately or not. Same with other sites. I have had it crash on me on, on the Haiku Forums, on the Haiku Main page. I do realize that this is hard to fix. But, it also is not a very good user experience. I will try to to get more info for you in hopes of being able to find something fixable.

comment:4 by DFergFLA, 5 years ago

You can go ahead an close this one if you like and I will just start opening new ones with all the info I can get as it happens.

comment:5 by DFergFLA, 5 years ago

I also, have not had a crash in some time now.

comment:6 by waddlesplash, 5 years ago

Resolution: not reproducible
Status: newclosed
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