Opened 5 years ago

#16100 new bug

BColumnListView: AddRow and RemoveRow have O(n) time complexity

Reported by: X512 Owned by: nobody
Priority: normal Milestone: Unscheduled
Component: Kits/Interface Kit Version: R1/Development
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


This is hrev54241.

BColumnListView changing have O(n) complexity that lead to O(n2) complexity for whole table updating. Problem is in OutlineView::FindRect that is called on each insert and delete and it traverse whole list. It should be possible to have fixed height rows and O(1) FindRect complexity.

profile -f output:

        hits       in us    in %   image  function
         795      795000  100.00  219291  runtime_loader
         795      795000  100.00  219290  commpage_thread_exit
         793      793000   99.75  219292  _start
         793      793000   99.75  219292  main
         792      792000   99.62  219294  BApplication::DispatchMessage(BMessage*, BHandler*)
         792      792000   99.62  219294  BApplication::Run()
         792      792000   99.62  219294  BLooper::Loop()
         792      792000   99.62  219294  BLooper::task_looper()
         792      792000   99.62  219292  ServicesApplication::ReadyToRun()
         792      792000   99.62  219292  ListHandles(BColumnListView*, BRow*)
         565      565000   71.07  219292  BPrivate::OutlineView::FindRect(BRow const*, BRect*)
         513      513000   64.53  219292  BColumnListView::InvalidateRow(BRow*)
         513      513000   64.53  219292  BRow::SetField(BField*, int)
         322      322000   40.50  219294  BList::ItemAt(int) const
         268      268000   33.71  219292  BPrivate::OutlineView::AddRow(BRow*, int, BRow*)
         191      191000   24.03  219292  BPrivate::RecursiveOutlineIterator::GoToNext()
          67       67000    8.43  219292  BPrivate::RecursiveOutlineIterator::CurrentRow() const
          65       65000    8.18  219292  BRow::Height() const
          46       46000    5.79  219294  BList::CountItems() const
           4        4000    0.50  219294  BString::SetToFormat(char const*, ...)
           4        4000    0.50  219294  BString::SetToFormatVarArgs(char const*, __va_list_tag*)
           4        4000    0.50  219296  malloc
           4        4000    0.50  219296  BPrivate::threadHeap::malloc(unsigned long)
           3        3000    0.38  219293  operator new(unsigned long)
           3        3000    0.38  219296  _IO_vfprintf
           2        2000    0.25  219296  _IO_vsnprintf
           2        2000    0.25  219294  __initialize_locale_kit()
           2        2000    0.25  219291  load_program
           2        2000    0.25  219294  BLocaleRoster::BLocaleRoster()
           2        2000    0.25  219296  BPrivate::hoardHeap::findAvailableSuperblock(int, BPrivate::block*&, BPrivate::processHeap*)
           2        2000    0.25  219296  pthread_once
           2        2000    0.25  219291  init_dependencies(image_t*, bool) [clone .constprop.8]
           2        2000    0.25  219294  BPrivate::InitializeLocaleRoster()
           2        2000    0.25  219294  BPrivate::MutableLocaleRoster::MutableLocaleRoster()
           2        2000    0.25  219294  initialize_after
           2        2000    0.25  219294  BPrivate::MutableLocaleRoster::Default()
           1        1000    0.13  219296  __mutex_lock
           1        1000    0.13  219298  icu_57::ZoneMeta::getCanonicalCLDRID(icu_57::UnicodeString const&, UErrorCode&) [clone .part.8]
           1        1000    0.13  219294  BList::BList(int)
           1        1000    0.13  219294  BList::_ResizeArray(int)
           1        1000    0.13  219294  BTimeZone::SetTo(char const*, BLanguage const*)
           1        1000    0.13  219296  _kern_write_port_etc
           1        1000    0.13  219296  tls_address
           1        1000    0.13  219296  _IO_default_xsputn
           1        1000    0.13  219298  icu_57::OlsonTimeZone::OlsonTimeZone(UResourceBundle const*, UResourceBundle const*, icu_57::UnicodeString const&, UErrorCode&)
           1        1000    0.13  219298  icu_57::TimeZone::createTimeZone(icu_57::UnicodeString const&)
           1        1000    0.13  219296  BPrivate::superblock::superblock(int, int, BPrivate::hoardHeap*)
           1        1000    0.13  219296  BPrivate::superblock::makeSuperblock(int, BPrivate::processHeap*)
           1        1000    0.13  219303  ustr_hashUCharsN_57
           1        1000    0.13  219298  icu_57::(anonymous namespace)::createSystemTimeZone(icu_57::UnicodeString const&, UErrorCode&)
           1        1000    0.13  219294  BMessenger::BMessenger(char const*, int, int*)
           1        1000    0.13  219292  BPrivate::OutlineView::FixScrollBar(bool)
           1        1000    0.13  219292  BRow::BRow()
           1        1000    0.13  219293  operator new(unsigned long, std::nothrow_t const&)
           1        1000    0.13  219294  BApplication::BApplication(char const*)
           1        1000    0.13  219294  BApplication::_InitData(char const*, bool, int*)
           1        1000    0.13  219294  BApplication::_InitGUIContext()
           1        1000    0.13  219294  BApplication::_ConnectToServer()
           1        1000    0.13  219294  BPrivate::create_desktop_connection(BPrivate::ServerLink*, char const*, int)
           1        1000    0.13  219294  BLaunchRoster::GetData(char const*, BMessage&)
           1        1000    0.13  219294  BLaunchRoster::_SendRequest(BMessage&, BMessage&)
           1        1000    0.13  219294  BMessage::_SendMessage(int, int, int, BMessage*, long, long) const
           1        1000    0.13  219294  BTimeZone::BTimeZone(char const*, BLanguage const*)
           1        1000    0.13  219294  BMessenger::SendMessage(BMessage*, BMessage*, long, long) const
           1        1000    0.13  219294  BMessenger::_InitData(char const*, int, int*)
           1        1000    0.13  219294  BMessage::Private::SendMessage(int, int, int, BMessage*, long, long) const
           1        1000    0.13  219294  BScrollBar::SetRange(float, float)
           1        1000    0.13  219294  BScrollBar::_DoubleArrows() const
           1        1000    0.13  219294  BScrollBar::_UpdateThumbFrame()
           1        1000    0.13  219294  BView::Bounds() const
           1        1000    0.13  219294  BPrivate::LocaleRosterData::LocaleRosterData(BLanguage const&, BFormattingConventions const&)
           1        1000    0.13  219294  BPrivate::LocaleRosterData::Refresh()
           1        1000    0.13  219294  BPrivate::LocaleRosterData::_Initialize()
           1        1000    0.13  219294  BPrivate::LocaleRosterData::_LoadTimeSettings()

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