Opened 5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

Last modified 5 years ago

#16190 closed bug (duplicate)

[input_server] crash in atomic_set

Reported by: Sarek01 Owned by: nobody
Priority: normal Milestone: Unscheduled
Component: Servers/input_server Version: R1/Development
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: #12412 Blocking:
Platform: All

Description (last modified by waddlesplash)

Running haiku hrev54154+97, which was updated with software updater approximately 24 hours ago. Update proceeded with no issues and haiku worked normally until normal shutdown. Upon startup this evening, startup proceeded through the boot screen up until the Tracker background appeared, then it dropped straight into KernelDebuggerLand. I was unfortunately not able to get a shot of the screen, i do however have the syslog. According to said syslog, it appears that the VM had a segment violation. Log snippet attached.

KERN: vm_soft_fault: va 0x52000000 not covered by area in address space
KERN: vm_page_fault: vm_soft_fault returned error 'Bad address' on fault at 0x52000700, ip 0x14a6941, write 1, user 1, thread 0x113
KERN: debug_server: Thread 275 entered the debugger: Segment violation
KERN: ps2: keyboard found
KERN: stack trace, current PC 0x14a6941  atomic_set + 0xd:
KERN:   (0x79cbad88)  0x1d826a7  _DispatchEvents__11InputServerRt11BObjectList1Z8BMessage + 0x4f
KERN:   (0x79cbadb8)  0x1d81b05  _EventLoop__11InputServer + 0x1e1
KERN:   (0x79cbae28)  0x1d8191b  _EventLooper__11InputServerPv + 0x1f
KERN:   (0x79cbae58)  0x14a1ccd  thread_entry + 0x29
USER: Notify of added/removed device (Bad port ID)
Last message repeated 3 times

Attachments (1)

syslog (383.6 KB ) - added by Sarek01 5 years ago.
full syslog of startup KernelDebugger with segment violation

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (4)

by Sarek01, 5 years ago

Attachment: syslog added

full syslog of startup KernelDebugger with segment violation

comment:1 by waddlesplash, 5 years ago

Component: System/KernelServers/input_server
Description: modified (diff)
Keywords: VM segment violation error removed
Summary: syslog_snippet_startup_kernel_VM_issue_hrev54154+97[input_server] crash in atomic_set

This is not a KDL, it is actually an input_server crash, which also has a white screen as it goes to a Debugger prompt.

If it still occurs, please type "save-report", and this should write a report to your Desktop that you can then upload here with more information.

comment:2 by waddlesplash, 5 years ago

Blocked By: 12713 added
Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed

Actually this is a duplicate of #12412.

comment:3 by waddlesplash, 5 years ago

Blocked By: 12412 added; 12713 removed
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