Opened 17 years ago

Closed 6 years ago

Last modified 5 years ago

#1657 closed enhancement (fixed)

National Semiconductor DP83815 not recognized

Reported by: archmalac Owned by: nobody
Priority: normal Milestone: R1/beta2
Component: Drivers/Network/dp83815 Version: R1/pre-alpha1
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: x86


I have Haiku both on VMWare and natively installed on lap-top, and this problem appears. Half of the button is missing in Network application, and when i click to select device, it appeares that system hasn't recognized my NIC, even though it supposed to.

My NIC is National Semiconductor DP83815.

Attachments (1)

03122007.jpg (80.6 KB ) - added by archmalac 17 years ago.

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Change History (12)

by archmalac, 17 years ago

Attachment: 03122007.jpg added

comment:1 by umccullough, 17 years ago

Actually, the dp83815 driver that is in the repository is NOT part of the image.

I would actually caution the use of this driver at this point as it was sort of a messy combination of the old dp83815 driver that used to be on bebits, and the rtl8139 driver that used to be in the Haiku repo (which has now been replaced with the one from FBSD7).

It did work for me using my Netgear FA-311 card when I last played with it (over a year ago)

It would probably be best for a developer to port the one from FBSD at this point - but I think it's combined with the SiS driver in a file called if_sis.c - but I could be mistaken. This means it will possibly overlap with the SiS900 driver already in the repo - but that can be weeded out. Maybe I'll even take a look at this myself now that we have a fairly decent FBSD7 driver compatibility layer in place.

comment:2 by archmalac, 17 years ago

So, i am now to try it and hope for the best?

comment:3 by scottmc, 16 years ago

@archmalac, have you tried a recent build, does this still happen on that same hardware?

comment:4 by scottmc, 14 years ago

Summary: Network GUI glitchNational Semiconductor DP83815 not recognized

comment:5 by umccullough, 14 years ago

I still have this NetGear card somewhere.

I'll need to check again to see what the situation is, but I somewhat doubt that it is supported by Haiku's drivers yet. The driver in FreeBSD that supports this card is the sis900 driver, but IIRC, Haiku doesn't use this in favor of the native sis900 driver written by Axel.

I'm not sure how much work it would be to add dp83815 support to that one - but that might make the most sense.

comment:6 by axeld, 14 years ago

I have no problem seeing my SiS900 driver replaced by the FreeBSD one; I put enough effort into this one already, and I don't really have the time to maintain it anymore.

Using a native driver is slightly faster than a FreeBSD driver could be in our compatibility layer, but it's not that bad either.

comment:7 by diver, 13 years ago

Component: Network & InternetDrivers/Network

comment:8 by diver, 13 years ago

Component: Drivers/NetworkDrivers/Network/dp83815

comment:9 by axeld, 8 years ago

Owner: changed from axeld to nobody
Status: newassigned
Type: bugenhancement

The driver in the repository does no longer compile. I'll change this ticket to an enhancement one.

comment:10 by waddlesplash, 6 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Fixed in hrev52675 by replacing our sis900 driver with FreeBSD's.

comment:11 by nielx, 5 years ago

Milestone: R1R1/beta2

Assign tickets with status=closed and resolution=fixed within the R1/beta2 development window to the R1/beta2 Milestone

Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.