Opened 4 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

#16732 closed bug (duplicate)

ShowImage crashes Tracker

Reported by: miqlas Owned by: nobody
Priority: normal Milestone: Unscheduled
Component: Applications/Tracker Version: R1/Development
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: #5529 Blocking:
Platform: All


This is on hrev54850 64 bit.

If we open an image from Tracker, the selection follows the currently shown image. ShowImage shows the files circularry in a folder, it means if we browse till the end, it starts over from the beginning. Now at the last file Tracker crashes:

KERN: vm_page_fault: vm_soft_fault returned error 'Bad address' on fault at 0x8, ip 0x21687c7d844, write 0, user 1, thread 0x27bc
KERN: debug_server: Thread 10172 entered the debugger: Segment violation
KERN: stack trace, current PC 0x21687c7d844  _ZN8BPrivate9BPoseView11GetPropertyEP8BMessageiPKcS2_ + 0x114:
KERN:   (0x7fb9c5952c80)  0x21687c7e633  _ZN8BPrivate9BPoseView22HandleScriptingMessageEP8BMessage + 0x203
KERN:   (0x7fb9c5952db0)  0x21687c7875c  _ZN8BPrivate9BPoseView15MessageReceivedEP8BMessage + 0x4c
KERN:   (0x7fb9c5952ec0)  0xa0b86432e3  _ZN7BWindow15DispatchMessageEP8BMessageP8BHandler + 0xb43
KERN:   (0x7fb9c59530f0)  0xa0b863e931  _ZN7BWindow11task_looperEv + 0x1c1
KERN:   (0x7fb9c5953180)  0xa0b8580901  _ZN7BLooper7_task0_EPv + 0x21
KERN:   (0x7fb9c59531a0)  0x831dce02e9  thread_entry + 0x19
KERN: debug_server: Killing team 612 (/boot/system/Tracker)
KERN: debug_server: TeamDebugHandler::Init(): Failed to get info for team 612: Operation on invalid team
KERN: debug_server: KillTeam(): Error getting info for team 612: Operation on invalid team
KERN: debug_server: Killing team 612 ()
KERN: acquire_advisory_lock(vnode = 0xffffffffcf028d80, flock = 0xffffffff818bae90, wait = no)
KERN: Last message repeated 2 times.
KERN: /dev/net/idualwifi7260/0: media change, media 0x8300b0 quality 1000 speed 48000000
KERN: /dev/net/idualwifi7260/0: media change, media 0x8300b1 quality 1000 speed 54000000
KERN: acquire_advisory_lock(vnode = 0xffffffffcf028d80, flock = 0xffffffff818bae90, wait = no)
KERN: Last message repeated 2 times.
KERN: vm_page_fault: vm_soft_fault returned error 'Bad address' on fault at 0x8, ip 0xd50001e844, write 0, user 1, thread 0x2836
KERN: debug_server: Thread 10294 entered the debugger: Segment violation
KERN: stack trace, current PC 0xd50001e844  _ZN8BPrivate9BPoseView11GetPropertyEP8BMessageiPKcS2_ + 0x114:
KERN:   (0x7f55f137dc50)  0xd50001f633  _ZN8BPrivate9BPoseView22HandleScriptingMessageEP8BMessage + 0x203
KERN:   (0x7f55f137dd80)  0xd50001975c  _ZN8BPrivate9BPoseView15MessageReceivedEP8BMessage + 0x4c
KERN:   (0x7f55f137de90)  0x60dc44c2e3  _ZN7BWindow15DispatchMessageEP8BMessageP8BHandler + 0xb43
KERN:   (0x7f55f137e0c0)  0x60dc447931  _ZN7BWindow11task_looperEv + 0x1c1
KERN:   (0x7f55f137e150)  0x60dc389901  _ZN7BLooper7_task0_EPv + 0x21
KERN:   (0x7f55f137e170)  0x1a158ce2e9  thread_entry + 0x19
KERN: debug_server: Killing team 10268 (/boot/system/Tracker)
KERN: debug_server: TeamDebugHandler::Init(): Failed to get info for team 10268: Operation on invalid team
KERN: debug_server: KillTeam(): Error getting info for team 10268: Operation on invalid team
KERN: debug_server: Killing team 10268 ()

Change History (3)

comment:1 by humdinger, 4 years ago

I cannot reproduce here with hrev54840, 64bit.

Are you by chance, using type-ahead-filtering to limit the file listing to a search term, and then go through that filtered list with ShowImage? Your stack trace looks suspiciously like #5529, an oldie but goldie...

comment:2 by miqlas, 4 years ago

Indeed i filtered the list. Then it is a dupe, thanks!

comment:3 by humdinger, 4 years ago

Blocked By: 5529 added
Platform: x86-64All
Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed

Don't forget to upvote #5529. :)

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