Opened 21 months ago

Closed 13 months ago

Last modified 13 months ago

#18447 closed bug (fixed)

TTY: processes stuck polling in tty_select

Reported by: jessicah Owned by: nobody
Priority: normal Milestone: R1/beta5
Component: Drivers/TTY Version: R1/beta4
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


When trying to paste a number of lines of text from clipboard into nano in an ssh session, it's possible for nano & sshd to end up in a live lock situation, not making any progress, apparently in tty_select.

USER: User command requested kernel debugger.
Welcome to Kernel Debugging Land...
Thread 237223 "kernel_debugger" running on CPU 0
kdebug> teams
team                   id  parent              name
0xffffffff830ae600      1  0x0000000000000000  kernel_team
0xffffffff830ac800    235  0xffffffff830ae600  launch_daemon
0xffffffff830af000    239  0xffffffff830ac800  debug_server
0xffffffff830ad200    243  0xffffffff830ac800  mount_server
0xffffffff830ab400    245  0xffffffff830ac800  package_daemon
0xffffffff830adc00    244  0xffffffff830ac800  net_server
0xffffffff830abe00    246  0xffffffff830ac800  power_daemon
0xffffffff830a8c00    247  0xffffffff830ac800  registrar
0xffffffff830a3c00    248  0xffffffff830ac800  syslog_daemon
0xffffffff830a3200    252  0xffffffff830ac800  launch_daemon
0xffffffff9c8edc08    288  0xffffffff830ac800  media_server
0xffffffff9c8ed208    312  0xffffffff830a3200  app_server
0xffffffff9c8ef008    322  0xffffffff830a3200  mail_daemon
0xffffffff9c8eaa08    323  0xffffffff830a3200  Tracker
0xffffffff9c8e9608    329  0xffffffff830a3200  Deskbar
0xffffffff9c8eb408    338  0xffffffff830adc00  sshd
0xffffffff9c8ea008    341  0xffffffff9c8ed208  input_server
0xffffffff9c8ec808    364  0xffffffff9c8edc08  media_addon_server
0xffffffff9c8e0008  86341  0xffffffff9c8eb408  sshd
0xffffffff9c8e3208  86343  0xffffffff9c8e0008  bash
0xffffffff830a1400 236971  0xffffffff9c8e3208  nano
0xffffffff830a1e00 237112  0xffffffff9c8eaa08  Pe
0xffffffff830a0000 237155  0xffffffff9c8eaa08  Terminal
0xffffffff830a0a00 237160  0xffffffff830a0000  bash
0xffffffff9c8e6e08 237223  0xffffffff830a0a00  kernel_debugger
kdebug> threads 86341
thread                 id  state     wait for  object              cpu pri  stack              team  name
0xffffffff9d2db480  86341  running   -                               3  10  0xffffffff82fde00086341  sshd
kdebug> threads 236971
thread                 id  state     wait for  object              cpu pri  stack              team  name
0xffffffffcbc18cc0 236971  ready     -                               -  10  0xffffffff94fb1000236971  nano
kdebug> sc
stack trace for thread 237223 "kernel_debugger"
    kernel stack: 0xffffffff8202e000 to 0xffffffff82033000
      user stack: 0x00007faa3ea03000 to 0x00007faa3fa03000
frame                       caller             <image>:function + offset
 0 ffffffff82032938 (+  32) ffffffff800b3369   <kernel_x86_64> invoke_command_trampoline(void*) + 0x19
 1 ffffffff82032958 (+  24) ffffffff8014707c   <kernel_x86_64> arch_debug_call_with_fault_handler + 0x16
 2 ffffffff82032970 (+  80) ffffffff800b0618   <kernel_x86_64> debug_call_with_fault_handler + 0x78
 3 ffffffff820329c0 (+  96) ffffffff800b35cf   <kernel_x86_64> invoke_debugger_command + 0xdf
 4 ffffffff82032a20 (+  80) ffffffff800b3767   <kernel_x86_64> invoke_pipe_segment(debugger_command_pipe*, int, char*) + 0x117
 5 ffffffff82032a70 (+  80) ffffffff800b389c   <kernel_x86_64> invoke_debugger_command_pipe + 0xac
 6 ffffffff82032ac0 (+  80) ffffffff800b5b16   <kernel_x86_64> ExpressionParser::_ParseCommandPipe(int&) + 0x1e6
 7 ffffffff82032b10 (+  80) ffffffff800b70dd   <kernel_x86_64> ExpressionParser::EvaluateCommand(char const*, int&) + 0x43d
 8 ffffffff82032b60 (+ 240) ffffffff800b774f   <kernel_x86_64> evaluate_debug_command + 0x12f
 9 ffffffff82032c50 (+  96) ffffffff800b1d28   <kernel_x86_64> kernel_debugger_loop(char const*, char const*, __va_list_tag*, int) + 0x198
10 ffffffff82032cb0 (+  80) ffffffff800b201e   <kernel_x86_64> kernel_debugger_internal(char const*, char const*, __va_list_tag*, int) + 0x6e
11 ffffffff82032d00 (+ 544) ffffffff800b26e8   <kernel_x86_64> _user_kernel_debugger + 0x98
12 ffffffff82032f20 (+  16) ffffffff80148b6f   <kernel_x86_64> x86_64_syscall_entry + 0xfb
user iframe at 0xffffffff82032f30 (end = 0xffffffff82032ff8)
 rax 0xe3                  rbx 0x20867f7aba0         rcx 0x14664f0cdb9
 rdx 0x7faa3fa03658        rsi 0x7faa3fa03648        rdi 0x1ca6a1869e0
 rbp 0x7faa3fa01fc0         r8 0x20867f7a788          r9 0x1
 r10 0x3                   r11 0x246                 r12 0x1ca6a1869e0
 r13 0x1                   r14 0x7faa3fa03658        r15 0x0
 rip 0x14664f0cdb9         rsp 0x7faa3fa01fa8     rflags 0x246
 vector: 0x63, error code: 0x0
13 ffffffff82032f30 (+140371302346896) 0000014664f0cdb9   <> _kern_kernel_debugger + 0x09
14 00007faa3fa01fc0 (+  48) 000001ca6a18696f   <_APP_> _start + 0x3f
15 00007faa3fa01ff0 (+  48) 0000020867d6cae5   </boot/system/runtime_loader@0x0000020867d5d000> <unknown> + 0xfae5
16 00007faa3fa02020 (+   0) 00007ffddc91f258   <commpage> commpage_thread_exit + 0x00
kdebug> sc 86341
stack trace for thread 86341 "sshd"
    kernel stack: 0xffffffff82fde000 to 0xffffffff82fe3000
      user stack: 0x00007ffb2fcfe000 to 0x00007ffb30cfe000
frame                       caller             <image>:function + offset
 0 ffffffff82fe27d0 (+  64) ffffffff800798ed   <kernel_x86_64> process_pending_ici(int) + 0x13d
 1 ffffffff82fe2810 (+  32) ffffffff8007a407   <kernel_x86_64> smp_intercpu_int_handler + 0x17
 2 ffffffff82fe2830 (+  96) ffffffff80062865   <kernel_x86_64> int_io_interrupt_handler + 0xb5
 3 ffffffff82fe2890 (+  32) ffffffff80152e4b   <kernel_x86_64> x86_hardware_interrupt + 0x10b
 4 ffffffff82fe28b0 (+ 856) ffffffff8014886c   <kernel_x86_64> int_bottom + 0x80
kernel iframe at 0xffffffff82fe2c08 (end = 0xffffffff82fe2cd0)
 rax 0x1                   rbx 0x200                 rcx 0xffffffff801cfac8
 rdx 0xffffffff8009b796    rsi 0x40fd                rdi 0xffffffff82595c10
 rbp 0xffffffff82fe2cf0     r8 0x0                    r9 0x0
 r10 0x3                   r11 0x82                  r12 0xffffffff82595c00
 r13 0xffffffff82595c10    r14 0xffffffffb2131b60    r15 0xffffffffa20a8388
 rip 0xffffffff80098307    rsp 0xffffffff82fe2cd8 rflags 0x10286
 vector: 0xfd, error code: 0x0
 5 ffffffff82fe2c08 (+ 232) ffffffff80098307   <kernel_x86_64> _mutex_unlock + 0x77
 6 ffffffff82fe2cf0 (+  96) ffffffff82592f8c   </boot/system/add-ons/kernel/generic/tty> tty_select(tty_cookie*, unsigned char, unsigned int, selectsync*) + 0x6c
 7 ffffffff82fe2d50 (+  96) ffffffff800eb655   <kernel_x86_64> select_fd + 0xe5
 8 ffffffff82fe2db0 (+ 128) ffffffff800956f9   <kernel_x86_64> common_poll(pollfd*, unsigned long, long, unsigned long const*, bool) + 0xc9
 9 ffffffff82fe2e30 (+ 240) ffffffff80096716   <kernel_x86_64> _user_poll + 0x186
10 ffffffff82fe2f20 (+  16) ffffffff80148b6f   <kernel_x86_64> x86_64_syscall_entry + 0xfb
user iframe at 0xffffffff82fe2f30 (end = 0xffffffff82fe2ff8)
 rax 0x80                  rbx 0x7ffb30cfc9e4        rcx 0x93fbd9478c
 rdx 0xffffffffffffffff    rsi 0x4                   rdi 0x119ce902cd20
 rbp 0x7ffb30cfc6f0         r8 0x7ffb30cfca00         r9 0x0
 r10 0x7ffb30cfca00        r11 0x246                 r12 0x7ffb30cfc730
 r13 0x0                   r14 0x7ffb30cfc9f0        r15 0x119ce901e740
 rip 0x93fbd9478c          rsp 0x7ffb30cfc6d8     rflags 0x246
 vector: 0x63, error code: 0x0
11 ffffffff82fe2f30 (+140718929713088) 00000093fbd9478c   <> _kern_poll + 0x0c
12 00007ffb30cfc6f0 (+ 656) 0000016592fc2ffb   <sshd> dump_config (nearest) + 0x2c9b
13 00007ffb30cfc980 (+ 192) 0000016592fc446e   <sshd> server_loop2 + 0x2de
14 00007ffb30cfca40 (+  96) 0000016592fd0988   <sshd> do_authenticated + 0x1b8
15 00007ffb30cfcaa0 (+1712) 0000016592fb2995   <sshd> main + 0x3735
16 00007ffb30cfd150 (+  48) 0000016592fb38df   <sshd> _start + 0x3f
17 00007ffb30cfd180 (+  48) 0000016c082adae5   </boot/system/runtime_loader@0x0000016c0829e000> <unknown> + 0xfae5
18 00007ffb30cfd1b0 (+   0) 00007ff81a6e5258   <commpage> commpage_thread_exit + 0x00
kdebug> sc 236971
stack trace for thread 236971 "nano"
    kernel stack: 0xffffffff94fb1000 to 0xffffffff94fb6000
      user stack: 0x00007ffca7ce3000 to 0x00007ffca8ce3000
frame                       caller             <image>:function + offset
 0 ffffffff94fb5c00 (+ 112) ffffffff8009bd34   <kernel_x86_64> reschedule(int) + 0x424
 1 ffffffff94fb5c70 (+  48) ffffffff8008b606   <kernel_x86_64> thread_block + 0xc6
 2 ffffffff94fb5ca0 (+  80) ffffffff80097e3a   <kernel_x86_64> _mutex_lock + 0x21a
 3 ffffffff94fb5cf0 (+  96) ffffffff82592f6e   </boot/system/add-ons/kernel/generic/tty> tty_select(tty_cookie*, unsigned char, unsigned int, selectsync*) + 0x4e
 4 ffffffff94fb5d50 (+  96) ffffffff800eb655   <kernel_x86_64> select_fd + 0xe5
 5 ffffffff94fb5db0 (+ 128) ffffffff800956f9   <kernel_x86_64> common_poll(pollfd*, unsigned long, long, unsigned long const*, bool) + 0xc9
 6 ffffffff94fb5e30 (+ 240) ffffffff8009677c   <kernel_x86_64> _user_poll + 0x1ec
 7 ffffffff94fb5f20 (+  16) ffffffff80148b6f   <kernel_x86_64> x86_64_syscall_entry + 0xfb
user iframe at 0xffffffff94fb5f30 (end = 0xffffffff94fb5ff8)
 rax 0x80                  rbx 0x7ffca8ce1c00        rcx 0x153d88a978c
 rdx 0x0                   rsi 0x1                   rdi 0x7ffca8ce1c00
 rbp 0x7ffca8ce1bb0         r8 0x0                    r9 0x12023268bc30
 r10 0x0                   r11 0x206                 r12 0x7ffca8ce1c10
 r13 0x0                   r14 0x0                   r15 0x75d12
 rip 0x153d88a978c         rsp 0x7ffca8ce1b98     rflags 0x206
 vector: 0x63, error code: 0x0
 8 ffffffff94fb5f30 (+140724936031360) 00000153d88a978c   <> _kern_poll + 0x0c
 9 00007ffca8ce1bb0 (+ 160) 00000064fc6b65e1   <> _nc_timed_wait + 0x121
10 00007ffca8ce1c50 (+ 240) 00000064fc692515   <> _nc_wgetch + 0x875
11 00007ffca8ce1d40 (+  48) 00000064fc6929cb   <> wgetch + 0x2b
12 00007ffca8ce1d70 (+  80) 00000123843fed78   <nano> read_keys_from + 0x158
13 00007ffca8ce1dc0 (+  16) 00000123843ff0ea   <nano> get_input + 0x5a
14 00007ffca8ce1dd0 (+  48) 00000123843ff138   <nano> parse_kbinput + 0x28
15 00007ffca8ce1e00 (+  48) 00000123843ff9e0   <nano> get_kbinput + 0x20
16 00007ffca8ce1e30 (+  80) 00000123843eb683   <nano> suck_up_input_and_paste_it + 0x83
17 00007ffca8ce1e80 (+  64) 00000123843ebe3d   <nano> process_a_keystroke + 0x3cd
18 00007ffca8ce1ec0 (+1984) 00000123843d8882   <nano> main + 0xe52
19 00007ffca8ce2680 (+  48) 00000123843d915f   <nano> _start + 0x3f
20 00007ffca8ce26b0 (+  48) 000001b8002a6ae5   </boot/system/runtime_loader@0x000001b800297000> <unknown> + 0xfae5
21 00007ffca8ce26e0 (+   0) 00007fffff8c1258   <commpage> commpage_thread_exit + 0x00

Change History (10)

comment:1 by jessicah, 21 months ago

After killing nano, input starts getting fed into bash, but it gets into intermittent delays receiving backlog of input; however, it does actually slowly make progress. Perhaps bash is providing a timeout to allow poll/select to fail, unlike nano?

Last edited 21 months ago by jessicah (previous) (diff)

comment:2 by waddlesplash, 20 months ago

Can you try to determine which change(s) caused this regression: the most likely culprits are either the TTY/PTY refactor, or the select() modifications; it could be either (or something else entirely, I suppose.)

comment:3 by pulkomandy, 20 months ago

Milestone: UnscheduledR1/beta5

This sounds annoying enough to deserve a beta5 milestone

comment:4 by waddlesplash, 14 months ago

Are the stack traces accurate and not just random, i.e. is this a deadlock, or just some sort of select problem? #18486 may be related if the latter is the case. Has anyone seen this since then?

comment:5 by jessicah, 13 months ago

This still happens on hrev57465, and is super easy to reproduce:

  1. ssh into Haiku (this is a VM in VirtualBox in this case)
  2. nano into a new or existing file, doesn't matter
  3. paste text into nano, e.g. copying this ticket description and pasting with right-click using PuTTY as ssh client to Haiku

At this point, both nano and sshd are stuck in live lock (both consuming CPU).

On hrev57465, using Debugger instead of KDL, the stack traces are slightly different:

Debug information for team /boot/system/bin/sshd (807):
CPU(s): 4x Intel Core™ i7-8705G
Memory: 11.98 GiB total, 1.17 GiB used
Haiku revision: hrev57465 Dec 22 2023 07:02:14 (x86_64)

Active Threads:
        thread 920: team 807 debug task
        thread 807: sshd (main)
                state: Debugged

                Frame           IP                      Function Name
                00000000        0x175fd50db6a   _kern_write + 0xa
                                0x00000175fd50db60:           4989ca  mov %rcx, %r10
                                0x00000175fd50db63:   48c7c095000000  mov $0x95, %rax
                                0x00000175fd50db6a:             0f05  syscall  <--

                0x7fe9d50b8240  0x175fd591c96   write + 0x16
                0x7fe9d50b82c0  0x687575b70d    /boot/system/bin/sshd + 0x7b70d
                0x7fe9d50b8330  0x687575e22f    /boot/system/bin/sshd + 0x7e22f
                0x7fe9d50b83e0  0x68757154a3    server_loop2 + 0x313
                0x7fe9d50b8440  0x6875721983    do_authenticated + 0x1b3
                0x7fe9d50b8af0  0x6875703990    main + 0x3730
                0x7fe9d50b8b20  0x68757048da    _start + 0x3a
                0x7fe9d50b8b50  0x19204faaab3   runtime_loader + 0x113
                00000000        0x7ffb7f088258  commpage_thread_exit + 0

                          rip:  0x00000175fd50db6c
                          rsp:  0x00007fe9d50b8218
                          rbp:  0x00007fe9d50b8230
                          rax:  0xffffffff8000000b
                          rbx:  0x000012271abfbab0
                          rcx:  0x00000175fd50db6c
                          rdx:  0x000012271acaf320
                          rsi:  0xffffffffffffffff
                          rdi:  0x0000000000000005
                           r8:  0x0000000000000000
                           r9:  0x0000000000000000
                          r10:  0x000000000000242c
                          r11:  0x0000000000000202
                          r12:  0x000012271ac35740
                          r13:  0x00000175fd5eb988
                          r14:  0x000012271acaf320
                          r15:  0x000000000000242c
                           cs:  0x002b
                           ds:  0x0000
                           es:  0x0000
                           fs:  0x0000
                           gs:  0x0000
                           ss:  0x0023
                          st0:  0
                          st1:  0
                          st2:  0
                          st3:  0
                          st4:  0
                          st5:  0
                          st6:  0
                          st7:  0
                          mm0:  {0, 0, 0, 0}
                          mm1:  {0, 0, 0, 0}
                          mm2:  {0, 0, 0, 0}
                          mm3:  {0, 0, 0, 0}
                          mm4:  {0, 0, 0, 0}
                          mm5:  {0, 0, 0, 0}
                          mm6:  {0, 0, 0, 0}
                          mm7:  {0, 0, 0, 0}
                         ymm0:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
                         ymm1:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
                         ymm2:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
                         ymm3:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
                         ymm4:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
                         ymm5:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
                         ymm6:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
                         ymm7:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
                         ymm8:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
                         ymm9:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
                        ymm10:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
                        ymm11:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
                        ymm12:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
                        ymm13:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
                        ymm14:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
                        ymm15:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}

Loaded Images:
        ID              Text Base       Text End        Data Base       Data End        Type    Name
        7177    0x528e75c000    0x528e77b000    0x528e77b000    0x528e77c000    lib     /boot/system/lib/
        7171    0x65da8c3000    0x65da8f7000    0x65da8f7000    0x65da901000    lib     /boot/system/lib/
        7170    0x68756e0000    0x68757f4000    0x68759f4000    0x68759fe000    app     /boot/system/bin/sshd
        7174    0x8fa8c3d000    0x8fa8c53000    0x8fa8c53000    0x8fa8c54000    lib     /boot/system/lib/
        7173    0x16da8b1e000   0x16da8d3b000   0x16da8d3b000   0x16da8d6a000   lib     /boot/system/lib/
        7175    0x175fd4ce000   0x175fd5de000   0x175fd5de000   0x175fd5f4000   lib     /boot/system/lib/
        7172    0x183d0367000   0x183d0372000   0x183d0372000   0x183d0373000   lib     /boot/system/lib/
        7169    0x19204f9b000   0x19204fb8000   0x19204fb8000   0x19204fb9000   lib     /boot/system/runtime_loader
        7176    0x22be5761000   0x22be5994000   0x22be5994000   0x22be59aa000   lib     /boot/system/lib/
        7168    0x7ffb7f088000  0x7ffb7f090000  0x00000000      0x00000000      system  commpage

        ID              Base            End                     Size (KiB)      Protection      Locking                 Name
        23250   0x528e75c000    0x528e77b000           124      r-x             none  
        23251   0x528e77b000    0x528e77c000             4      rw-             none  
        23234   0x65da8c3000    0x65da8f7000           208      r-x             none            libnetwork.so_seg0ro
        23235   0x65da8f7000    0x65da8fa000            12      rw-             none            libnetwork.so_seg1rw
        23236   0x65da8fa000    0x65da901000            28      rw-             none            libnetwork.so_seg2rw
        23231   0x68756e0000    0x68757f4000          1104      r-x             none            sshd_seg0ro
        23232   0x68759f4000    0x68759fa000            24      rw-             none            sshd_seg1rw
        23233   0x68759fa000    0x68759fe000            16      rw-             none            sshd_seg2rw
        23229   0x6a00562000    0x6a00572000            64      rw-             none            rld heap
        23242   0x8fa8c3d000    0x8fa8c53000            88      r-x             none  
        23243   0x8fa8c53000    0x8fa8c54000             4      rw-             none  
        23230   0xa5e3df4000    0xa5e3df5000             4      rw-cS           none            _rld_debug_
        23252   0x11bf82cf000   0x11bf82df000           64      rw-             none            rld heap
        23253   0x14be955e000   0x14be956e000           64      rw-             none            rld heap
        23255   0x153b66ba000   0x153b66bb000            4      rw-             none            sshd mmap area
        23256   0x1676eb0a000   0x1676eb0b000            4      rw-             none            sshd mmap area
        23239   0x16da8b1e000   0x16da8d3b000         2164      r-x             none  
        23240   0x16da8d3b000   0x16da8d67000          176      rw-             none  
        23241   0x16da8d67000   0x16da8d6a000           12      rw-             none  
        23244   0x175fd4ce000   0x175fd5de000         1088      r-x             none            libroot.so_seg0ro
        23245   0x175fd5de000   0x175fd5ec000           56      rw-             none            libroot.so_seg1rw
        23246   0x175fd5ec000   0x175fd5f4000           32      rw-             none            libroot.so_seg2rw
        23237   0x183d0367000   0x183d0372000           44      r-x             none            libbsd.so_seg0ro
        23238   0x183d0372000   0x183d0373000            4      rw-             none            libbsd.so_seg1rw
        23227   0x19204f9b000   0x19204fb8000          116      r-x             none            runtime_loader_seg0ro
        23228   0x19204fb8000   0x19204fb9000            4      rw-             none            runtime_loader_seg1rw
        23247   0x22be5761000   0x22be5994000         2252      r-x             none  
        23248   0x22be5994000   0x22be59a2000           56      rw-             none  
        23249   0x22be59a2000   0x22be59aa000           32      rw-             none  
        23254   0x12271abd1000  0x12271bed1000       19456      rw-             none            heap
        23225   0x7fe9d40b5000  0x7fe9d50ba000       16404      rw-s            none            sshd_807_stack
        23224   0x7ff3063d3000  0x7ff3063d7000          16      rw-k            full            user area
        23226   0x7ffb7f088000  0x7ffb7f090000          32      r-xSk           full            commpage

Protection Flags: r - read, w - write, x - execute, s - stack, o - overcommit, c - cloneable, S - shared, k - kernel

        ID              Count   Last Holder     Name
Debug information for team /boot/system/bin/nano (882):
CPU(s): 4x Intel Core™ i7-8705G
Memory: 11.98 GiB total, 1.17 GiB used
Haiku revision: hrev57465 Dec 22 2023 07:02:14 (x86_64)

Active Threads:
        thread 957: team 882 debug task
        thread 882: nano (main)
                state: Debugged

                Frame           IP                      Function Name
                00000000        0x15d21234b4a   _kern_read + 0xa
                                0x0000015d21234b40:           4989ca  mov %rcx, %r10
                                0x0000015d21234b43:   48c7c093000000  mov $0x93, %rax
                                0x0000015d21234b4a:             0f05  syscall  <--

                0x7fdcb9d04d70  0x000001        ?
                0x7fdcb9d04e70  0x1e041d89eda   _nc_wgetch + 0x23a
                0x7fdcb9d04ea0  0x1e041d8a9c6   wgetch + 0x26
                0x7fdcb9d04ef0  0x21867e26e43   read_keys_from(WINDOW*) + 0xf3 (/sources/nano-7.2/src/winio.c:-1)
                        frame: 0x10f9f828c5c0 {
                                _cury: 0
                                _curx: 0
                                _maxy: 68
                                _maxx: 236
                                _begy: 1
                                _begx: 0
                                _flags: 2
                                _attrs: 0
                                _bkgd: 0
                                _notimeout: false
                                _clear: false
                                _leaveok: false
                                _scroll: false
                                _idlok: false
                                _idcok: true
                                _immed: false
                                _sync: false
                                _use_keypad: true
                                _delay: -1
                                _line: 0x10f9f8295870
                                _regtop: 0
                                _regbottom: 68
                                _parx: -1
                                _pary: -1
                                _parent: 0
                                _yoffset: 0
                                _color: 0
                        input: 32

                0x7fdcb9d04f00  0x21867e271ed   get_input(WINDOW*) + 0x4d (/sources/nano-7.2/src/winio.c:-1)
                        frame: No such file or directory

                0x7fdcb9d04f30  0x21867e27245   parse_kbinput(WINDOW*) + 0x25 (/sources/nano-7.2/src/winio.c:-1)
                        frame: No such file or directory
                        first_escape_was_alone: false
                        last_escape_was_alone: false
                        escapes: 0

                0x7fdcb9d04f60  0x21867e279fb   get_kbinput(WINDOW*, _Bool) + 0x1b (/sources/nano-7.2/src/winio.c:-1)
                        frame: 0x10f9f828c5c0 {
                                _cury: 0
                                _curx: 0
                                _maxy: 68
                                _maxx: 236
                                _begy: 1
                                _begx: 0
                                _flags: 2
                                _attrs: 0
                                _bkgd: 0
                                _notimeout: false
                                _clear: false
                                _leaveok: false
                                _scroll: false
                                _idlok: false
                                _idcok: true
                                _immed: false
                                _sync: false
                                _use_keypad: true
                                _delay: -1
                                _line: 0x10f9f8295870
                                _regtop: 0
                                _regbottom: 68
                                _parx: -1
                                _pary: -1
                                _parent: 0
                                _yoffset: 0
                                _color: 0
                        kbinput: 0

                0x7fdcb9d04fb0  0x21867e137d0   suck_up_input_and_paste_it(void) + 0x80 (/sources/nano-7.2/src/nano.c:-1)
                        was_cutbuffer: 0 {
                                data: Invalid Argument
                                lineno: Bad address
                                next: Bad address
                                prev: Bad address
                                multidata: Bad address
                                has_anchor: Bad address
                        line: 0x10f9f82bdbb0 {
                                data:  thread                 id  state     w 0 0 0 0x 0xffff 0xfffff 0 0 0 0xffffffff9 0xfff 0 0 0 0xffff 0 0xffff 0 0 0xffffffff9c8 0 0 0 0 0xffff 0xffff 0 0 0 0 0xffff 0x 0 0xffff 0 0 0xffff 0 0 0 0xfffff 0xffff 0 0 0xffff 0x 0 0 0 0xffff 0 0xffff 0x 0 0xfff
                                lineno: 271
                                next: 0x10f9f82bdb70
                                prev: 0x10f9f82bdbf0
                                multidata: 0
                                has_anchor: false
                        index: 1518

                0x7fdcb9d04ff0  0x21867e13fa8   process_a_keystroke(void) + 0x3c8 (/sources/nano-7.2/src/nano.c:-1)
                        puddle: Invalid Argument
                        capacity: 12
                        depth: 0
                        was_mark: 0 {
                                data: Invalid Argument
                                lineno: Bad address
                                next: Bad address
                                prev: Bad address
                                multidata: Bad address
                                has_anchor: Bad address
                        give_a_hint: true
                        function: 0x21867e0b0e0
                        was_current: 0x10f9f82938f0 {
                                lineno: 1
                                next: 0
                                prev: 0
                                multidata: 0
                                has_anchor: false
                        was_x: 0

                0x7fdcb9d057b0  0x21867e008a6   re_compile_internal(regex_t*, const char*, size_t, reg_syntax_t) + 0xe86 (/sources/nano-7.2/lib/regex_internal.c:-1)
                        err: _REG_NOERROR
                        regexp {
                                raw_mbs: Invalid Argument
                                mbs: Bad address
                                wcs: 0x21867e3cd28
                                offsets: 0
                                raw_mbs_idx: 0
                                valid_len: 0
                                valid_raw_len: 37
                                bufs_len: 2303845453451
                                cur_idx: 0
                                raw_len: 0
                                len: 95
                                raw_stop: 2303845453461
                                stop: 0
                                tip_context: 0
                                trans: Bad address
                                word_char: 0
                                icase: 0
                                is_utf8: 0
                                map_notascii: 0
                                mbs_allocated: 0
                                offsets_needed: 0
                                newline_anchor: 0
                                word_ops_used: 0
                                mb_cur_max: 0

                0x7fdcb9d057d0  0x21867e0118a   _start + 0x3a
                0x7fdcb9d05810  0x9c89f39ab3    runtime_loader + 0x113
                00000000        0x7fff94d0e258  commpage_thread_exit + 0

                          rip:  0x0000015d21234b4c
                          rsp:  0x00007fdcb9d04d58
                          rbp:  0x00007fdcb9d04d70
                          rax:  0x0000000000000001
                          rbx:  0x0000000000000000
                          rcx:  0x0000015d21234b4c
                          rdx:  0x00007fdcb9d04da0
                          rsi:  0xffffffffffffffff
                          rdi:  0x0000000000000000
                           r8:  0x0000000000000000
                           r9:  0x000010f9f8296230
                          r10:  0x0000000000000001
                          r11:  0x0000000000000206
                          r12:  0x0000000000000032
                          r13:  0x000010f9f82354a0
                          r14:  0x000010f9f82a03b0
                          r15:  0x0000021867e4d0f4
                           cs:  0x002b
                           ds:  0x0000
                           es:  0x0000
                           fs:  0x0000
                           gs:  0x0000
                           ss:  0x0023
                          st0:  0
                          st1:  0
                          st2:  0
                          st3:  0
                          st4:  0
                          st5:  0
                          st6:  0
                          st7:  0
                          mm0:  {0, 0, 0, 0}
                          mm1:  {0, 0, 0, 0}
                          mm2:  {0, 0, 0, 0}
                          mm3:  {0, 0, 0, 0}
                          mm4:  {0, 0, 0, 0}
                          mm5:  {0, 0, 0, 0}
                          mm6:  {0, 0, 0, 0}
                          mm7:  {0, 0, 0, 0}
                         ymm0:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
                         ymm1:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
                         ymm2:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
                         ymm3:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
                         ymm4:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
                         ymm5:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
                         ymm6:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
                         ymm7:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
                         ymm8:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
                         ymm9:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
                        ymm10:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
                        ymm11:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
                        ymm12:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
                        ymm13:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
                        ymm14:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
                        ymm15:  {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}

Loaded Images:
        ID              Text Base       Text End        Data Base       Data End        Type    Name
        8218    0x30b6e13000    0x30b6e25000    0x30b6e25000    0x30b6e26000    lib     /boot/system/lib/
        8212    0x69696b3000    0x69696bd000    0x69698bc000    0x69698be000    lib     /boot/system/lib/
        8216    0x93945ca000    0x93946d2000    0x93948d1000    0x93948d4000    lib     /boot/system/lib/
        8210    0x9c89f2a000    0x9c89f47000    0x9c89f47000    0x9c89f48000    lib     /boot/system/runtime_loader
        8217    0xfa3a675000    0xfa3a694000    0xfa3a694000    0xfa3a695000    lib     /boot/system/lib/
        8222    0x15baf41b000   0x15baf427000   0x15baf626000   0x15baf628000   lib     /boot/system/lib/
        8220    0x15bd3d35000   0x15bd3d36000   0x15bd3f35000   0x15bd3f36000   lib     /boot/system/lib/
        8215    0x15d211f5000   0x15d21305000   0x15d21305000   0x15d2131b000   lib     /boot/system/lib/
        8221    0x19a5875e000   0x19a58a55000   0x19a58c54000   0x19a58c6d000   lib     /boot/system/lib/
        8223    0x1bd20b24000   0x1bd20cf8000   0x1bd20ef8000   0x1bd20f0e000   lib     /boot/system/lib/
        8213    0x1c4e9694000   0x1c4e96aa000   0x1c4e96aa000   0x1c4e96ab000   lib     /boot/system/lib/
        8214    0x1e041d6a000   0x1e041dd2000   0x1e041fd2000   0x1e041fd7000   lib     /boot/system/lib/
        8219    0x1e720fe5000   0x1e721218000   0x1e721218000   0x1e72122e000   lib     /boot/system/lib/
        8211    0x21867dee000   0x21867e4b000   0x21867e4b000   0x21867e4f000   app     /boot/system/bin/nano
        8209    0x7fff94d0e000  0x7fff94d16000  0x00000000      0x00000000      system  commpage

        ID              Base            End                     Size (KiB)      Protection      Locking                 Name
        26478   0x30b6e13000    0x30b6e25000            72      r-x             none            libroot-addon-icu.so_seg0ro
        26479   0x30b6e25000    0x30b6e26000             4      rw-             none            libroot-addon-icu.so_seg1rw
        26463   0x69696b3000    0x69696bd000            40      r-x             none  
        26464   0x69698bc000    0x69698bd000             4      rw-             none  
        26465   0x69698bd000    0x69698be000             4      rw-             none  
        26458   0x6a05c6a000    0x6a05c7a000            64      rw-             none            rld heap
        26473   0x93945ca000    0x93946d2000          1056      r-x             none  
        26474   0x93948d1000    0x93948d4000            12      rw-             none  
        26459   0x9451713000    0x9451714000             4      rw-cS           none            _rld_debug_
        26493   0x9aef038000    0x9aef048000            64      rw-             none            rld heap
        26494   0x9b26961000    0x9b26971000            64      rw-             none            rld heap
        26495   0x9b4760e000    0x9b47626000            96      rw-             none            rld heap
        26496   0x9bde673000    0x9bde68b000            96      rw-             none            rld heap
        26497   0x9c5daa0000    0x9c5f55b000         27372      r--S            none   mmap area
        26456   0x9c89f2a000    0x9c89f47000           116      r-x             none            runtime_loader_seg0ro
        26457   0x9c89f47000    0x9c89f48000             4      rw-             none            runtime_loader_seg1rw
        26475   0xfa3a675000    0xfa3a694000           124      r-x             none  
        26476   0xfa3a694000    0xfa3a695000             4      rw-             none  
        26488   0x15baf41b000   0x15baf427000           48      r-x             none  
        26489   0x15baf626000   0x15baf628000            8      rw-             none  
        26483   0x15bd3d35000   0x15bd3d36000            4      r-x             none  
        26484   0x15bd3f35000   0x15bd3f36000            4      rw-             none  
        26470   0x15d211f5000   0x15d21305000         1088      r-x             none            libroot.so_seg0ro
        26471   0x15d21305000   0x15d21313000           56      rw-             none            libroot.so_seg1rw
        26472   0x15d21313000   0x15d2131b000           32      rw-             none            libroot.so_seg2rw
        26485   0x19a5875e000   0x19a58a55000         3036      r-x             none  
        26486   0x19a58c54000   0x19a58c6c000           96      rw-             none  
        26487   0x19a58c6c000   0x19a58c6d000            4      rw-             none  
        26490   0x1bd20b24000   0x1bd20cf8000         1872      r-x             none  
        26491   0x1bd20ef8000   0x1bd20f0d000           84      rw-             none  
        26492   0x1bd20f0d000   0x1bd20f0e000            4      rw-             none  
        26466   0x1c4e9694000   0x1c4e96aa000           88      r-x             none  
        26467   0x1c4e96aa000   0x1c4e96ab000            4      rw-             none  
        26468   0x1e041d6a000   0x1e041dd2000          416      r-x             none  
        26469   0x1e041fd2000   0x1e041fd7000           20      rw-             none  
        26480   0x1e720fe5000   0x1e721218000         2252      r-x             none  
        26481   0x1e721218000   0x1e721226000           56      rw-             none  
        26482   0x1e721226000   0x1e72122e000           32      rw-             none  
        26460   0x21867dee000   0x21867e4b000          372      r-x             none            nano_seg0ro
        26461   0x21867e4b000   0x21867e4e000           12      rw-             none            nano_seg1rw
        26462   0x21867e4e000   0x21867e4f000            4      rw-             none            nano_seg2rw
        26477   0x10f9f821a000  0x10f9f896a000        7488      rw-             none            heap
        26454   0x7fdcb8d02000  0x7fdcb9d08000       16408      rw-s            none            nano_882_stack
        26453   0x7ff73a026000  0x7ff73a02a000          16      rw-k            full            user area
        26455   0x7fff94d0e000  0x7fff94d16000          32      r-xSk           full            commpage

Protection Flags: r - read, w - write, x - execute, s - stack, o - overcommit, c - cloneable, S - shared, k - kernel

        ID              Count   Last Holder     Name

After updating to hrev57510, running same test (still basically the same results), and output of KDL instead of Debugger:

kdebug> sc 417
stack trace for thread 417 "sshd"
    kernel stack: 0xffffffff803a2000 to 0xffffffff803a7000
      user stack: 0x00007f125bc7d000 to 0x00007f125cc7d000
frame                       caller             <image>:function + offset
 0 ffffffff803a6c00 (+ 112) ffffffff8009f21e   <kernel_x86_64> reschedule(int) + 0x43e
 1 ffffffff803a6c70 (+  48) ffffffff80089fd6   <kernel_x86_64> thread_block + 0xc6
 2 ffffffff803a6ca0 (+  96) ffffffff8009a301   <kernel_x86_64> _mutex_lock + 0xd1
 3 ffffffff803a6d00 (+  32) ffffffff8009a4ce   <kernel_x86_64> recursive_lock_lock + 0x3e
 4 ffffffff803a6d20 (+  80) ffffffff8210b24a   </boot/system/add-ons/kernel/generic/tty> tty_deselect(tty_cookie*, unsigned char, selectsync*) + 0x3a
 5 ffffffff803a6d70 (+  64) ffffffff800ee7ed   <kernel_x86_64> deselect_fd + 0xfd
 6 ffffffff803a6db0 (+ 128) ffffffff800940f0   <kernel_x86_64> common_poll(pollfd*, unsigned long, long, unsigned long const*, bool) + 0x1e0
 7 ffffffff803a6e30 (+ 240) ffffffff80095155   <kernel_x86_64> _user_poll + 0x165
 8 ffffffff803a6f20 (+  16) ffffffff8014d02f   <kernel_x86_64> x86_64_syscall_entry + 0xfb
user iframe at 0xffffffff803a6f30 (end = 0xffffffff803a6ff8)
 rax 0x84                  rbx 0x7f125cc7ba64        rcx 0x1db33d03a5c
 rdx 0xffffffffffffffff    rsi 0x4                   rdi 0x103b72117d20
 rbp 0x7f125cc7b770         r8 0x0                    r9 0x0
 r10 0x7f125cc7ba80        r11 0x246                 r12 0x7f125cc7b7b0
 r13 0x0                   r14 0x7f125cc7ba70        r15 0x103b72109740
 rip 0x1db33d03a5c         rsp 0x7f125cc7b758     rflags 0x246
 vector: 0x63, error code: 0x0
 9 ffffffff803a6f30 (+139718986385472) 000001db33d03a5c   <> _kern_poll + 0x0c
10 00007f125cc7b770 (+ 656) 000000697eaeaffb   <sshd> dump_config (nearest) + 0x2c9b
11 00007f125cc7ba00 (+ 192) 000000697eaec46e   <sshd> server_loop2 + 0x2de
12 00007f125cc7bac0 (+  96) 000000697eaf8988   <sshd> do_authenticated + 0x1b8
13 00007f125cc7bb20 (+1712) 000000697eada995   <sshd> main + 0x3735
14 00007f125cc7c1d0 (+  48) 000000697eadb8df   <sshd> _start + 0x3f
15 00007f125cc7c200 (+  48) 00000008321b8ab5   </boot/system/runtime_loader@0x00000008321a9000> <unknown> + 0xfab5
16 00007f125cc7c230 (+   0) 00007fff7ab84258   <commpage> commpage_thread_exit + 0x00
kdebug> sc 492
stack trace for thread 492 "nano"
    kernel stack: 0xffffffff803ac000 to 0xffffffff803b1000
      user stack: 0x00007f22e2246000 to 0x00007f22e3246000
frame                       caller             <image>:function + offset
 0 ffffffff803b0c00 (+ 112) ffffffff8009f21e   <kernel_x86_64> reschedule(int) + 0x43e
 1 ffffffff803b0c70 (+  48) ffffffff80089fd6   <kernel_x86_64> thread_block + 0xc6
 2 ffffffff803b0ca0 (+  96) ffffffff8009a301   <kernel_x86_64> _mutex_lock + 0xd1
 3 ffffffff803b0d00 (+  32) ffffffff8009a4ce   <kernel_x86_64> recursive_lock_lock + 0x3e
 4 ffffffff803b0d20 (+  80) ffffffff8210b24a   </boot/system/add-ons/kernel/generic/tty> tty_deselect(tty_cookie*, unsigned char, selectsync*) + 0x3a
 5 ffffffff803b0d70 (+  64) ffffffff800ee7ed   <kernel_x86_64> deselect_fd + 0xfd
 6 ffffffff803b0db0 (+ 128) ffffffff800940f0   <kernel_x86_64> common_poll(pollfd*, unsigned long, long, unsigned long const*, bool) + 0x1e0
 7 ffffffff803b0e30 (+ 240) ffffffff80095198   <kernel_x86_64> _user_poll + 0x1a8
 8 ffffffff803b0f20 (+  16) ffffffff8014d02f   <kernel_x86_64> x86_64_syscall_entry + 0xfb
user iframe at 0xffffffff803b0f30 (end = 0xffffffff803b0ff8)
 rax 0x84                  rbx 0x7f22e32452a0        rcx 0xb27147ba5c
 rdx 0x0                   rsi 0x1                   rdi 0x7f22e32452a0
 rbp 0x7f22e3245250         r8 0x116182202690         r9 0x1161822248f0
 r10 0x0                   r11 0x202                 r12 0x7f22e32452b0
 r13 0x0                   r14 0x0                   r15 0x88f23
 rip 0xb27147ba5c          rsp 0x7f22e3245238     rflags 0x202
 vector: 0x63, error code: 0x0
 9 ffffffff803b0f30 (+139789960037152) 000000b27147ba5c   <> _kern_poll + 0x0c
10 00007f22e3245250 (+ 160) 00000007c42ce5e1   <> _nc_timed_wait + 0x121
11 00007f22e32452f0 (+ 240) 00000007c42aa515   <> _nc_wgetch + 0x875
12 00007f22e32453e0 (+  48) 00000007c42aa9cb   <> wgetch + 0x2b
13 00007f22e3245410 (+  80) 000001ba588e6e48   <nano> read_keys_from + 0xf8
14 00007f22e3245460 (+  16) 000001ba588e71f2   <nano> get_input + 0x52
15 00007f22e3245470 (+  48) 000001ba588e724a   <nano> parse_kbinput + 0x2a
16 00007f22e32454a0 (+  48) 000001ba588e7a00   <nano> get_kbinput + 0x20
17 00007f22e32454d0 (+  80) 000001ba588d37d5   <nano> suck_up_input_and_paste_it + 0x85
18 00007f22e3245520 (+  64) 000001ba588d3fad   <nano> process_a_keystroke + 0x3cd
19 00007f22e3245560 (+1984) 000001ba588c08ab   <nano> main + 0xe7b
20 00007f22e3245d20 (+  48) 000001ba588c118f   <nano> _start + 0x3f
21 00007f22e3245d50 (+  48) 0000006e43d47ab5   </boot/system/runtime_loader@0x0000006e43d38000> <unknown> + 0xfab5
22 00007f22e3245d80 (+   0) 00007ffffec45258   <commpage> commpage_thread_exit + 0x00

comment:6 by waddlesplash, 13 months ago

So, this isn't a live lock: there are characters actually being received by nano (strace shows this, and rebuilding nano in debug mode demonstrates it.) But the characters (at least in my case) appear to be lots and lots of "7"s. Killing nano gets things going for a bit as noted, with tons of 7s indeed appearing before everything stalls yet again.

Resizing the window on the remote end gets things going again, but with lots of the bogus/garbage characters. Actually, it looks like the datastream is repeating over and over again.

comment:7 by waddlesplash, 13 months ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Fixed in hrev57552.

comment:8 by jackburton, 13 months ago

Any chance this also fixes #11626 ?

comment:9 by jackburton, 13 months ago

Or even #7997

comment:10 by waddlesplash, 13 months ago

Doesn't appear to fix #11626. That one may be related to #5076?

I'm not sure how to reproduce #7997.

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