Opened 11 months ago

Last modified 11 months ago

#18866 new enhancement

Fileype add-on should allow dropping vector icon file to change icon instead of always using attribute

Reported by: slema Owned by: axeld
Priority: normal Milestone: Unscheduled
Component: Preferences/FileTypes Version: R1/beta4
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


Not sure if there's a simpler way but currently if I want to add a custom icon to a folder I need to open it in icon-o-matic and export it as Be Icon attribute on the folder (which asks if I want to replace the file, when it fact it only replaces the icon attribute...).

The file-type add-on lets me drag another file and copy the icon from it. However my first attempt was doing this with icons in /boot/system/data/icons which are just svg file. The result was always using a generic icon image (as these have no Be icon attribute ) and not the icon I was seing.

As a simple user I would expect that dragging an SVG icon there would just write the SVG file itself as a Be icon attribute.

I guess if the file dropped has both a Be Icon attribute and SVG contents the user should be allowed to chose which one should be shown.

Change History (2)

comment:1 by waddlesplash, 11 months ago

Component: Add-Ons/TrackerPreferences/FileTypes
Keywords: filetype icon removed
Owner: changed from nobody to axeld
Summary: Fileype add-on should allow dropping SVG file to change icon instead of always using attributeFileype add-on should allow dropping vector icon file to change icon instead of always using attribute

Those aren't SVGs, but HVIFs.

But yes, it probably makes sense to apply the icon directly.

comment:2 by slema, 11 months ago

Yes for an end user who is not necessarily aware of the difference between an icon resource or a SVG file it would be nice to offer options to chose from. I guess there are cases where you have an SVG file and the HVIF icon contains something else. Ideally I see a UI showing both images and letting the user just click on the one he wants.

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