Opened 6 weeks ago

Last modified 6 weeks ago

#19323 new bug

Files in a USB drive formatted in FAT will not show up under Haiku if titled in CJK characters

Reported by: ca3910 Owned by: nobody
Priority: normal Milestone: R1/beta6
Component: File Systems/FAT Version: R1/beta5
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


Running on actual hardware (Acer Aspire One D255E)

Version: hrev57937+122 R1/beta5 (x86_64) This bug still persists as of hrev57937+129

Repoducing the error:

  1. Outside of Haiku OS

Format a usb as a FAT32 system

Attach a pdf file named in CJK characters

  1. Inside Haiku OS
  1. Mount the usb into the machine as either read/write or read-only
  1. Check file location for the file (file should not show up ONLY under Haiku OS although still present in other OSes )

Check Onhaikuos.png for the screenshot

Additional information:

  1. Taking a file named in CJK characters from a Haiku OS machine and attaching it into the usb to be viewed under a Debian 12 XFCE machine shows unrelated characters for the title. File remains uncorrupted.

Reproducing the error:

  1. Inside Haiku OS

Create a file (in this case, .odt) named in CJK characters

Attach it to the usb

  1. Into Debian Linux

Mount the usb into the machine

Check file (File should be present under a different name: 陰陽師.odt from what should be 陰陽師.odt under Haiku OS in my example)

check exportingafiletousbfromhaiku.png and haikuoriginfiletolinux.png for screenshots

  1. icu73 as a package did not seem to change anything

*PS I apologize for not creating this ticket two months ago when I first sent it on the Haiku OS subreddit.

Attachments (4)

exportingafiletousbfromhaiku.png (68.9 KB ) - added by ca3910 6 weeks ago.
exportingafiletousbfromhaiku.2.png (68.9 KB ) - added by ca3910 6 weeks ago.
haikuoriginfiletolinux.png (123.1 KB ) - added by ca3910 6 weeks ago.
onhaikuoscensored.png (85.9 KB ) - added by ca3910 6 weeks ago.
referred on the ticket as onhaikuos.png

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (5)

by ca3910, 6 weeks ago

by ca3910, 6 weeks ago

by ca3910, 6 weeks ago

Attachment: haikuoriginfiletolinux.png added

by ca3910, 6 weeks ago

Attachment: onhaikuoscensored.png added

referred on the ticket as onhaikuos.png

comment:1 by waddlesplash, 6 weeks ago

Milestone: UnscheduledR1/beta6
Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.