Opened 17 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

#2352 closed bug (fixed)

Keybooard and mouse freeze after hot-plugging USB camera

Reported by: cebif Owned by: mmlr
Priority: normal Milestone: R1
Component: Drivers/USB Version: R1/pre-alpha1
Keywords: Cc: siarzhuk
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


While testing with hrev25575,hot-plugging a USB digital camera (Kyocera Finecam SR3) causes the system to freeze. The camera has a SD card fat type file system. To reproduce: 1) Plug in the USB lead from the canmera. 2) Try to move the mouse pointer and it is frozen 3) Try to use the keyboard eg (CTRL ALT Delete) or any key and it is frozen. On the mount settings I tried selecting "Don't Automount". That made no difference. With this same camera it can be mounted in BeOSR5.05 Bone without a system freeze, but I have to use DriveSetup to mount it from, (cannot use desktop right-click menu.

Change History (8)

comment:1 by siarzhuk, 17 years ago

Cc: siarzhuk added

comment:2 by mmlr, 17 years ago

Status: newassigned

I assume this happens with USB keyboard and mouse? Does unplugging the device restore normal behaviour? I assume it's a deadlock between adding the device and accessing it. Even if you have automount disabled the disk device manager will scan the device for partitions to make them available to mount.

comment:3 by cebif, 17 years ago

Both the keyboard and mouse are ps2.

comment:4 by cebif, 17 years ago

"I assume it's a deadlock between adding the device and accessing it. Even if you have automount disabled the disk device manager will scan the device for partitions to make them available to mount." Yes, when the device is plugged in the system freezes then even if I have not manually mounted the camera. Another thing I have just noticed is; if the USB printer is turned on and plugged in, Haiku freezes during boot at the grey box icon, (not certain what it stands for). That is the icon about center of the line.

comment:5 by cebif, 17 years ago

After testing in hrev26181 there is no more problem hot plugging the camera into USB port. I can also mount it and access photos.

comment:6 by mmlr, 17 years ago

I added a one second timeout to usb_disk once. Interesting would be to know if it still freezes for that amount when you plug it in. Does it freeze for about a second or does it work continually. If it works continually I'll just close this bug as fixed, otherwise I'll still close it, as the timeout is tracked in another bug already ;-).

comment:7 by cebif, 17 years ago

Quote from mmir: "I added a one second timeout to usb_disk once. Interesting would be to know if it still freezes for that amount when you plug it in. Does it freeze for about a second or does it work continually" There is no freeze when I mount the camera. It appears on the desktop instantly and I can move the mouse straight away to double click the icon and open it. There is another thing that might be a different bug; if I have the mount settings to "Automatic Disk Mounting" set at "All Disks" I still have to manually mount it. Also if I have "Disk Mounting During Boot" set at "All Disks" it does not appear on the desktop after booting. I have to manually mount it.

comment:8 by mmlr, 17 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

In that case I'll close it as fixed. The mount thing is definitely another bug. Please check if it is already reported and if not open a new bug report for that.

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