Opened 17 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

#2439 closed bug (fixed)

boot process stalls (around init_hardware()?)

Reported by: kev Owned by: axeld
Priority: normal Milestone: R1
Component: System Version: R1/pre-alpha1
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: x86


Haiku was booting off my HD using an Apr 26 build, but I got a USB mass storage device I wanted to try, so I thought I'd move to the latest build, whatever was current an hour ago.

Now the desktop never comes up. (I can't tell you much more than that when actually booting to it, not using QEMU--as soon as I hit the Haiku option in bootman, my screen blanks because my hardware doesn't support 1024x768x24, so a blank screen is the last thing/all I see, and after a few minutes of waiting, my num lock key does not toggle, and nothing appears to be happening.)

In QEMU, I get the nice boot screen, and each of the icons lights up in turn. Then that screen goes mangled, I assume as it switches video modes, but I never get a desktop. At that point it seems stuck on, but if I wait it out for ten minutes or more, it moves on to emuxki: init_hardware(), but then after another ten minutes with the processor pegged at full, doesn't seem to be going anywhere.

The last few lines I get in QEMU are:

loaded driver /boot/beos/system/add-ons/kernel/drivers/dev/input/ps2_hid usb_uhci: no devices found usb_ohci: no devices found usb_ehci: no devices found USB Stack: no bus managers available usb_uhci: no devices found usb_ohci: no devices found usb_ehci: no devices found USB Stack: no bus managers available wacom: cannot get module "bus_managers/usb/v3" ps2: devfs_publish_device input/mouse/ps2/0, status = 0x00000000 ps2: devfs_publish_device input/keyboard/at/0, status = 0x00000000 ps2: probe_mouse Extended PS/2 mouse found ps2: keyboard found bfs: bfs_open_dir:1461: Invalid Argument Running post install script /boot/common/boot/post_install/ ... emuxki: init_hardware()

Any suggestions?

Change History (4)

comment:1 by kev, 17 years ago

Oops...should've used the pre-formatted style, I guess...

I'm not sure if this is the same problem or not, but if I boot from real hardware and set the video mode to 1024x768x16 so that I can see the boot screen, just after the last icon lights up, I get KDL'd. It says, "PANIC: vm_page_fault: unhandled page fault in kernel space at 0x0, ip 0x0". The last four lines of 'sc' are panic, vm_page_fault, page_fault_exception, and int_bottom. (The ones above it looked like they were just about opening up the debugger, so I didn't bother writing them down.)

comment:2 by kev, 17 years ago

Sorry, I retried today, it's actually just after the middle HD icon lights up, not the last one. Also, the bottom of the stack crawl says '* READ/WRITE ERROR *'.

comment:3 by kev, 17 years ago

No longer having this problem. At least, booting from the HD directly works, but I haven't tried QEMU lately.

comment:4 by korli, 16 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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