Opened 16 years ago

Last modified 6 months ago

#3822 new enhancement

Installer should know how to include Haiku in an existing Grub menu

Reported by: jonas.kirilla Owned by: korli
Priority: normal Milestone: Unscheduled
Component: Applications/Installer Version: R1/pre-alpha1
Keywords: Cc: planche2k@…
Blocked By: Blocking: #16217
Platform: All


Regarding hrev30372:

It would be extra nice if Installer could figure out if Grub is being used, and add itself to the existing Grub menu.lst file. (Not even all Linux users know how Grub works.)

This depends on Haiku support for Linux filesystem.

Change History (5)

comment:1 by andreasf, 16 years ago

Cc: planche2k@… added

Note that on OpenSolaris GRUB uses ZFS filesystem rather than Linux' ext2.

Also note that GRUB may be x86-/amd64-specific since Linux uses yaboot on ppc for instance. Not sure about m68k/arm.

comment:2 by pulkomandy, 5 years ago

Milestone: R1Unscheduled

comment:3 by bitigchi, 5 years ago

Blocking: 16217 added

comment:4 by X512, 5 years ago

I don't think that this is needed because Haiku already has BootMan. Also GRUB is not standard like EFI so Haiku is not required to support it. If someone want it, it can be implemented as third-party software.

comment:5 by nephele, 6 months ago

I don't thinkk this is possible at all. Grub2 is usually managed by some installation of another OS. And atleast debian does no longer use os-prober by default. So any entry Haiku adds would be removed on the next update, unless we hijack the linux install to add this info. I don't think we should do that, maybe provide a guide on the website on how to add this to grub and link to it if grub is found to be installed.

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