Opened 16 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#4191 new enhancement

"Ungrouping" several opened files

Reported by: humdinger Owned by: stippi
Priority: normal Milestone: R1.1
Component: User Interface Version: R1/pre-alpha1
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


This is hrev32111.

A while back, Jonas had a nice idea to deal with an annoyance when opening a selection of files:

If you open a selection of files you often end up with one window for every file. There are a few cases, where it's preferrable to have all in one window and an option to "ungroup" those files into multiple windows. I suggest a menu item "Ungroup files - ALT+U". It may be prudent to have the operation abortable (with "ESC"?) in case of an accidental ungrouping (think of opening 50 RAW images...).

Here are the apps I (or Jonas in his post) can think of:

  • Get Info panel: normally show one summary panel for all selected files. (while at it, have ALT+Q close all open info panels...)
  • FileType Add-On: already combines multiple files in one panel. ALT+U could seperate those into several panels by filetype if they are not all the same.
  • Showimage: normally put all selected files into a slideshow.
  • MediaPlayer: normally put all selected files into a playlist.
  • ...are there more?

Change History (6)

comment:1 by jonas.kirilla, 16 years ago

I agree with the proposal in general, but I will focus on the MediaPlayer/ShowImage case in this comment since I found Tracker a bit curious here. Take a look at how Tracker opens a selection of multiple files:

  1. Select 10 audio files that would normally open in MediaPlayer and open them by doing Command-A, Command-O. This will open 10 MediaPlayer windows.
  1. Select the same 10 audio files and open them using "Open With > MediaPlayer". This will open a single MediaPlayer with a playlist of the 10 files.

(I don't know if this applies to all view modes - I don't remember if it was the list view or the icon view I tried.)

I'm guessing that Tracker send 10 messages with a single entry in case 1, but one message with 10 entries in the second case.

Tracker's "Command-O" should take a hint from "Open with". That should make it easier for ShowImage or MediaPlayer to decide (for themselves) when to open a slideshow or playlist and when to open multiple window. If Tracker does not pass along the user's intent to open a set of files as an actual set, the receiving application can only guess the user's intent.

I'm not saying always/blindly stuff all selection in a single BMessage - there can be different filetypes or files having a preferred application attribute set.

comment:2 by jstressman, 13 years ago

Adding myself to this one as I was bitten by this when I selected a large number of files and tried to "Get info" to see the total file size of all the selected files. :(

hrev44404 gcc2h

comment:3 by pulkomandy, 10 years ago

There is a trap here: when you select "open with", you are always opening a single application. When you use cmd+O, there may be different apps to open for each file. So, Tracker should:

  • Get the preferred app for each file
  • Group the files by preferred app
  • Open each app once and send the group of files to it in one go

So if you select a mix of pictures and videos (typical set of files from a digital camera), you'd get both ShowImage and MediaPlayer open, and the slideshow and video playlist starting to run at the same time. Better than opening a hundred windows, but still not perfect.

comment:4 by waddlesplash, 10 years ago

Milestone: R1Unscheduled

comment:5 by waddlesplash, 10 years ago

Milestone: UnscheduledR1

Reverting earlier milestone change

comment:6 by pulkomandy, 4 years ago

Milestone: R1R1.1
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