Opened 16 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

#4259 closed bug (invalid)

kernel_x86 fails to boot on real hardware.

Reported by: bbjimmy Owned by: axeld
Priority: normal Milestone: R1
Component: System/Kernel Version: R1/pre-alpha1
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


kernel_x86 will not boot on real hardware. Some change between hrev32290 and hrev32334 has stopped the system from booting. the bootscreen shows for a moment then the system restarts as if the reset button was pressed on the computer front panel. There is no way to get any output as the reset is before any boot options ( enable console output etc.) are processed. I have narrowed the change range by downloading the pre-alpha images and cpopying the kernel_x86 file to my hard disk partition ( the partition is using a much later build, only the kernel_x86 file has been swapped ) hrev32290 boots, hrev32334 does not. Using the same hrev32334 disk volume in qemu will boot ok.

Change History (7)

comment:1 by umccullough, 16 years ago

Well, at least on my real hardware it still boots fine.

I suspect you'll need to be a little more specific about your hardware.

For example, I have one machine that has pretty much always exhibited that behavior (ticket #1925)

comment:2 by bbjimmy, 16 years ago

AboutSystem shows:


AMD Athlon 64 1.80 GHz


480 MB total, xxx used (xx%)

nothing special ... Haiku has run ok on this machine for months, now it cannot boot.

comment:3 by mmlr, 16 years ago

You cannot just copy over any kernel onto any system. For example hrev32303 changed the size of the kernel_args structure that is the communication protocol between the haiku_loader and the kernel. At other times syscalls get added/moved, so you need a compatible kernel/ combo. In this case make sure that your haiku_loader and kernel_x86 are compatible, i.e. they come from the same revision.

comment:4 by mmlr, 16 years ago

Note that also means if you are booting multiple Haiku installs through the same loader (by selecting the target boot volume from the bootloader menu and not through a separate bootmanager) all the installs must be compatible with said loader. I used to use an older second install to update my main install and just select it from the bootloader menu. With the change in the protocol though I will need to update that second installation, as otherwise things get messed up and the described reboot will happen.

comment:5 by bbjimmy, 16 years ago

For example hrev32303 changed the size of the kernel_args structure that is the communication protocol between the haiku_loader and the kernel.

This must be my problem. To boot the disk, I must use the loader on the primary disk... Haiku's bootman will not show all the partitions on the system, only the ones on the primary disk. This partition is on a second disk and I boot haiku on the first disk then tell it to load haiku from the second disk.

I need to update my primary partition then I should be able to boot both partitions again.

Bootman needs to be fixed.

I will install to another partition on the primary disk and test.

comment:6 by bbjimmy, 16 years ago

This ticket can be closed. booting from bootman instead of the bootloader from an older version of Haiku alows the system to boot.

comment:7 by umccullough, 16 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

Thanks for retesting so quickly :)

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