Opened 16 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#4279 closed bug (fixed)

Locale Preference missing

Reported by: Disreali Owned by: axeld
Priority: normal Milestone: R1
Component: Preferences Version: R1/pre-alpha1
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


When attempting to test the Locale pref on hrev32448 I get an error box saying 'Could not open "Locale" (Missing libraries:'

Previously, an empty Locale preference window opened.

Change History (4)

comment:1 by anevilyak, 16 years ago

This is because liblocale isn't in the image, as it's being developed in a separate branch. For the time being the Locale preflet probably shouldn't be in the main branch's image until locale is merged back.

comment:2 by axeld, 16 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

It isn't included in the image anymore, it just seems to still be on your hard drive.

comment:3 by axeld, 16 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: closedreopened

Sorry, just noticed that Rene just fixed this issue in hrev32487.

comment:4 by modeenf, 15 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: reopenedclosed

So this can be closed?, closing it as it can be reopened again of not :)

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