Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

Last modified 15 years ago

#4373 closed bug (invalid)

Device timeout with AHCI device after switching to ATA.

Reported by: bga Owned by: marcusoverhagen
Priority: high Milestone: R1
Component: Drivers/Disk Version: R1/pre-alpha1
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


My machine has both ATA and AHCi devices. When switching to the ATA bus manager. I started getting device timeouts from AHCI:

2009-08-29 16:17:37 KERN: ahci: AHCIPort::ResetPort port 2
2009-08-29 16:17:37 KERN: ahci: AHCIPort::ResetPort port 2, deviceBusy 1, forceDeviceReset 0
2009-08-29 16:17:37 KERN: ahci: AHCIPort::InterruptErrorHandler port 2, fCommandsActive 0x00000000, is 0x00400000, ci 0x00000000
2009-08-29 16:17:37 KERN: ahci: ssts 0x00000000
2009-08-29 16:17:37 KERN: ahci: sctl 0x00000301
2009-08-29 16:17:37 KERN: ahci: serr 0x00010000
2009-08-29 16:17:37 KERN: ahci: sact 0x00000000
2009-08-29 16:17:37 KERN: ahci: PhyReady Change
2009-08-29 16:17:37 KERN: ahci: AHCIPort::InterruptErrorHandler port 2, fCommandsActive 0x00000000, is 0x00000040, ci 0x00000000
2009-08-29 16:17:37 KERN: ahci: ssts 0x00000001
2009-08-29 16:17:37 KERN: ahci: sctl 0x00000300
2009-08-29 16:17:37 KERN: ahci: serr 0x04040000
2009-08-29 16:17:37 KERN: ahci: sact 0x00000000
2009-08-29 16:17:37 KERN: ahci: Port Connect Change
2009-08-29 16:17:37 KERN: ahci: AHCIPort::InterruptErrorHandler port 2, fCommandsActive 0x00000000, is 0x00400040, ci 0x00000000
2009-08-29 16:17:37 KERN: ahci: ssts 0x00000113
2009-08-29 16:17:37 KERN: ahci: sctl 0x00000300
2009-08-29 16:17:37 KERN: ahci: serr 0x04050000
2009-08-29 16:17:37 KERN: ahci: sact 0x00000000
2009-08-29 16:17:37 KERN: ahci: PhyReady Change
2009-08-29 16:17:37 KERN: ahci: Port Connect Change
2009-08-29 16:17:37 KERN: ahci: AHCIPort::PostReset port 2
2009-08-29 16:17:37 KERN: ahci: device signature 0x00000101 (ATA)
2009-08-29 16:17:37 KERN: ahci: ExecuteAtaRequest port 2: device timeout
2009-08-29 16:17:37 KERN: ahci: sata_request::abort called for command 0x35

Note that ot mentions ATA in the output so maybe it is related to recent changes in ATA error handling? Whenever this happens and I get messages like this in syslog, any Io operations halt for several seconds.

Attached is my full syslog, just in case.

Attachments (1)

syslog.txt (161.2 KB ) - added by bga 15 years ago.

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Change History (3)

by bga, 15 years ago

Attachment: syslog.txt added

comment:1 by bga, 15 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

So the HD that was giving me problems just died. I guess this bug was related to that. :) Sorry for the noise.

comment:2 by marcusoverhagen, 15 years ago

"device signature 0x00000101 (ATA)" just means that this port is connected to a SATA or ATA harddisk, while "device signature 0xeb140101 (ATAPI)" would indicate a DVD-ROM or other ATAPI device.

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