Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#4675 closed bug (invalid)

Can't skip in selecting shapes using block and single item selection methods combined in 1 action.

Reported by: Meanwhile Owned by: nobody
Priority: normal Milestone: R1
Component: - General Version: R1/alpha1
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


Okay, so the description is a bit long, but it says it almost all. This is in Icon-O-Matic using Haiku hrev33109. Say (for example) I want to select from the shapes-list the first, second, third and fifth shape listed. Normally I'd select the first three shapes listed (using Shift & down arrow at the same time) and in the same action skip the fourth by clicking on the fifth (all this while keeping the Shift key pressed down). This used to work, but not any longer: now the fourth shape listed gets selected too. I don't know if it's a more general Haiku bug or a specific I-O-M one. Can't test in a list made in StyledEdit because I screwed up StyledEdit while installing Haiku on top of PhOS...

Change History (11)

comment:1 by stippi, 15 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

In Haiku, we unified all the various list-views behavior in this regard. It conforms now to other platforms as well and is Shift for block selection and Ctrl for single item selection. Please re-open if I didn't understand the problem correctly.

comment:2 by Meanwhile, 15 years ago

Okay, thanks for the info. In those terms, what I'm trying to do is: doing a block selection _and_ a single item selection in _one_ action. In my example: step 1: selecting first, second and third item from a list (i.e. the block selection) step 2: selecting the fifth item (i.e. the single item selection)

--> with steps 1 and 2 done in one action, by skipping (not selecting) the fourth item.

The visible and desired end result would then be: a list which has the first three items plus the fifth item selected (and thus highlighted).

The way of keeping both the block selection and the single item selection in one action, was to keep the shift key pressed until after the fifth item had been selected.

comment:3 by stippi, 15 years ago

I know, but it doesn't work like that anymore, and from what I can tell, wouldn't work on other platforms either (Shift means block selection, always). Because you have to reach for the mouse anyway, you would have to

  • Click on the first item
  • Click on the third item with Shift held
  • Click on the fifth item with Ctrl held

I just checked and it works as above (i.e. as it is supposed to work now).

comment:4 by Meanwhile, 15 years ago

Thanks, it doesn't work here, but that must be then because of the weird mixed up Haiku/PhOS installation I have running.
Thanks, and sorry for the poor layout before.
(Hadn't paid attention to those helpful 9 formatting buttons above the comment input field)

comment:5 by Meanwhile, 15 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: closedreopened
Summary: Can't select multiple shapes that aren't right below or above each other in the shapes list using Shift & arrow keys.Can't skip in selecting shapes using block and single item selection methods combined in 1 action.

I'm afraid that now on a fresh install of Haiku r1a1 (hrev33109) it doesn't work either :(
I can do a block selection allright. Can also do a single item selection, but can't make a combination of those two with the result wanted.

If I start with a block selection, skip a shape and then do a single item selection, the end result is that only the single item remains selected.
If I start with a single item selection, skip a shape and then do a block selection, the end result is that all items are selected, including the one that was supposed to be skipped.

comment:6 by stippi, 15 years ago

The first of your tests should have definitely worked. I tested this myself, like I already wrote. What modifier did you hold down to select the additional item? What modifier is configured as your short-cut key?

The second of the tests is currently not supported. I am not sure if other platforms support this, although it would be nice. The current behavior is to always form a block between the top-most selected item and the bottom-most selected item. What you want is probably to use the last selected item as anchor and make a block selection from it to the clicked item. I would want to check how that works on other platforms first. In Windows Vista, selecting a block with Shift, then selecting one more item with Ctrl (so there is a gap between the last selected item and the block) and then Shift-clicking on yet another item farther down, will deselect the block and select a new block between the third clicked item and the forth. I think it would be nicer to have two blocks as a result, considering you selected the third item with Ctrl. If I wanted to get rid of the first block, why would I select the third item with Ctrl pressed instead of simply clicking it to start a whole new selection? (BTW, Natilus works the same.)

comment:7 by Meanwhile, 15 years ago

Hmm, I've found the way it works's:

*Click on the first item while holding down Shift
*Click on the third item with shift held
*Click on the fifth item with Control held

In other words: it needs a Shift keypress at the very beginning. Maybe it's hardware dependant, but at least now there's progress; thanks a lot for your time and help.

comment:8 by idefix, 15 years ago

Replying to stippi:

In Windows Vista, selecting a block with Shift, then selecting one more item with Ctrl (so there is a gap between the last selected item and the block) and then Shift-clicking on yet another item farther down, will deselect the block and select a new block between the third clicked item and the forth.

That's because you have to ctrl-shift click on that another item farther down. Windows will then create two selection blocks. (Tested on Windows 98.)

comment:9 by bbjimmy, 15 years ago

Click on the fifth item with Ctrl held

In Haiku, the default shortcut key is ALT, not CTRL. This can be changed in the Keymap Preferences app. It works on a standard install by using the alt key instead of the ctrl key.

*Click on the first item while holding down Shift

*Click on the third item with shift held

*Click on the fifth item with ALT held

comment:10 by Meanwhile, 15 years ago

This ticket can be closed; thanks for the help everybody.

comment:11 by korli, 15 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: reopenedclosed

thanks for the feedback! Closing with the original resolution.

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