Opened 15 years ago

Last modified 3 years ago

#5033 assigned enhancement

Change of modifiers of Workspaces Applet (easy)

Reported by: humdinger Owned by: nobody
Priority: normal Milestone: R1
Component: Applications/Workspaces Version: R1/alpha1
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


This is hrev34203.

The modifiers in the applet right now:

CTRL Brings the window to the front.
CTRL SHIFT Minimizes the window.
OPT Sends the window to the back.

Since the SHIFT key is often used to shortcut a related or opposite behaviour (e.g. Undo/Redo - ALT+Z/SHIFT+ALT+Z) it would be better to have it like this:

CTRL Brings the window to the front.
CTRL SHIFT Sends the window to the back.
OPT Minimizes the window.

These 3 modifiers should also be mentioned in the About window.

Change History (8)

comment:1 by devine, 12 years ago

This looks like it has been done, and the About windows are disappearing. This should be closed.

comment:2 by humdinger, 12 years ago

It's not. The behaviour is still as described in the first table. I'm not sure anymore if it should be changed, however. In the source code it says: "this mirrors Deskbar shortcuts (when pressing a team menu item)." So it appears to be intentional, even though I can't see the OPT key doing anything when used on the deskbar...

Has anyone ever wanted to use those shortcuts in Workspaces at all? Maybe if #4351 were fixed it makes some sense to lower/minimize windows on another workspace without switching to it.

comment:3 by devine, 12 years ago

Ok, I must have misunderstood something while testing.

Deciding the appropriate behavior is the hardest part of this task. If a behavior/course of action can be firmly decided then I am happy to do the work.

comment:4 by leavengood, 12 years ago

Do we still want to do this? I can take a look at Deskbar to see just exactly what it is doing with modifiers.

comment:5 by leavengood, 12 years ago

I experimented and looked at the Deskbar code and what it does is minimize all windows in a team when you click the application while holding CTRL and SHIFT, and brings them all to the front if you click with just CTRL. I said it in that seemingly backwards order because you can't notice the latter as much as when you do the former first. In fact the latter doesn't really do anything if no windows are minimized (which could be considered a bug, I don't know.)

To make it a bit more confusing, if you use CTRL-click in the window menu, it always hides that window. But I guess in that case it always brings to front on a normal click, so it doesn't make sense to also bring to front on a CTRL-click. Maybe it should hide on a SHIFT-click instead of CTRL-click.

Anyhow, the conclusion is the Workspaces modifiers do indeed match the Deskbar to some extent, at least at the application level.

comment:6 by humdinger, 12 years ago

The reasoning of this ticket is still valid, I think. Workspaces and Deskbar behaviour aren't that mirrored actually:

to frontCTRL -
to backOPT -
show - CTRL

So the only overlap seems to be the hiding, which doesn't seem to work with CTRL+SHIFT in Workspaces in my hrev44428.

Anyway, most sense IMO would be to have Workspaces "send to back" with CTRL and "bring to front" with CTRL+SHIFT (the other way around than described in the ticket). And lose the OPT to minimize completely.
If at all possible... But as I said in another ticketed recently, these modifier-clicks are pretty obscure, so it may not be worth all the effort.

In any case, I appreciate you having looked into it!

comment:7 by axeld, 7 years ago

Owner: changed from axeld to nobody
Status: newassigned

comment:8 by pulkomandy, 3 years ago

Summary: Change of modifiers of Workspaces AppletChange of modifiers of Workspaces Applet (easy)
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