Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#5193 closed bug (fixed)

[PATCH] openfirmware: Skip mappings to non-physical memory

Reported by: andreasf Owned by: axeld
Priority: normal Milestone: R1
Component: System/Boot Loader Version: R1/Development
Keywords: Cc: kallisti5
Blocked By: Blocking: #1048, #6129, #6164
Platform: PowerPC


INIT: init VM semaphores
PANIC: looking up page failed for pa 0x80800000

OpenBIOS sets up these identity mappings:

80800000 (0x   80000) -> 80800000
80881000 (0x    1000) -> 80881000
80a00000 (0x   10000) -> 80a00000
90000000 (0x10000000) -> 90000000
fe000000 (0x   10000) -> fe000000
fec00000 (0x    1000) -> fec00000
fee00000 (0x    1000) -> fee00000

The problem is that they are all outside of (here 512 MB) RAM area, so we won't get a vm_page* but the above panic from vm_create_anonymous_area later in the kernel.

Don't add those ranges as to-keep, based on is_physical_memory.

An alternative might be to skip them based on the mode supplied by OpenBIOS but I'm not familiar with its semantics yet.

Not sure if this is the right way to fix. It does get us further a little.

Attachments (9)

mmu_skip-non-phys.diff (591 bytes ) - added by andreasf 15 years ago.
proposed patch
0009-Don-t-keep-any-ranges.patch (1.4 KB ) - added by andreasf 15 years ago.
patch: revert hrev34863 and don't add ranges to keep
ppc_free_unused_boot_loader_range2.diff (561 bytes ) - added by andreasf 15 years ago.
workaround: just free kernel ranges
0001-Keep-OpenFirmware-memory-translation.patch (2.8 KB ) - added by andreasf 15 years ago.
proposed patch: explicitly keep the translation containing OpenFirmware
0001-Revert-r36886-adapt-to-API-changes.patch (1.7 KB ) - added by andreasf 15 years ago.
proposed patch: revert hrev36886 and update insert_virtual_range_to_keep
0002-Distinguish-between-RAM-and-non-RAM-ranges-to-keep.patch (1.8 KB ) - added by andreasf 15 years ago.
proposed patch: distinguish between RAM and non-RAM ranges to keep
0003-Pretend-to-set-all-memory-types.patch (708 bytes ) - added by andreasf 15 years ago.
draft patch: pretend to set any memory type
0001-Revert-r36886.patch (2.0 KB ) - added by andreasf 15 years ago.
proposed patch: revert hrev36886 and update insert_virtual_range_to_keep
0002-Map-ranges-to-keep-with-vm_map_physical_memory.patch (1.6 KB ) - added by andreasf 15 years ago.
proposed patch: map physical memory to keep differently

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (26)

by andreasf, 15 years ago

Attachment: mmu_skip-non-phys.diff added

proposed patch

comment:1 by stippi, 15 years ago

Applied in hrev34863. I'll leave the ticket open, since I don't really have a clue if the proposed fix needs more work or not. It made sense to me to apply it as is, since as you say, it gets the PPC kernel booting a little further... :-)

comment:2 by bonefish, 15 years ago

I haven't looked into the code any further, but IIRC the "ranges to keep" have the sole purpose to allow OF calls when already in the kernel. I believe the whole concept -- or at least its current implementation -- is seriously flawed. The kernel address space starts at 2 GB, that is any mappings below that point cannot be preserved this way. Since OF usually identity maps the memory it uses, that means OF allocated memory will most likely not survive. ATM arch_vm_init_end() only creates memory-backed areas (which is the problem you're apparently running into), which means that mappings for memory mapped I/O can't be used either.

So essentially the whole mechanism is useless ATM (which might also explain why I had problems with reset or shutdown via OF once the kernel had taken over). I would rather revert the patch and comment out the code adding the OF mappings to the "ranges to keep" for the time being. Until the mechanism is replaced/fixed that is.

by andreasf, 15 years ago

patch: revert hrev34863 and don't add ranges to keep

comment:3 by andreasf, 15 years ago

patch: 01

comment:5 by andreasf, 15 years ago

With the attached patch I get to

INIT: init VM semaphores

where it just hangs.

by andreasf, 15 years ago

workaround: just free kernel ranges

comment:6 by andreasf, 15 years ago

By freeing only part of the ranges, I get to

INIT: init kernel daemons

Specifically, in KernelDaemon::Init (ppc/kernel_daemon.cpp) spawn_kernel_thread does not return.

in reply to:  6 ; comment:7 by andreasf, 15 years ago

More specifically, spawn_kernel_thread (thread.cpp) calls create_thread and in turn arch_thread_init_kthread_stack, where the memset of 0x80a01000 (size 0x3000) does not return.

As can be seen above, 0x80a0000 is identity-mapped in OpenFirmware.

in reply to:  7 ; comment:8 by bonefish, 15 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Reverted the first patch and uncommented the addition of virtual ranges in hrev36886. Basically what the second patch does, just with a comment and without a warning.

I don't see a convincing reason for attachment:ppc_free_unused_boot_loader_range2.diff ATM.

Replying to andreasf:

More specifically, spawn_kernel_thread (thread.cpp) calls create_thread and in turn arch_thread_init_kthread_stack, where the memset of 0x80a01000 (size 0x3000) does not return.

As can be seen above, 0x80a0000 is identity-mapped in OpenFirmware.

It shouldn't be mapped at this point anymore.

in reply to:  8 comment:9 by andreasf, 15 years ago


Replying to bonefish:

I don't see a convincing reason for attachment:ppc_free_unused_boot_loader_range2.diff ATM.

As a workaround, it was not intended to be applied to SVN. But it gets us further into the kernel. I believe you suggested this may be due to OpenFirmware <2GB memory getting unmapped, while still trying to use OF for dprintf etc. I'll open a new ticket to track the current breakage.

comment:10 by andreasf, 15 years ago

Blocking: 6129 added
Resolution: fixed
Status: closedreopened

hrev36886 was too strict apparently: OpenFirmware itself is unmapped that way.

by andreasf, 15 years ago

proposed patch: explicitly keep the translation containing OpenFirmware

comment:11 by andreasf, 15 years ago

patch: 10

by andreasf, 15 years ago

proposed patch: revert hrev36886 and update insert_virtual_range_to_keep

comment:12 by andreasf, 15 years ago

patch: 01

by andreasf, 15 years ago

proposed patch: distinguish between RAM and non-RAM ranges to keep

by andreasf, 15 years ago

draft patch: pretend to set any memory type

comment:13 by andreasf, 15 years ago

Ha! I've found a way to create areas for the non-RAM ranges, too!

As heuristic I'm using the available memory size.

For the non-RAM areas a memory type of 0x10000000 is getting set, which is not supported yet. I'm just ignoring it for now.

in reply to:  13 ; comment:14 by bonefish, 15 years ago

Replying to andreasf:

Ha! I've found a way to create areas for the non-RAM ranges, too!

As heuristic I'm using the available memory size.

That only works, when the physical memory is contiguous. The kernel args contain the actual physical memory ranges.

For the non-RAM areas a memory type of 0x10000000 is getting set, which is not supported yet. I'm just ignoring it for now.

The PPC arch_vm_set_memory_type() can be implemented to just return B_OK (I believe there is no such mechanism as MTRRs for PPC) as soon as memory types are supported at the paging level (TODO's in PPCVMTranslationMap::Map() and friends; cf. the specs: "Storage Control Attributes" / WIMG bits).

Note that you should retrieve the actual memory type from the mapped ranges and pass it to vm_map_physical_memory().

in reply to:  14 comment:15 by andreasf, 15 years ago

Replying to bonefish:

Replying to andreasf:

As heuristic I'm using the available memory size.

That only works, when the physical memory is contiguous. The kernel args contain the actual physical memory ranges.

My heuristic was bogus in that the available memory is actually lower than the OpenFirmware start.
Testing with a hardcoded value, it turns out that create_area() still does not work here. So we can drop that part.

Note that you should retrieve the actual memory type from the mapped ranges and pass it to vm_map_physical_memory().

Unfortunately I fail to see how.

by andreasf, 15 years ago

Attachment: 0001-Revert-r36886.patch added

proposed patch: revert hrev36886 and update insert_virtual_range_to_keep

by andreasf, 15 years ago

proposed patch: map physical memory to keep differently

comment:16 by andreasf, 15 years ago

I've rebased and updated patch 1 to remove the TODO as well which will be obsoleted by patch 2. Patch 2 was updated as described above.

comment:17 by andreasf, 15 years ago

Blocking: 6164 added

comment:18 by andreasf, 15 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: reopenedclosed

Applied both patches in hrev38291.

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