Opened 15 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#5979 closed bug (invalid)

need to disable DMA

Reported by: donn Owned by: marcusoverhagen
Priority: normal Milestone: R1
Component: Drivers/Disk Version: R1/alpha2
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: x86


On my hardware, with one SATA disk, I need to disable IDE DMA with alpha2. Older versions of Haiku didn't need that - alpha1, and previous and at least one revision following alpha1 (I'm at 35849 right now, no problem with IDE DMA.)

Symptoms - install freezes after a couple of files, live disk freezes pretty soon if I mount the disk partition and start opening files, alpha2 installed by copying files from the CD freezes immediately after drawing the blue background.

Attachments (1)

listdev (3.1 KB ) - added by donn 15 years ago.
listdev output

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Change History (3)

by donn, 15 years ago

Attachment: listdev added

listdev output

comment:1 by donn, 15 years ago

Appears to actually be a DHCP problem! If I wait long enough, the system becomes usable enough to reconfigure the network server to static, and that solves the problem. (I'm now at 37181.)

It "helps" to disable IDE DMA, because when I do this the system eventually boots with a whacked network server configuration that (usually?) is static instead of DHCP (and may feature the wrong network device, and other anomalies.) I'm not sure this is interesting, but I will leave this ticket open in case someone else thinks it is.

New ticket focused on DHCP problem is #6205.

comment:2 by diver, 13 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed
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