Opened 14 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

#5997 closed bug (fixed)

Fullscreen hides mouse

Reported by: humdinger Owned by: stippi
Priority: normal Milestone: R1
Component: Applications/WebPositive Version: R1/alpha2
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


This is r1a2.

This isn't limited to Web+, but here it's the most awkward and I don't know the correct component to assign the ticket...

When you enter fullscreen mode, the mouse cursor diappears. That's OK for MediaPlayer, but not in a browser.
What's worse, and also goes for MediaPlayer: switch to another workspace and your mouse pointer will keep disappearing as soon as you stop moving.
WonderBrush does not have this issue, BTW.

Change History (5)

comment:1 by stippi, 14 years ago

WebPositive indeed hides the cursor on puspose. I think it's probably buggy and does not check if it's still the current workspace. In fact, I think hiding the cursor makes a lot of sense, even if not in fullscreen mode. WebPositive is an app for reading something, as such the cursor is in the way by definition, full screen or not. So why not automatically hide it after a timeout, and show it as soon as you move the mouse to click on something (like it does now)? WonderBrush on the other hand is for manipulating something, mostly with the cursor, so it's a completely different situation. I have often clicked into a text field in WebPositive and I always have to move the cursor out of the way because it covers where I want to type. The cursor should probably immediately hide when you press a key, and otherwise just auto-hide after a timeout.

comment:2 by humdinger, 14 years ago

I'm not quite sure I agree completely. I do think hiding the mouse pointer when a text box is active, so not to obscure the text you're about to write, is a good idea. I'm not so sure about hiding the pointer in general in Web+. Webpages provide much to explore with the mouse, mouse-over effects, links and title-tags etc. I think it may be a bit disorienting to look for your pointer, realize it's not there, begin to move the mouse around and go back to play spot-the-mousy. :)
I know, this scenario sounds a bit exaggerated, but I do think that subconciously you'll experience some sort of stress that leaves you a bit annoyed and you may not even realize why.

comment:3 by axeld, 14 years ago

For BTextView, and BTextControl, the default is to hide the mouse cursor as soon as you start typing, btw.

comment:4 by stippi, 14 years ago

patch: 0

I've fixed the bugs and made it a setting now, but will have to upload a new package. It does default to auto-hiding the mouse pointer, since I really think it makes more sense. In any case I've added hiding the cursor and tooltips as soon as you begin typing (which would include scrolling/navigating with the keyboard, in which case I presume the pointer is useless as well).

comment:5 by stippi, 14 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Fixed in hrev36832.

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