Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #6099

Jun 7, 2010, 10:57:21 PM (14 years ago)

This is a duplicate of #4397.


  • Ticket #6099

    • Property Resolutionduplicate
    • Property Status newclosed
  • Ticket #6099 – Description

    initial v1  
    1 Here is some bug in the Pairs game when you have selected two selections with three keys (1, 2, 3).  The other picture shows the start and  the end of error state. In the start you will select the question mark below the right clock as a second of the pair. Then state is just like in other picture where two equal "keys" pictures are shown. But when you start a new pairs selection, the latest selection (picture below the right clock) disappers and state is exactly the same when it was in the first picture. It does not matter what other question mark you select to start a new pairs selection. All six selections left will get the latest selection below the right clock to disapper.
     1Here is some bug in the Pairs game when you have selected two selections with three keys (1, 2, 3).  The other picture shows the start and  the end of error state. In the start you will select the question mark below the right clock as a second of the pair. Then state is just like in other picture where two equal "keys" pictures are shown. But when you start a new pairs selection, the latest selection (picture below the right clock) disappears and state is exactly the same when it was in the first picture. It does not matter what other question mark you select to start a new pairs selection. All six selections left will get the latest selection below the right clock to disappear.
    33BTW, I do not find Pairs as a component below. Is it a 3party application?