Opened 14 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#7486 assigned task

HowTo: become a contributor

Reported by: mmadia Owned by: nobody
Priority: normal Milestone: Unscheduled
Component: Documentation Version:
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


We should provide more in-depth documentation on what people can do, in order to become contributors.

One aspect could be a series on how to write code that conforms to the coding guidelines -- "Writing Code with Style", if you will.

It could be broken up into several sections/chapters/posts -- comments, loops, headers, whitespace, when to check for errors and bail early, structs, etc.

Maybe pointing to specific revision of code in svn, for real working examples of applying the code.

Change History (7)

comment:1 by mmadia, 12 years ago

Type: enhancementtask

comment:2 by nielx, 11 years ago

Owner: changed from nielx to nobody
Status: newassigned

Remove this from my todo list.

comment:3 by sushilhub, 6 years ago

I would like to work on this ticket.

comment:4 by pulkomandy, 6 years ago


I think the appropriate place for this content would be on the website:

You can edit the website through github:

comment:5 by pulkomandy, 5 years ago

Milestone: R1Unscheduled

comment:6 by Coldfirex, 4 years ago

The current page seems pretty decent. What else should be added to close this ticket?

comment:7 by pulkomandy, 4 years ago

I'm working (on and off, been a bit busy with other things lately) into consolidating our developer documentation into a single "developer guide" providing all needed info: documentation about the internals of haiku, the build system, possibly the coding guidelines, the patch submission and review workflow, ...

I have barely started, at the moment I'm trying to just get the existing docs assembled together. I should upload my work so people can see what's going on and join in.

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