Opened 14 years ago

Last modified 6 months ago

#7578 new bug

[sshd] enter key doesn't work when connected via ssh to Haiku box and running tail

Reported by: diver Owned by: nobody
Priority: normal Milestone: R1
Component: Applications/Command Line Tools Version: R1/Development
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


This is hrev41752, gcc4hybrid.

While running tail -F /var/log/syslog I often use enter key to separate old or unrelated text from the upcoming logs.
But this trick doesn't work if I connected to Haiku via ssh.

Change History (8)

comment:1 by scottmc, 14 years ago

Is this something that used to work and was just recently broken? If so can you try to narrow it down to when it broke?

comment:2 by diver, 14 years ago

I think it was broken since forever.

comment:3 by deejam, 14 years ago

Does it work if you ssh to another box (other than Haiku) from the client you used to connect to Haiku with? That test would exclude that the error is on the client side. Because it works for me if I ssh to

Welcome to the Haiku shell.

~> ssh -l user
user@'s password: 

Welcome to the Haiku shell.

~> tail -f /var/log/syslog
KERN: SAT: SATWindow::_InitGroup BeMenu cached menu
KERN: SAT: SATGroup::AddWindow
KERN: SAT: SATWindow::AddedToGroup group: 0x18a96e48 window BeMenu cached menu
KERN: SAT: StackAndTile::WindowRemoved BeMenu cached menu
KERN: SAT: SATWindow::RemovedFromGroup group: 0x18a96e48 window BeMenu cached menu
KERN: SAT: StackAndTile::WindowRemoved BarMenuBar cached menu
KERN: SAT: SATWindow::RemovedFromGroup group: 0x18a97788 window BarMenuBar cached menu
AUTH 'sshd'[414]: Received disconnect from 11: disconnected by user
KERN: module: Search for network/protocols/ipv6/v1 failed.
AUTH 'sshd'[432]: Accepted password for user from port 40672 ssh2

KERN: SAT: SATWindow::_InitGroup BarMenuBar cached menu
KERN: SAT: SATGroup::AddWindow
KERN: SAT: SATWindow::AddedToGroup group: 0x18a97098 window BarMenuBar cached menu
KERN: SAT: SATWindow::_InitGroup BeMenu cached menu
KERN: SAT: SATGroup::AddWindow
KERN: SAT: SATWindow::AddedToGroup group: 0x18a97b00 window BeMenu cached menu
KERN: SAT: StackAndTile::WindowRemoved BeMenu cached menu
KERN: SAT: SATWindow::RemovedFromGroup group: 0x18a97b00 window BeMenu cached menu
KERN: SAT: StackAndTile::WindowRemoved BarMenuBar cached menu
KERN: SAT: SATWindow::RemovedFromGroup group: 0x18a97098 window BarMenuBar cached menu

KERN: SAT: SATWindow::_InitGroup BarMenuBar cached menu
KERN: SAT: SATGroup::AddWindow
KERN: SAT: SATWindow::AddedToGroup group: 0x18a97fa0 window BarMenuBar cached menu
KERN: SAT: StackAndTile::WindowRemoved BarMenuBar cached menu
KERN: SAT: SATWindow::RemovedFromGroup group: 0x18a97fa0 window BarMenuBar cached menu

~> logout
Connection to closed.

comment:4 by diver, 14 years ago

Sure, it works on every server I have access to. It works for me too if I ssh to from within Haiku.

in reply to:  4 comment:5 by deejam, 14 years ago

Replying to diver:

Sure, it works on every server I have access to. It works for me too if I ssh to from within Haiku.

It works for me using Putty on a Windows 7 box over local network.

comment:6 by diver, 14 years ago

Same problem with Putty in Windows XP (vbox though).

comment:7 by diver, 10 years ago

Still here in hrev47897 when connecting from OS X 10.8.5 as host to Haiku running inside VirtualBox 4.1.28.

comment:8 by diver, 6 months ago

Still here in hrev57972

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