Opened 14 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#7938 closed bug (fixed)

[ipw2100] no wireless networks listed

Reported by: taos Owned by: mmlr
Priority: normal Milestone: R1
Component: Drivers/Network/ipw2100 Version: R1/Development
Keywords: ipw2100 Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


Even after installing the firmware for ipw2100 (by simply extracting /boot/system/data/firmware/ipw2100/ipw2100-fw-1.3.tgz and rebooting because of #7898), my Acer TravelMate 800LCi can't see any wireless networks - in contrast to my netbook with atheroswifi and another laptop with iprowifi2200.

Another user on (enzo) reports a similar problem in a forum post.

Attachments (12)

ifconfig_ipw2100_acer_tm_800LCi.txt (1.3 KB ) - added by taos 14 years ago.
Output of ifconfig for Acer TravelMate 800LCi.
listdev_acer_tm_800LCi.txt (2.7 KB ) - added by taos 14 years ago.
Output of listdev for Acer TravelMate 800LCi.
syslog_ipw2100_Acer_TravelMate_800LCi.txt (12.3 KB ) - added by taos 14 years ago.
Syslog excerpt for Acer TravelMate 800LCi.
iprowifi2100.diff (612 bytes ) - added by diver 13 years ago.
syslog_iprowifi2100_without_fw (138.1 KB ) - added by taos 13 years ago.
Syslog of hrev44055-dirty with iprowifi2100 - no ipw2100 firmware installed.
ifconfig_iprowifi2100_without_fw (788 bytes ) - added by taos 13 years ago.
Output of inconfig in hrev44055-dirty with iprowifi2100 - no ipw2100 firmware installed.
listdev_iprowifi2100_without_fw (2.7 KB ) - added by taos 13 years ago.
Output of listdev in hrev44055-dirty with iprowifi2100 - no ipw2100 firmware installed.
listimage_iprowifi2100_without_fw (1.8 KB ) - added by taos 13 years ago.
Output of listimage in hrev44055-dirty with iprowifi2100 - no ipw2100 firmware installed.
syslog_iprowifi2100_with_fw (137.1 KB ) - added by taos 13 years ago.
Syslog of hrev44055-dirty with iprowifi2100 - ipw2100 firmware installed.
ifconfig_iprowifi2100_with_fw (785 bytes ) - added by taos 13 years ago.
Output of ifconfig in hrev44055-dirty with iprowifi2100 - ipw2100 firmware installed.
listdev_iprowifi2100_with_fw (2.7 KB ) - added by taos 13 years ago.
Output of listdev in hrev44055-dirty with iprowifi2100 - ipw2100 firmware installed.
listimage_iprowifi2100_with_fw (1.8 KB ) - added by taos 13 years ago.
Output of listimage in hrev44055-dirty with iprowifi2100 - ipw2100 firmware installed.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (19)

by taos, 14 years ago

Output of ifconfig for Acer TravelMate 800LCi.

by taos, 14 years ago

Attachment: listdev_acer_tm_800LCi.txt added

Output of listdev for Acer TravelMate 800LCi.

comment:1 by ttcoder, 14 years ago

IIUC the "trace_always" in Open() log to syslog (?), so the syslog should say for sure if Open() is successful or not -- and if not, it would confirm 100% Ingo's hint in #7898 that the leak in Open() also causes the KDL, in addition to failing to support the hardware...

comment:2 by mmlr, 14 years ago

Don't bother investigating this. The native driver has the mentioned issues, but even if it didn't it doesn't use the FreeBSD compatibility layer. Since the current userland wireless interface uses the FreeBSD ioctls to communicate with the drivers, this would have to be "ported" into the native driver to make it work. Since there is also a, presumably better tested, FreeBSD driver for this device already, the native one can simply be dumped. I'll do that as soon as I get around to it.

by taos, 14 years ago

Syslog excerpt for Acer TravelMate 800LCi.

comment:3 by diver, 13 years ago

jam iprowifi2100 compiles ok in both gcc2 and gcc4, so it seems that the only thing left is to replace ipw2100 with iprowifi2100 in HaikuImage.

by diver, 13 years ago

Attachment: iprowifi2100.diff added

comment:4 by diver, 13 years ago

patch: 01

comment:5 by taos, 13 years ago

Using hrev44055-dirty (gcc2hybrid compiled with iprowifi instead of ipw2100).

Even after copying ipw2100 firmware from a "clean" installation there is no /dev/net/iprowifi2100 for my Acer Travelmate 800. Attached are syslogs and outputs of listdev, listimage, and ifconfig with and without ipw2100 firmware installed.

by taos, 13 years ago

Syslog of hrev44055-dirty with iprowifi2100 - no ipw2100 firmware installed.

by taos, 13 years ago

Output of inconfig in hrev44055-dirty with iprowifi2100 - no ipw2100 firmware installed.

by taos, 13 years ago

Output of listdev in hrev44055-dirty with iprowifi2100 - no ipw2100 firmware installed.

by taos, 13 years ago

Output of listimage in hrev44055-dirty with iprowifi2100 - no ipw2100 firmware installed.

by taos, 13 years ago

Attachment: syslog_iprowifi2100_with_fw added

Syslog of hrev44055-dirty with iprowifi2100 - ipw2100 firmware installed.

by taos, 13 years ago

Output of ifconfig in hrev44055-dirty with iprowifi2100 - ipw2100 firmware installed.

by taos, 13 years ago

Output of listdev in hrev44055-dirty with iprowifi2100 - ipw2100 firmware installed.

by taos, 13 years ago

Output of listimage in hrev44055-dirty with iprowifi2100 - ipw2100 firmware installed.

comment:6 by diver, 13 years ago

[iprowifi2100] (ipw) could not load firmware image 'ipw_bss'

looks suspicious.

comment:7 by modeenf, 13 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Chould be fixed in hrev44218

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