Opened 13 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

Last modified 7 years ago

#8634 closed bug (fixed)

vm_page_fault: unhandled page fault in kernel space at 0x0, ip 0x0

Reported by: kurtis Owned by: korli
Priority: normal Milestone: R1
Component: Drivers/Network/aironetwifi Version: R1/Development
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: x86


I tried to start two live CDs on this computer. The graphical screen came up with the various icons indicating the load progress. After it got through the final icon, the operating system dropped into GDB.

I have tried a very recent nightly build (not sure which version) as well as the Alpha 3 release. Both show the same results.

I am including a photo of the screen for potential debugging purposes.


Itronix GoBook II
Intel Pentium 4-M 1.7ghz CPU
Realtek 8139/810x Ethernet Card
ATI Mobility Radeon (16MB SGRAM)

Attachments (4)

20120612_001.jpg (1.4 MB ) - added by kurtis 13 years ago.
Photo of the stack trace
20120613_001.jpg (939.9 KB ) - added by kurtis 13 years ago.
Photo of Haiku loading screen sitting idle, offset to the left side of the screen.
aironetwifi-crash.jpg (103.1 KB ) - added by siarzhuk 11 years ago.
aironetwifi KDL screenshot
syslog (81.4 KB ) - added by siarzhuk 11 years ago.
syslog of booting with fixed start_wlan() call and attempt to open Network preflet.

Change History (21)

by kurtis, 13 years ago

Attachment: 20120612_001.jpg added

Photo of the stack trace

comment:1 by anevilyak, 13 years ago

Component: SystemDrivers/Network/aironetwifi
Owner: changed from nobody to korli
Version: R1/alpha3R1/Development

comment:2 by diver, 13 years ago

You should be able to start Haiku in Safe mode, then you will need to find aironetwifi and rename it to something else (e.g. aironetwifi.disabled) and reboot.

comment:3 by kurtis, 13 years ago

Thanks. I tried to boot into safe mode. Note that I am running this off of a CD at the moment. Unfortunately, after the boot-notification area is finished iterating through the progress icons, it moves the notification area off to the left side and just hangs. At this point it is no longer attempting to read from the CD.

My steps to get here were:

  1. Select to Boot from CD using BIOS menu
  2. Hold left-shift down to bring up Haiku startup options
  3. Went into the menu and choose 'Safe Mode'
  4. From main menu, clicked continue booting.

Attached is a photo showing the state at which it sits. I let it sit for over 20 minutes just in case it was still making some sort of progress. However, nothing changed.

by kurtis, 13 years ago

Attachment: 20120613_001.jpg added

Photo of Haiku loading screen sitting idle, offset to the left side of the screen.

comment:4 by diver, 13 years ago

Looks like you have some graphic driver issues, try to enable Use fail-safe video mode in addition to enabling Safe Mode.

Last edited 13 years ago by diver (previous) (diff)

in reply to:  4 comment:5 by kurtis, 13 years ago

Replying to diver:

Looks like you have some graphic driver issues, try to enable Use fail-safe video mode in addition to enabling Safe Mode.

Thanks. That got me into the Installer. Are there any recommended ways on debugging this issue?

comment:6 by kurtis, 13 years ago

Actually, should I create a new ticket with the Video issue? I'm guessing it's separate from the initial crash issue. Admins can feel free to it to a new ticket as needed.

comment:7 by diver, 13 years ago

Yes, video (probably radeon) issue deserves it's own ticket.

Last edited 13 years ago by diver (previous) (diff)

comment:8 by kurtis, 13 years ago


  1. Renaming the bin/aironet WIFI driver worked as a temporary solution for the initial issue.
  2. It would be great to have a real fix for this problem. It's not critical to me at the moment. I'm not sure how common this network chipset is, anyways.
  3. The other issue has been reported at #8637

comment:9 by luroh, 12 years ago

The bug may have been fixed along with #8684, please give R1 Alpha 4.1 a try.

comment:10 by luroh, 12 years ago

Blocking: 7665 added

comment:11 by siarzhuk, 11 years ago

Hi korli!

I have similar GoBook II laptop here with crashing aironetwifi driver. Corresponding KDL screenshot is attached. Disassembly of the device_attach:

Function device_attach

Referenced at Address(es):
0004a9b0:                    55     push   %ebp
0004a9b1:                  89e5     mov    %esp,%ebp
0004a9b3:                    56     push   %esi
0004a9b4:                    53     push   %ebx

Reference to function "__x86.get_pc_thunk.bx"
0004a9b5:            e80d25fcff     call   cec7 
0004a9ba:          81c386580100     add    $0x15886,%ebx
0004a9c0:                8b7508     mov    0x8(%ebp),%esi
0004a9c3:                8b4608     mov    0x8(%esi),%eax
0004a9c6:                  85c0     test   %eax,%eax
0004a9c8:                  7436     je     4aa00 
0004a9ca:          8b86f0000000     mov    0xf0(%esi),%eax
0004a9d0:                  85c0     test   %eax,%eax
0004a9d2:                  742c     je     4aa00 
0004a9d4:                83ec0c     sub    $0xc,%esp
0004a9d7:                    56     push   %esi
0004a9d8:                  ffd0     call   *%eax
0004a9da:                83c410     add    $0x10,%esp
0004a9dd:                  85c0     test   %eax,%eax
0004a9df:                  7407     je     4a9e8 

Referenced by (conditionnal) jump(s) at Address(es):
0004a9e1:                8d65f8     lea    -0x8(%ebp),%esp
0004a9e4:                    5b     pop    %ebx
0004a9e5:                    5e     pop    %esi
0004a9e6:                    5d     pop    %ebp
0004a9e7:                    c3     ret    

Referenced by (conditionnal) jump(s) at Address(es):
0004a9e8:            f0834e1810     lock orl $0x10,0x18(%esi)
0004a9ed:                83ec0c     sub    $0xc,%esp
0004a9f0:                    56     push   %esi

Reference to function "start_wlan"
0004a9f1:            e87a09fcff     call   b370 
0004a9f6:                83c410     add    $0x10,%esp         <<<<<< device_attach + 0x46
0004a9f9:                8d65f8     lea    -0x8(%ebp),%esp
0004a9fc:                    5b     pop    %ebx
0004a9fd:                    5e     pop    %esi
0004a9fe:                    5d     pop    %ebp
0004a9ff:                    c3     ret    

Referenced by (conditionnal) jump(s) at Address(es):
	0004A9C8  0004A9D2  
0004aa00:                83c8ff     or     $0xffffffff,%eax
0004aa03:                  ebdc     jmp    4a9e1 
0004aa05:              8d742600     lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi
0004aa09:        8dbc2700000000     lea    0x0(%edi,%eiz,1),%edi

Feel free to ask for more debug tracing, tests etc. ;-)

by siarzhuk, 11 years ago

Attachment: aironetwifi-crash.jpg added

aironetwifi KDL screenshot

comment:12 by korli, 11 years ago

siarzhuk, could you check the FBSD_WLAN requirement flag when calling start_wlan()/stop_wlan(). The aironetwifi driver doesn't require this flag. Something like the following in device_attach():

   if (result == 0 && HAIKU_DRIVER_REQUIRES(FBSD_WLAN))
       result = start_wlan(device);

Same for device_detach(). Hope it helps.

in reply to:  12 ; comment:13 by siarzhuk, 11 years ago

Replying to korli:

could you check the FBSD_WLAN requirement flag when calling start_wlan()/stop_wlan(). The aironetwifi driver doesn't require this flag.

Just curios: what is the purpose of this flag?


result = start_wlan(device);

OK, I'll try it today evening. But this laptop has definitley true WiFI antenna on the screen border. Will it work without wlan support? ;-)

in reply to:  13 comment:14 by korli, 11 years ago

Replying to siarzhuk:

Just curios: what is the purpose of this flag?

It enables the net80211 structures. It isn't clear to me why it is not currently more used in our compatibility framework.

OK, I'll try it today evening. But this laptop has definitley true WiFI antenna on the screen border. Will it work without wlan support? ;-)

To cite the FreeBSD man page: "the an(4) driver uses unmodified packet mode instead of letting the NIC perform 802.11/ethernet encapsulation itself.". This probably explains why the driver only uses an ethernet interface (IF_ETHER).

in reply to:  12 comment:15 by siarzhuk, 11 years ago

Replying to korli:

Something like the following in device_attach():

   if (result == 0 && HAIKU_DRIVER_REQUIRES(FBSD_WLAN))
       result = start_wlan(device);

Same for device_detach(). Hope it helps.

Yes, proposed watchdog fixes the crash. After booting into system and attempt to open Network preflet I have observed new "Network" combobox filled with lot of empty menu entries with "wlan" icon at the right. At the next boot this preflet was not opened at all and syslog was filled with messages:

KERN: wlan_control: 9235, 76

Corresponding syslog is attached.

by siarzhuk, 11 years ago

Attachment: syslog added

syslog of booting with fixed start_wlan() call and attempt to open Network preflet.

comment:16 by waddlesplash, 7 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Done in hrev52091. If there are further problems, that's a separate ticket.

comment:17 by waddlesplash, 7 years ago

Blocking: 7665 removed
Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.