Opened 12 years ago

Last modified 5 years ago

#9137 reopened enhancement

Implement scrollbar knobs as in BeOS R5

Reported by: jessicah Owned by: jscipione
Priority: normal Milestone: R1
Component: User Interface Version: R1/Development
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


The current flat looking scrollbars in Haiku are bleak. Also, the two knob-styles in BeOS R5 add a degree of touchability to the scrollbars.

Personally, I prefer the three squares design. The BeOS's UI is very inspiring, and I'd like to see some of that BeOS personality continue to resonate in Haiku.

The Scrollbar Preferences.

Whilst some may argue this falls under theming (which I certainly don't advocate myself), I argue that this is personality of the BeOS and hopefully also that of Haiku.

Attachments (10)

Scrollbar_knob_idea.png (10.6 KB ) - added by jscipione 12 years ago.
Mockup of scrollbar knobs, more to come.
Scroll bar knob idea 2.png (13.2 KB ) - added by jscipione 12 years ago.
Scroll bar knob idea 2, similar to Mac OS Platinum and Windows XP
Scroll bar knob idea 2 disabled.png (11.8 KB ) - added by jscipione 12 years ago.
Scroll bar knob idea 2, unfocus or disabled look
if you don't like blue.png (13.6 KB ) - added by jscipione 12 years ago.
BeOS style scrollbar knobs.png (21.3 KB ) - added by jscipione 12 years ago.
Rejected before but here are the BeOS R5 style knobs for reference
3 line knob.png (14.5 KB ) - added by jscipione 12 years ago.
3 line knob style
knobs.png (16.9 KB ) - added by jscipione 11 years ago.
Appearance preferences showing different knob styles
Appearance Scroll bar prefs no arrows on knobs and height adjusted.png (50.0 KB ) - added by jscipione 7 years ago.
Appearance showing Scroll Bar options
2pxdots.png (23.0 KB ) - added by jscipione 5 years ago.
Appearance Prefs with 2px wide dot scroll bar knobs (32.0 KB ) - added by jscipione 5 years ago.
BeOS ScrollBar prefs

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (29)

comment:1 by anevilyak, 12 years ago

Type: bugenhancement

comment:2 by axeld, 12 years ago

Owner: changed from stippi to jscipione
Status: newassigned

This has just been discussed on the mailing list again. While the current look might be changed (John intended to improve upon his last try again), the scroll bar preferences won't make a comeback as they were on BeOS.

I leave this ticket open until John comes up with a new design, and see if that is accepted or not.

by jscipione, 12 years ago

Attachment: Scrollbar_knob_idea.png added

Mockup of scrollbar knobs, more to come.

comment:3 by jscipione, 12 years ago

I swear I didn't put jessicah up to this. Some on the IRC channel lamented the loss of the BeOS 5 style scrollbar knobs, I told them to take it up on the mailing list, jessicah decided to file this ticket instead. Trac is not the appropriate place to have these kinds of discussions, the mailing list is. Anyway, I've attached a first draft scroll bar knob mockup, it still needs some work but is a good starting point to show what I'm thinking.

by jscipione, 12 years ago

Attachment: Scroll bar knob idea 2.png added

Scroll bar knob idea 2, similar to Mac OS Platinum and Windows XP

by jscipione, 12 years ago

Scroll bar knob idea 2, unfocus or disabled look

by jscipione, 12 years ago

Attachment: if you don't like blue.png added

by jscipione, 12 years ago

Rejected before but here are the BeOS R5 style knobs for reference

comment:5 by jscipione, 12 years ago

Do you like the dimples better than the lines?

comment:6 by dsjonny, 12 years ago

I think that looks good, and I think it can be available for choice, so the user can select this style too. I like the other 3 styles too.

comment:7 by axeld, 12 years ago

Blue scrollbar over my dead body. But besides that, "if you don't like blue.png" certainly looks better than your previous tries :-)

by jscipione, 12 years ago

Attachment: 3 line knob.png added

3 line knob style

by jscipione, 11 years ago

Attachment: knobs.png added

Appearance preferences showing different knob styles

comment:8 by pulkomandy, 10 years ago

Hi, The knobs themselves look ok (I also like the "if you don't like blue" ones, which look like raised bars, rather than carvings on the scrollbar). Not sure the dotted style is very useful.

However I don't like the preference panel much. Having to click a scrollbar to change the style is not intuitive, and the arrow-less scrollbar looks ugly. Can we get standard radio buttons or checkboxes instead?

There is a separate ticket to add a more complete "preview" view to Appearances, which I think is what we should do, removing all the existing previews (fonts, scrollbars).

comment:9 by jscipione, 10 years ago

Well, the dotted style and the preference panel look both derive from the "as in BeOS R5" part of the bug report.

Standard radio buttons with text labels are not okay as the images help. We could take on a more hybrid radio button/image control though, but text labels would be unclear.

Do we need different scroll bar styles selectable in Appearance? Probably not. It might be nice to have them in the class though so that the style could be turned on in a round-about way for BeOS diehards while the rest of us can use the default, whatever that may be. Most people seem to like the lines.

I don't think that Appearance needs a complete "preview" view, let's wait until after R1 and then we can do a nice visual overhaul.

by jscipione, 7 years ago

Appearance showing Scroll Bar options

comment:10 by jscipione, 7 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

enhancement implemented in hrev52106 including drawing Scroll Bars into HaikuControlLook.

comment:11 by jscipione, 7 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: closedreopened

Reverted in hrev52129

comment:12 by CodeforEvolution, 5 years ago

One thing I wanted to add here, on my 1024 x 768 screen, I feel as though the dots that are a part of the "dots" scrollbar knob look are too small, and barely visible (They take up only 4 pixels on my screen). Would it be possible to increase the size of the dots by a few pixels?

by jscipione, 5 years ago

Attachment: 2pxdots.png added

Appearance Prefs with 2px wide dot scroll bar knobs

comment:13 by CodeforEvolution, 5 years ago

I would say that looks a lot better!

comment:14 by jscipione, 5 years ago

I agree even at smaller resolutions the single pixel dots were too small.

comment:15 by bitigchi, 5 years ago

Looking forward to see this implemented (with the rest of the R5 look)!

comment:16 by jscipione, 5 years ago

Technically this has already been merged there's just no interface setting in Appearance to actually change the scroll bar knob value. This interface change has been implemented in but is waiting for approval.

comment:17 by X512, 5 years ago

It is possible to use Scrollbar preference from BeOS to change knob style.

comment:18 by jscipione, 5 years ago

I'm just now noticing that the 2px dots change never made it in...

by jscipione, 5 years ago

Attachment: added

BeOS ScrollBar prefs

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