Opened 12 years ago

Last modified 2 months ago

#9476 new bug

Strange keyboard behaviour - Apple usb aluminum keyboard

Reported by: kallisti5 Owned by: mmlr
Priority: low Milestone: Unscheduled
Component: Drivers/Input/HID/USB Version: R1/alpha4.1
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All

Description (last modified by kallisti5)

Keyboard randomly stops functioning. Have to unplug and replug to regain functionality.

Logs show no errors when keyboard goes dead... usb_hid error is seen on plugging in the keyboard however...

KERN: usb hub 38: port 5: new device connected
KERN: usb hub 100: port 1: new device connected
KERN: usb_hid: no handlers for hid device
KERN: usb_hid: keyboard device unhandled control 0x00002710

Keyboard USB info

05ac:0220 /dev/bus/usb/4/1/5/1 "Apple, Inc." "Aluminum Keyboard (ANSI)" ver. 0069

~> listusb -v /dev/bus/usb/4/1/5/1 
[Device /dev/bus/usb/4/1/5/1]
    Class .................. 0x00 (Per-interface classes)
    Subclass ............... 0x00
    Protocol ............... 0x00
    Max Endpoint 0 Packet .. 8
    USB Version ............ 0x0200
    Vendor ID .............. 0x05ac (Apple, Inc.)
    Product ID ............. 0x0220 (Aluminum Keyboard (ANSI))
    Product Version ........ 0x0069
    Manufacturer String .... "Apple, Inc"
    Product String ......... "Apple Keyboard"
    Serial Number .......... ""
    [Configuration 0]
        Configuration String . ""
        [Interface 0]
            [Alternate 0 active]
                Class .............. 0x03 (HID)
                Subclass ........... 0x01
                Protocol ........... 0x01
                Interface String ... ""
                [Endpoint 0]
                    MaxPacketSize .... 8
                    Interval ......... 10
                    Type ............. Interrupt
                    Direction ........ Input
                [Descriptor 0]
                    Type ............. 0x21
                    Data ............. 11 01 21 01 22 4b 00 
        [Interface 1]
            [Alternate 0 active]
                Class .............. 0x03 (HID)
                Subclass ........... 0x00
                Protocol ........... 0x00
                Interface String ... ""
                [Endpoint 0]
                    MaxPacketSize .... 1
                    Interval ......... 10
                    Type ............. Interrupt
                    Direction ........ Input
                [Descriptor 0]
                    Type ............. 0x21
                    Data ............. 11 01 00 01 22 2f 00 

Keyboard hub info:

05ac:1006 /dev/bus/usb/4/1/5/hub "Apple, Inc." "Hub in Aluminum Keyboard" ver. 9615

~> listusb -v /dev/bus/usb/4/1/5/hub
[Device /dev/bus/usb/4/1/5/hub]
    Class .................. 0x09 (Hub)
    Subclass ............... 0x00
    Protocol ............... 0x01
    Max Endpoint 0 Packet .. 64
    USB Version ............ 0x0200
    Vendor ID .............. 0x05ac (Apple, Inc.)
    Product ID ............. 0x1006 (Hub in Aluminum Keyboard)
    Product Version ........ 0x9615
    Manufacturer String .... ""
    Product String ......... ""
    Serial Number .......... ""
    [Configuration 0]
        Configuration String . ""
        [Interface 0]
            [Alternate 0 active]
                Class .............. 0x09 (Hub)
                Subclass ........... 0x00
                Protocol ........... 0x00
                Interface String ... ""
                [Endpoint 0]
                    MaxPacketSize .... 1
                    Interval ......... 12
                    Type ............. Interrupt
                    Direction ........ Input
    Hub ports count......... 3
    Hub Controller Current.. 200mA
      Port 1 status....... 0100.0000 Power
      Port 2 status....... 0303.0000 Connect Enable Power Lowspeed
      Port 3 status....... 0100.0000 Power

Change History (6)

comment:1 by kallisti5, 12 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:2 by kallisti5, 12 years ago

KERN: usb hub 22: port 1: new device connected
KERN: usb error hub 22: new device on a port that is already in use
KERN: usb error control pipe 221: timeout waiting for queued request to complete
KERN: usb_hid: error waiting for report: Device stalled
KERN: usb error ehci -1: qtd (0x0ed37d00) error: 0x8008894a
KERN: usb error control pipe 36: timeout waiting for queued request to complete
KERN: usb error control pipe 134: timeout waiting for queued request to complete
KERN: usb error ehci -1: qtd (0x0eda9c80) error: 0x8008854a
KERN: usb error control pipe 36: timeout waiting for queued request to complete
KERN: usb error control pipe 134: timeout waiting for queued request to complete
KERN: usb_hid: error waiting for report: Device stalled
KERN: usb error ehci -1: qtd (0x0edab780) error: 0x00080248
KERN: usb error ehci -1: qtd (0x0edabc00) error: 0x0008854a
KERN: usb error control pipe 36: timeout waiting for queued request to complete
KERN: usb error control pipe 221: timeout waiting for queued request to complete
KERN: usb_hid: error waiting for report: Device stalled
KERN: usb error ehci -1: qtd (0x0edabd00) error: 0x00080248
KERN: usb error ehci -1: KERN: qtd (0x0edabf00) error: 0x00080248
KERN: usb error ehci -1: KERN: qtd (0x0edac100) error: 0x0008854a
KERN: usb error ehci -1: error while setting device address
KERN: usb error control pipe 134: timeout waiting for queued request to complete
KERN: usb error ehci -1: qtd (0x0edac280) error: 0x00080248
KERN: usb error ehci -1: qtd (0x0edac480) error: 0x00080248
KERN: usb error ehci -1: qtd (0x0edac680) error: 0x0008854a
KERN: usb error control pipe 36: timeout waiting for queued request to complete
KERN: usb error control pipe 134: timeout waiting for queued request to complete
KERN: usb_hid: error waiting for report: Device stalled
KERN: usb error ehci -1: KERN: qtd (0x0edac800) error: 0x00080248
KERN: usb error ehci -1: qtd (0x0edaca00) error: 0x0008854a
KERN: usb error control pipe 36: timeout waiting for queued request to complete
KERN: usb error control pipe 221: KERN: timeout waiting for queued request to complete
KERN: usb_hid: error waiting for report: Device stalled
KERN: usb error ehci -1: qtd (0x0edacb80) error: 0x00080248
KERN: usb error ehci -1: qtd (0x0edad080) error: 0x0008854a
KERN: usb error control pipe 36: timeout waiting for queued request to complete
KERN: usb error ehci -1: error while setting device address
KERN: usb error control pipe 134: timeout waiting for queued request to complete
KERN: usb error ehci -1: qtd (0x0edad200) error: 0x00080248
KERN: usb error ehci -1: qtd (0x0edad400) error: 0x00080248
KERN: usb error ehci -1: qtd (0x0edad600) error: 0x0008854a
KERN: usb error ehci -1: qtd (0x0edad780) error: 0x00080248
KERN: usb error ehci -1: qtd (0x0edad980) error: 0x00080248
KERN: usb error ehci -1: KERN: qtd (0x0edadb80) error: 0x0008854a
KERN: usb error ehci -1: KERN: qtd (0x0edadd00) error: 0x00080248

Shouldn't be overpower as it works fine on my linux desktop. I will however try with it not plugged into a usb hub.

comment:3 by Max-Might, 9 years ago

I am not sure if this is relevant to this bug report but I get the same

KERN: usb_hid: keyboard device unhandled control 0x00002710

message when I plug in a USB mouse. Tried with two mice on hrev49522.

comment:4 by waddlesplash, 6 years ago

Component: Drivers/Keyboard/USBDrivers/Input/USB-HID

component -> USB-HID (new)

comment:5 by pulkomandy, 5 years ago

Might work better with hrev53816, can you retry?

comment:6 by waddlesplash, 2 months ago

Keywords: apple removed
Milestone: R1Unscheduled
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