Opened 9 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#12850 reopened bug

WebPositive loads also history if a ref is recived

Reported by: Paradoxon Owned by: pulkomandy
Priority: normal Milestone: Unscheduled
Component: Applications/WebPositive Version: R1/Development
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


If a ref or URL is handed over to WebPositive the whole save history is opend in a second window. Ist more common that a handed over URL or ref will just open only a window with the handed over link.

Attachments (2)

0001-WebPositive-dont-load-history-if-a-ref-is-recived.patch (2.1 KB ) - added by Paradoxon 9 years ago.
load_url_in_new_tab.patch (3.0 KB ) - added by Paradoxon 8 years ago.
Loads URLS and refs wich are handed over to webpositive in a new tab so that the previous history is still alive ;-)

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (8)

comment:1 by Paradoxon, 9 years ago

patch: 01

comment:2 by pulkomandy, 9 years ago

There are some style errors (missing space before {, trailing whitespace). Also, I don't understand how this works. The _RefsReceived case does not increment pagesCreated, so the new test for it being 0 is dead code (it will always be 0 at that point). Or did I misread something?

comment:3 by Paradoxon, 9 years ago

the _RefsRecived wich is called at line 229 it will count pagesCreated up if a ref is handed over:

So if a ref is handed over the whole history isnt loaded.

Last edited 9 years ago by Paradoxon (previous) (diff)

comment:4 by pulkomandy, 9 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Applied in hrev50405. Thanks!

by Paradoxon, 8 years ago

Attachment: load_url_in_new_tab.patch added

Loads URLS and refs wich are handed over to webpositive in a new tab so that the previous history is still alive ;-)

comment:5 by Paradoxon, 8 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: closedreopened

Added a new Patch will loads new refs and so on as a new tab after the history was loaded

comment:6 by pulkomandy, 8 years ago

I'm still undecided on wether to merge this and bring the session back in that case. Maybe it should be an option or Web+ should offer a dialog asking what to do.

Or maybe we need a more powerful session management.

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