Opened 5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

Last modified 5 years ago

#16149 closed bug (fixed)

HaikuDepot doesn't shows packages from all other repos

Reported by: lorglas Owned by: apl-haiku
Priority: normal Milestone: R1/beta3
Component: Applications/HaikuDepot Version: R1/Development
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All

Description (last modified by diver)

hrev54625 x86_64

HaikuDepot doesn't shows packages from BeSly Software solution, Kapix. It only shows packages from haiku, haikuports and fatelk repos.

Attachments (2)

BeSly-Software-Solutions.png (31.1 KB ) - added by bbjimmy 5 years ago.
empty software (2.9 KB ) - added by digitalsin 5 years ago.
Package Repositories

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (24)

comment:1 by diver, 5 years ago

Component: - GeneralApplications/HaikuDepot
Description: modified (diff)
Owner: changed from nobody to apl-haiku
Summary: Haikudepot doesn't shows packages from all other repoHaikuDepot doesn't shows packages from all other repos

by bbjimmy, 5 years ago

empty software

comment:2 by bbjimmy, 5 years ago

it looks like any repo with a space in the name does not work.

comment:3 by lorglas, 5 years ago

a little test: i download the .repo file from BeSly and Fatelk repository,

If i want to list the content over the terminal i get following by fatelk:
package_repo list repo.1

name: FatElk_64
summary: Fat Elk x86_64 package repository
vendor: Fat Elk Software
priority: 1
architecture: x86_64



and by BeSly Software Solutions

package_repo list repo Error: Unable to unarchive repository info**

It seems that the problem is to unarchive the repo data.

Last edited 5 years ago by lorglas (previous) (diff)

comment:4 by bbjimmy, 5 years ago for BeSly:

name "BeSly Software Solutions"
vendor "BeSly Software Solutions"
summary "BeSly Software Solutions - x86_gcc2 package repository"
priority 2
url <>
architecture x86_gcc2 for fatelk:

name "FatElk"
vendor "Fat Elk Software"
summary "Fat Elk x86_gcc2 package repository"
priority 1
architecture x86_gcc2

note: the name field has no space for fatelk, or any of the repos that work, but there is a space in the name field for all the repos that do not work. I think it fails because of the space in the name.

comment:5 by waddlesplash, 5 years ago

The < > in the URL field also looks rather suspicious to me.

comment:6 by bbjimmy, 5 years ago


clasqm's :

name "clasqm's x86_gcc2 repo"
vendor "clasqm"
summary "clasqm's x86_gcc2 package repository"
priority 2
architecture x86_gcc2 any


name "KapiX's Depot"
vendor "KapiX's Depot"
summary "KapiX's x86_gcc2 package repository"
priority 2
url <>
architecture x86_gcc2

more spaces in the name field.

comment:7 by apl-haiku, 5 years ago

Could you please configure your non-functioning repository and then follow the instructions here under "Diagnostic Logs" and then attach the resulting trace log to this ticket.

Another thing that you could do to test your hypothesis is to temporarily setup another repository with a simplified name containing only latin alpha-numeric characters, vend it over HTTP/S and then see if it is picked up by HaikuDepot and HaikuDepotServer.

Last edited 5 years ago by apl-haiku (previous) (diff)

comment:8 by bbjimmy, 5 years ago

It looks like the repo file , is indeed corrupted and may need to be replaced. This may not resolve the issue however

comment:9 by bbjimmy, 5 years ago

Interestingly, I created a repo:

name "Fat Elk"
vendor "Fat Elk Software"
summary "Fat Elk x86_gcc2 package repository"
priority 1
architecture x86_gcc2

With this one added it showd all of the files, but the original fatelk repo : would show no packages.

Once I disabeled the "Fat Elk" repo and had only the "FatElk" one enabled and refreshed the repositiorie, the original one showed the files again. hmmm :/

Last edited 5 years ago by bbjimmy (previous) (diff)

comment:10 by apl-haiku, 5 years ago

I am unable to spend time on this today, but some background; The Haiku system tends to use the name of the repository as the identifier. For example, the name is used in on-disk caches and configurations. Also in some HaikuDepot logic the name is used as a key for a repository. I can't immediately see why the name having spaces or punctuation would make any difference. If you can get that trace log from HaikuDepot that would hopefully give some insight into what is going on.

PS: The logic in Haiku where local data is married up with data frm HaikuDepotServer uses the "identifier" (formerly "url") instead of the name.

comment:11 by digitalsin, 5 years ago

I would like to request a bugfix for this ticket. Using the nightly x86_64 haiku-master-hrev54282-x86_64-anyboot.iso (It was the latest on the server when I installed a couple days ago.)

HaikuDepot debug output

Depots installed:

BeSly, clasqm, KapiX's - all of the depots with space and/or character in the name the archive fail to be loaded/decoded.

I used the x86_64 variant depots... Seems as though the string sent as the name gets cut. Please help!

comment:12 by apl-haiku, 5 years ago

Could you please create a tar-ball or ZIP of your /system/settings/package-repositories and attach that to this ticket for me?

by digitalsin, 5 years ago

Attachment: added

Package Repositories

comment:13 by apl-haiku, 5 years ago

The issue has been caused by change e31b3cb943b1e05393b3e3e7565dd65a3404735f together with the data in the HPKR file. Inside the HPKR is a serialized BMessage that contains a BRepositoryInfo and inside this data is a value for the key url;


Note the "<" and ">" are the problem here because the change is taking the url key to be the identifier and then taking the identifier to be the baseUrl and then it checks to make sure that the baseUrl starts with "http", but this does not; it starts with "<" and so it fails to read.

The same applies to the Clasqm repository which has a value of;


I think if you make the url in the HPKR a well-formed "http" URL then it will most likely work again.


Adrien; A couple of questions...

Would it be a good idea to also write the identifier into the BMessage in BRepositoryInfo::Archive(..) so that in the future the BMessage is populated with this field?

In BRepositoryInfo::_SetTo things can go wrong (as is the case in this ticket) and there is no way for the user to know what happened and no way for somebody technical to diagnose what is wrong without code-level debugging. What is the best way to signal the problem -- fprintf statements to stderr or should it return kit-specific error codes?

comment:14 by waddlesplash, 5 years ago

An error message should be shown in a popup, yes.

comment:15 by lorglas, 5 years ago

Hello, why was that changed, what was the reason for it? I am interested and I want to understand it.

comment:16 by apl-haiku, 5 years ago

I will take a look to see if I can see a sensible fix for this issue in code.

An error message should be shown in a popup, yes.

This is deep in the bowels of the pkg library rather than a GUI element so the information about the error needs to be signaled up to GUI code / tool / daemon. Would it be more appropriate to continue as it does and return B_BAD_DATA and log to stderr for diagnostics or would it be better to go down the path of creating very specific response codes?

Hello, why was that changed, what was the reason for it? I am interested and I want to understand it.

This is a long and confusing story! A good ticket for some background reading is #14927.

comment:17 by lorglas, 5 years ago

I have removed the < > from the url and write new repo files. Then it works. Will be that changed in a few times back. And how can you inform other repo owner to change the files? the pop-up message is a good think.

comment:18 by apl-haiku, 5 years ago

For my reference; PR

comment:19 by apl-haiku, 5 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

comment:21 by waddlesplash, 5 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: reopenedclosed

Fixed in hrev54345.

comment:22 by pulkomandy, 5 years ago

Milestone: UnscheduledR1/beta3

Moving closed tickets to beta3

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