Opened 22 months ago

Last modified 3 months ago

#18390 new bug

[BFS] Reader-writer deadlock between I/O and file-cache resize

Reported by: waddlesplash Owned by: axeld
Priority: normal Milestone: Unscheduled
Component: File Systems/BFS Version: R1/beta4
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


I've seen this one before, intermittently; it seems to mostly occur on boot, but it was only today that fully traced the problem's cause out through KDL.

The basic symptom is that the whole system stalls on I/O due to the BFS journal lock being held. For example, Deskbar is hung waiting on _kern_create_dir:

stack trace for thread 1851 "menu_tracking"
    kernel stack: 0xffffffff92f77000 to 0xffffffff92f7c000
      user stack: 0x00007ffc443b8000 to 0x00007ffc443f8000
frame                       caller             <image>:function + offset
 0 ffffffff92f7bba0 (+ 112) ffffffff8009ba44   <kernel_x86_64> reschedule(int) + 0x424
 1 ffffffff92f7bc10 (+  48) ffffffff8008b376   <kernel_x86_64> thread_block + 0xc6
 2 ffffffff92f7bc40 (+  80) ffffffff80097baa   <kernel_x86_64> _mutex_lock + 0x21a
 3 ffffffff92f7bc90 (+  32) ffffffff80097c4e   <kernel_x86_64> recursive_lock_lock + 0x3e
 4 ffffffff92f7bcb0 (+  64) ffffffff81b06926   <bfs> Journal::Lock[clone .localalias] (Transaction*, bool) + 0x26
 5 ffffffff92f7bcf0 (+  32) ffffffff81b079b5   <bfs> Transaction::Start(Volume*, long) + 0x35
 6 ffffffff92f7bd10 (+ 128) ffffffff81b0f03d   <bfs> bfs_create_dir(fs_volume*, fs_vnode*, char const*, int) + 0x8d
 7 ffffffff92f7bd90 (+ 320) ffffffff80100ca6   <kernel_x86_64> dir_create(int, char*, int, bool) + 0x66
 8 ffffffff92f7bed0 (+  80) ffffffff8010738a   <kernel_x86_64> _user_create_dir + 0x8a
 9 ffffffff92f7bf20 (+  16) ffffffff801493ef   <kernel_x86_64> x86_64_syscall_entry + 0xfb
user iframe at 0xffffffff92f7bf30 (end = 0xffffffff92f7bff8)
 rax 0x75                  rbx 0x1133ceb0464d        rcx 0x15d9cb7870c
 rdx 0x1ed                 rsi 0x1133ceb167e0        rdi 0xffffffff
 rbp 0x7ffc443f6fe0         r8 0x80                   r9 0x0
 r10 0x15d9cb7891c         r11 0x206                 r12 0x7ffc443f6f70
 r13 0x7ffc443f6f40        r14 0x7ffc443f6f34        r15 0x7ffc443f6f38
 rip 0x15d9cb7870c         rsp 0x7ffc443f6f18     rflags 0x206
 vector: 0x63, error code: 0x0
10 ffffffff92f7bf30 (+140723282751664) 0000015d9cb7870c   <> _kern_create_dir + 0x0c

The thread which currently holds the journal lock looks like this:

stack trace for thread 1769 "Tracker"
    kernel stack: 0xffffffff81c1d000 to 0xffffffff81c22000
      user stack: 0x00007ffc094f2000 to 0x00007ffc0a4f2000
frame                       caller             <image>:function + offset
 0 ffffffff81c21a40 (+ 112) ffffffff8009ba44   <kernel_x86_64> reschedule(int) + 0x424
 1 ffffffff81c21ab0 (+  48) ffffffff8008b376   <kernel_x86_64> thread_block + 0xc6
 2 ffffffff81c21ae0 (+  64) ffffffff8014122c   <kernel_x86_64> VMCache::WaitForPageEvents(vm_page*, unsigned int, bool) + 0x6c
 3 ffffffff81c21b20 (+  80) ffffffff8014138d   <kernel_x86_64> VMCache::_FreePageRange(IteratableSplayTree<VMCachePagesTreeDefinition>::Iterator, unsigned long*) + 0x12d
 4 ffffffff81c21b70 (+  96) ffffffff80141549   <kernel_x86_64> VMCache::Resize(long, int) + 0x189
 5 ffffffff81c21bd0 (+  80) ffffffff8005566b   <kernel_x86_64> file_cache_set_size + 0x4b
 6 ffffffff81c21c20 (+  64) ffffffff81b01fd9   <bfs> Inode::SetFileSize[clone .localalias] (Transaction&, long) + 0x49
 7 ffffffff81c21c60 (+  80) ffffffff81af953a   <bfs> Attribute::_Truncate[clone .part.0] () + 0x6a
 8 ffffffff81c21cb0 (+  80) ffffffff81af9943   <bfs> Attribute::Create(char const*, unsigned int, int, attr_cookie**) + 0xd3
 9 ffffffff81c21d00 (+ 128) ffffffff81b0c46d   <bfs> bfs_create_attr(fs_volume*, fs_vnode*, char const*, unsigned int, int, void**) + 0x4d
10 ffffffff81c21d80 (+  96) ffffffff800fee15   <kernel_x86_64> attr_create(int, char*, char const*, unsigned int, int, bool) + 0xa5
11 ffffffff81c21de0 (+ 320) ffffffff8010876f   <kernel_x86_64> _user_write_attr + 0x8f
12 ffffffff81c21f20 (+  16) ffffffff801493ef   <kernel_x86_64> x86_64_syscall_entry + 0xfb
user iframe at 0xffffffff81c21f30 (end = 0xffffffff81c21ff8)
 rax 0x83                  rbx 0x124864fa3b20        rcx 0x125b048e7ec
 rdx 0x5649434e            rsi 0x44272680c3          rdi 0x4
 rbp 0x7ffc0a4f0df0         r8 0x124865007fb0         r9 0x15c
 r10 0x0                   r11 0x202                 r12 0x7ffc0a4f0e50
 r13 0x7ffc0a4f0e20        r14 0x7ffc0a4f0e80        r15 0x44272680c3
 rip 0x125b048e7ec         rsp 0x7ffc0a4f0dd8     rflags 0x202
 vector: 0x63, error code: 0x0
13 ffffffff81c21f30 (+140722599423680) 00000125b048e7ec   <> _kern_write_attr + 0x0c

The last time I ran into this and debugged what had happened, I could not figure out what the problem was because I could not determine what page was being waited on. So last summer in hrev56187, I modified VMCache to specify this in the wait information. It seems, however, that THREAD_BLOCK_TYPE_OTHER is always interpreted as a string, so in order to get at it I had to manually dump the page structure as raw data in KDL and find the pointer in it, which was quite annoying. After having done that, the page is:

PAGE: 0xffffffff84189a60
queue_next,prev: 0xffffffff8418f3c0, 0xffffffff84187cb0
physical_number: 0x382ee
cache:           0xffffffff97e9f0e0
cache_offset:    0
cache_next:      0x0000000000000000
state:           cached
wired_count:     0
usage_count:     0
busy:            1
busy_writing:    0
accessed:        0
modified:        0
accessor:        1804
area mappings:

And thread 1804 is:

stack trace for thread 1804 "w>/boot/home/Desktop"
    kernel stack: 0xffffffff8216b000 to 0xffffffff82170000
      user stack: 0x00007f33782d7000 to 0x00007f3378317000
frame                       caller             <image>:function + offset
 0 ffffffff8216f4e0 (+ 112) ffffffff8009ba44   <kernel_x86_64> reschedule(int) + 0x424
 1 ffffffff8216f550 (+  48) ffffffff8008b376   <kernel_x86_64> thread_block + 0xc6
 2 ffffffff8216f580 (+  80) ffffffff80096d2b   <kernel_x86_64> rw_lock_wait(rw_lock*, bool, BPrivate::AutoLocker<spinlock, BPrivate::InterruptsSpinLocking>&) + 0x7b
 3 ffffffff8216f5d0 (+  64) ffffffff80097019   <kernel_x86_64> _rw_lock_read_lock + 0x89
 4 ffffffff8216f610 (+  48) ffffffff81b0d9b9   <bfs> bfs_io(fs_volume*, fs_vnode*, void*, IORequest*) + 0x79
 5 ffffffff8216f640 (+  80) ffffffff80109696   <kernel_x86_64> vfs_vnode_io + 0x36
 6 ffffffff8216f690 (+ 368) ffffffff80109ea6   <kernel_x86_64> vfs_read_pages + 0xa6
 7 ffffffff8216f800 (+ 944) ffffffff80053d7e   <kernel_x86_64> read_into_cache(file_cache_ref*, void*, long, int, unsigned long, unsigned long, bool, vm_page_reservation*, unsigned long) + 0x1ce
 8 ffffffff8216fbb0 (+ 208) ffffffff80054866   <kernel_x86_64> cache_io(void*, void*, long, unsigned long, unsigned long*, bool) + 0x446
 9 ffffffff8216fc80 (+ 128) ffffffff81b0003a   <bfs> Inode::ReadAttribute(char const*, int, long, unsigned char*, unsigned long*) + 0x18a
10 ffffffff8216fd00 (+ 128) ffffffff81b0c3a0   <bfs> bfs_read_attr(fs_volume*, fs_vnode*, void*, long, void*, unsigned long*) + 0x40
11 ffffffff8216fd80 (+  96) ffffffff800eab72   <kernel_x86_64> common_user_io(int, long, void*, unsigned long, bool) + 0x1b2
12 ffffffff8216fde0 (+ 320) ffffffff80108690   <kernel_x86_64> _user_read_attr + 0x90
13 ffffffff8216ff20 (+  16) ffffffff801493ef   <kernel_x86_64> x86_64_syscall_entry + 0xfb
user iframe at 0xffffffff8216ff30 (end = 0xffffffff8216fff8)
 rax 0x82                  rbx 0x1248650b7e70        rcx 0x125b048e7dc
 rdx 0x0                   rsi 0x1dad0f2f043         rdi 0x11
 rbp 0x7f3378315ed0         r8 0x15c                  r9 0x15c
 r10 0x1248650be470        r11 0x206                 r12 0x1dad0f2f043
 r13 0x1248650b7e70        r14 0x1248650b7f50        r15 0x1248650be470
 rip 0x125b048e7dc         rsp 0x7f3378315eb8     rflags 0x206
 vector: 0x63, error code: 0x0
14 ffffffff8216ff30 (+139861148983200) 00000125b048e7dc   <> _kern_read_attr + 0x0c

And the rwlock it is waiting on is:

rw lock 0xffffffff97e98c80:
  name:            bfs inode
  holder:          1769
  count:           0x10001
  active readers   0
  pending readers  0
  owner count:     0x10000
  flags:           0x0
  waiting threads: 1804/r

But 1769 is the thread which holds the journal lock and is waiting for this I/O to complete. So we have a deadlock.

Change History (8)

comment:1 by waddlesplash, 22 months ago

My initial question is: Why does VMCache need to wait for these pages to become unbusy in _FreePageRange? Can't, instead, it just set some flag on the pages, so that whatever operation currently has then "busy" also gains the responsibility for freeing them when it completes?

That would solve this problem in the most general way possible. However, I recognize that may not really be feasible, and so we may have to solve this inside BFS somehow. Perhaps we can downgrade our write lock into a read lock before invoking the file cache's set-size?

comment:2 by waddlesplash, 22 months ago

Adjusted things in hrev56945 to make printing the page being waited on much easier.

comment:3 by korli, 22 months ago

Perhaps cache_io should also use busy_writing, thus VMCache::_FreePageRange() could skip this page.

comment:4 by waddlesplash, 22 months ago

busy_writing usually means the page itself is being written to disk, right?

That could get confusing if it also means the page is busy being written to. But yes, that looks like it is already most of the solution we need.

comment:5 by waddlesplash, 6 months ago

Actually, I think this is a problem in BFS? Inode::ReadAt() should only be called if the inode is read-locked, right? So this looks like an oversight.

comment:6 by waddlesplash, 6 months ago

Hmm, maybe not; it seems we don't acquire any locks when invoking ReadAt() at present.

comment:7 by waddlesplash, 3 months ago

Appears a TODO was added to BFS regarding pretty much this exact scenario back in 2008, in hrev26715.

comment:8 by waddlesplash, 3 months ago

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