Opened 17 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

#2252 closed bug (duplicate)

KDL during untaring

Reported by: kaliber Owned by: axeld
Priority: normal Milestone: R1
Component: - General Version: R1/pre-alpha1
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


I'm using rev25610. I cannot reproduce it.

wait interval 483251, scan pages 4690, free 1868, target 2228
check through
wait interval 479541, scan pages 4720, free 1852, target 2244
wait interval 481628, scan pages 4703, free 1861, target 2235
wait interval 523376, scan pages 4366, free 2041, target 2055
wait interval 389782, scan pages 5446, free 1465, target 2631
wait interval 347802, scan pages 5785, free 1284, target 2812
wait interval 372619, scan pages 5584, free 1391, target 2705
vm_soft_fault: va 0x0 not covered by area in address space
vm_page_fault: vm_soft_fault returned error 'Bad address' on fault at 0x0, ip 0x805b9393, write 0, user 0, thread 0x800a
PANIC: vm_page_fault: unhandled page fault in kernel space at 0x0, ip 0x805b9393

Welcome to Kernel Debugging Land...
Running on CPU 0
kdebug> bt
stack trace for thread 32778 "tar"
    kernel stack: 0x9397e000 to 0x93982000
      user stack: 0x7efe7000 to 0x7ffe7000
frame            caller     <image>:function + offset
93981390 (+  48) 800498a3   <kernel>:invoke_debugger_command + 0x00cf
939813c0 (+  64) 8004a64c   <kernel>:_ParseCommand__16ExpressionParserRi + 0x01f8
93981400 (+  48) 8004a03e   <kernel>:EvaluateCommand__16ExpressionParserPCcRi + 0x01de
93981430 (+ 224) 8004b760   <kernel>:evaluate_debug_command + 0x0088
93981510 (+  64) 800483de   <kernel>:kernel_debugger_loop__Fv + 0x017a
93981550 (+  48) 80049091   <kernel>:kernel_debugger + 0x010d
93981580 (+ 192) 80048f79   <kernel>:panic + 0x0029
93981640 (+  64) 800942c5   <kernel>:vm_page_fault + 0x00b1
93981680 (+  64) 8009e41d   <kernel>:page_fault_exception + 0x00b1
939816c0 (+  12) 800a1b0a   <kernel>:int_bottom + 0x002a (nearest)
iframe at 0x939816cc (end = 0x93981724)
 eax 0x0            ebx 0x805bee24      ecx 0x90ba2000   edx 0x246
 esi 0x1            edi 0x90ba4000      ebp 0x93981734   esp 0x93981700
 eip 0x805b9393  eflags 0x10282    
 vector: 0xe, error code: 0x0
939816cc (+ 104) 805b9393   <ide>:sim_scsi_io + 0x0123
93981734 (+  64) 806a5b01   <scsi>:scsi_async_io + 0x0245
93981774 (+  96) 806b7e4f   <scsi_periph>:periph_read_write + 0x01fb
939817d4 (+  80) 806b7bfb   <scsi_periph>:periph_read + 0x003f
93981824 (+  64) 806b3d3e   <scsi_dsk>:das_read + 0x0042
93981864 (+ 160) 805a5bb4   <block_io>:block_io_readv_int + 0x042c
93981904 (+  80) 805a6390   <block_io>:block_io_read + 0x0040
93981954 (+  64) 8006d166   <kernel>:Process__11IOSchedulerR9IORequest + 0x0052
93981994 (+ 112) 800684b5   <kernel>:devfs_read__FP9fs_volumeP8fs_vnodePvxT2PUl + 0x0141
93981a04 (+  64) 8007a156   <kernel>:file_read__FP15file_descriptorxPvPUl + 0x0036
93981a44 (+  96) 8006b4fd   <kernel>:_kern_read + 0x0145
93981aa4 (+  64) 800a9f52   <kernel>:read_pos + 0x0036
93981ae4 (+  80) 80024957   <kernel>:get_cached_block__FP11block_cachexPbb + 0x010b
93981b34 (+  80) 8002760a   <kernel>:block_cache_get_etc + 0x004e
93981b84 (+  64) 8057c84e   <bfs>:SetTo__15AllocationBlockR15AllocationGroupUs + 0x00ae
93981bc4 (+ 128) 8057d8dd   <bfs>:AllocateBlocks__14BlockAllocatorR11TransactionlUsUsUsR9block_run + 0x018d
93981c44 (+  80) 8057dcf7   <bfs>:Allocate__14BlockAllocatorR11TransactionP5InodexR9block_runUs + 0x018b
93981c94 (+ 288) 8058c154   <bfs>:_GrowStream__5InodeR11Transactionx + 0x02f8
93981db4 (+  48) 8058d709   <bfs>:SetFileSize__5InodeR11Transactionx + 0x0069
93981de4 (+  64) 8058bb16   <bfs>:WriteAt__5InodeR11TransactionxPCUcPUl + 0x023a
93981e24 (+  96) 80598fd0   <bfs>:bfs_write__FP9fs_volumeP8fs_vnodePvxPCvPUl + 0x00d0
93981e84 (+  64) 8007a196   <kernel>:file_write__FP15file_descriptorxPCvPUl + 0x0036
93981ec4 (+  80) 8006ac25   <kernel>:common_user_io__FixPvUlb + 0x017d
93981f14 (+  48) 8006b118   <kernel>:_user_write + 0x0028
93981f44 (+ 100) 800a1ce2   <kernel>:pre_syscall_debug_done + 0x0002 (nearest)
iframe at 0x93981fa8 (end = 0x93982000)
 eax 0x7b           ebx 0x2ef760        ecx 0x7ffe6da0   edx 0xffff0104
 esi 0x61           edi 0x61            ebp 0x7ffe6ddc   esp 0x93981fdc
 eip 0xffff0104  eflags 0x207      
 vector: 0x63, error code: 0x0
93981fa8 (+   0) ffff0104
7ffe6ddc (+  48) 0023436d   <_APP_@0x00200000>:unknown + 0x3436d
7ffe6e0c (+  48) 0022c58e   <_APP_@0x00200000>:unknown + 0x2c58e
7ffe6e3c (+  80) 00211e59   <_APP_@0x00200000>:unknown + 0x11e59
7ffe6e8c (+  48) 00212c16   <_APP_@0x00200000>:unknown + 0x12c16
7ffe6ebc (+ 144) 0021851d   <_APP_@0x00200000>:unknown + 0x1851d
7ffe6f4c (+  48) 002238c8   <_APP_@0x00200000>:unknown + 0x238c8
7ffe6f7c (+  48) 00208df7   <_APP_@0x00200000>:unknown + 0x8df7
7ffe6fac (+  48) 0010084a   704808:runtime_loader_seg0ro@0x00100000 + 0x84a
7ffe6fdc (+   0) 7ffe6fec   704807:tar_main_stack@0x7efe7000 + 0xffffec

Change History (1)

comment:1 by mmlr, 16 years ago

Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed

From comparing the stack traces this seems to be a duplicate of bug #2186.

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