Opened 16 years ago

Last modified 3 years ago

#3271 assigned bug

Memory not reclaimed on resizing of DeskCalc and Activity monitor

Reported by: RandomInsano Owned by: nobody
Priority: normal Milestone: R1
Component: Servers/app_server Version: R1/pre-alpha1
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking: #17206
Platform: All


This is sort of an odd situation, but when you resize either DeskCalc or Activity monitor to the full size of the screen the system memory usage goes up by 3MB. I assume it's due to the system creating redraw buffers for those windows.

The issue is that when you return those windows to a respectable size their memory usage stays at what it was for when they were full-screened; the memory for those buffers doesn't seem to be freed again. Just for fun, try stretching the activity monitor a few times larger than the screen. TV doesn't have the same problem. In fact, it's memory usage didn't climb at all.

I have some screen shots which I will attach when I get a chance

Change History (5)

comment:1 by Wim, 15 years ago

Is this still an issue? I can't reproduce it with a recent build (running in VMWare player).

comment:2 by RandomInsano, 15 years ago

Component: ApplicationsServers/app_server

Yup, still very much an issue.

Here's how you reproduce:

  • Open activity monitor
  • Take note of the current memory usage
  • Stretch it to the length of the screen
  • Grab an edge and move most of the window off-screen
  • Stretch again
  • Repeat

When you do it enough, you'll see the memory usage climb slowly. Once you're done stretching, shrink it back to it's original size. You'll see the memory size much higher than when you started. While shrinking, you won't see the memory usage fall like it grew while stretching.

Really, I'm not sure if this is even that important, unless it hints at a possible memory-leak in the appserver. I'm marking it as a problem there since it is in fact a problem across two apps and it just feels like it's happening in there (I forgot to check per-app memory usage before and after).

comment:3 by leavengood, 14 years ago

I can confirm that if you resize ActivityMonitor to full screen size it's memory and that of app_server grow by an equal amount (from about 1 MB to 11 MB on my system with a 1920x1080 screen) and then when you resize back that memory does not decrease. Closing ActivityMonitor frees the memory from app_server (and of course the app.)

I have not tried looking but one can assume that the offscreen window buffer is resized with the window and then not reduced when the window is made smaller. This is probably smart since if a window was once a certain size it may be that size again and constantly re-allocating memory could be expensive.

I doubt I'll take a look any time soon but maybe someone else will, so I'll leave this ticket open.

comment:4 by axeld, 8 years ago

Owner: changed from axeld to nobody
Status: newassigned

comment:5 by waddlesplash, 3 years ago

Blocking: 17206 added
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