Opened 19 years ago

Closed 18 years ago

Last modified 18 years ago

#825 closed bug (fixed)

with new USB task (r18623)

Reported by: Rayman Owned by: marcusoverhagen
Priority: normal Milestone: R1
Component: Drivers/USB Version:
Keywords: Cc: marcusoverhagen
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: x86


if you have a USB mouse and PS/2 keyboard , the keyboard not works but the mouse works very good. I also tested an adapter USB mouse and keyboard, but I a crash landing kernel debug obtains in VM.

Change History (10)

comment:1 by axeld, 19 years ago

Component: KernelDrivers/USB
Milestone: R1
Owner: changed from axeld to mmlr

Could you provide more info like:

  • a back trace from the crash
  • the exact model of your USB mouse, PS/2 keyboard, type of USB (UHCI/OHCI, and/or motherboard chipset)

That would make this much more helpful - thanks!

comment:2 by Rayman, 19 years ago

The mouse is a wheel mouse Logitech with 3 buttons. The keyboard is a standard PS/2 102 keys. And the motherboard is : with I815 chipset and PIII at 1Ghz. for most information, the R18623 run very good if you put a PS/2 mouse and PS/2 keyboard, but if I replace the PS/2 mouse by USB mouse, the keyboard not works. ( for your information, normaly on different OS ( Beos, linux, windows and other ), if you put 2 or more mouse, it must works at the same time.

comment:3 by marcusoverhagen, 19 years ago

Cc: marcusoverhagen added

comment:4 by marcusoverhagen, 19 years ago

Please retest with hrev18694 or above. Bug #542 or #830 were probably crashing the input server or kernel.

in reply to:  4 comment:5 by Rayman, 18 years ago

Replying to marcusoverhagen:

Please retest with hrev18694 or above. Bug #542 or #830 were probably crashing the input server or kernel.

I retest with hrev18703, the crash is not here now, but the PS/2 keyboard works only if I put USB mouse legacy support in BIOS. It is surprising because keyboard PS/2 does not have normally anything to see with mouse USB.

A another test: If I put my 2 x PS/2 -> 1 USB adapter with 1 PS/2 keyboard and 1 PS/2 mouse, not crash now, but nothing works.

I clearly hope to have been. it's a pleasure of helping you.

comment:6 by marcusoverhagen, 18 years ago

Owner: changed from mmlr to marcusoverhagen
Status: newassigned

I think the remaining problems depend on bug #833 (USB hid issues) to be fixed.

comment:7 by marcusoverhagen, 18 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

comment:8 by jonas.kirilla, 18 years ago

Component: Drivers/USBDrivers/Keyboard
Resolution: fixed
Status: closedreopened
Summary: with new USB task (r18623)PS/2 keyboard won't work unless there's also a PS/2 mouse

This bug report is spot on (except its title) and should be re-opened.

My PS/2 keyboard won't work unless there's also a PS/2 mouse.

To have a working keyboard in Haiku I have to either plug in a PS/2 mouse (to kickstart the PS/2 keyboard, somehow), or use a separate USB keyboard instead.

I suppose using a USB mouse in PS/2 legacy mode, as described, tickles the PS/2 bus manager or whatever, in a similar way as plugging a real PS/2 mouse, resulting in a working PS/2 keyboard.

The PS/2 keyboard always works in the KDL, however. (When the rest is dead, at least the keyboard works.. The irony!)

BTW, you can't enter the KDL voluntarily (with F12) from a USB keyboard, IIRC.

comment:9 by marcusoverhagen, 18 years ago

Component: Drivers/KeyboardDrivers/USB
Resolution: fixed
Status: reopenedclosed
Summary: PS/2 keyboard won't work unless there's also a PS/2 mousewith new USB task (r18623)

Please do not hijack old bug reports!

I'm restoring original summary, component, resolution and status.

File a new bug report if required.

comment:10 by jonas.kirilla, 18 years ago

I believe this bug report is about the PS/2 keyboard not working, even though the submitter may not have been superclear about it. The USB sidetrack could very well be irrelevant. I believe it's the -same bug- that I'm seeing, and that it is still unresolved, so I wanted to avoid a bug report -duplicate- which would get equally smacked over the head.

These two look related:

"PS/2 Keyboard hangs if PS/2 mouse not present"

"ps/2 mouse and AT keyboard always don't work"

I outlined the results of various USB and PS/2 HID combinations in the comments section of some other bug report, but that comment seems lost now. I can't find it.

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