Opened 18 years ago

Closed 18 years ago

#878 closed bug (invalid)

Haiku goes into KDL at start while loading desktop

Reported by: tigerdog Owned by: axeld
Priority: normal Milestone: R1
Component: - General Version: R1/pre-alpha1
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


Using 2006-09-29 build of Haiku, the OS enters KDL during startup. Info is:

13: General Protection Fault occurred at eip=001211dc

Fault(13) not handled

kernel debugger:

eax 0102530e ebp 010269fc cs 0008: area 004e0768 (kernel_intel_text)

ebx 01030000 esp 010269f0 ss 0010 addr 00100000 size 0008a000

ecx 00000102 edi 01020000 ds 0010

edx ffff0000 esi 004e0000 es 0010 thread: sysint2

eip 001211da flag 00010212 fs 0000 Team: kernel_team

trap 0000000d error 0000000 gs 0000 stack trace follows

00000000 001211dc

010269fc 00121104

01026a28 00120bf1

01026a28 00120bf1

0102bc3c 0012ffc5

Hardware specifics: AMD Athlon 64x2 4200+ dual-core CPU, ECS KN-1 Lite motherboard w/nVidia nForce4 Ultra chipset, BIOS rev: 1.1e, 2x256 OCZ gold (2.5 3 3 8) RAM, nVidia 7600GS PCIe graphics w/256M memory, ATA100 HD (Seagate barracuda), ATA133 HD (Samsung)
This happens any time I try to start Haiku on this system.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by axeld, 18 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

I'm sorry, but whatever you did, it's very weird. The KDL message in the description definitely comes from a BeOS kernel, and not from Haiku. I'm afraid I have to close this bug if you cannot provide better info.

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