Change History for R1/Alpha1Status

Version Date Author Comment
49 15 years mmlr
48 15 years mmlr
47 15 years scottmc marked determine optional packages as done
46 15 years nielx Update the proposals. Only #1 is open (fix all data corruption bugs)
45 15 years nielx Urias will hunt and manage mirrors
44 15 years umccullough updated ATA task as finished
43 15 years axeld
42 15 years nielx Add task list
41 15 years nielx Make it even iffyer (that's a non-existing word!)
40 15 years nielx Make clear that September 9 is not very likely to be the release date
39 15 years nielx
38 15 years nielx
37 16 years scottmc marked off subversion and python as done.
36 16 years stippi Added note to gcc 2/4 hybrid prop.
35 16 years scottmc updated the firefox version
34 16 years scottmc took ownership of subversion and python ports
33 16 years stippi
32 16 years stippi
31 16 years mmadia
30 16 years scottmc crossed out proposal #6 as Philippe Saint-Pierre is now the release …
29 16 years scottmc added link to python portlog page
28 16 years axeld Removed all closed tickets from prop1, and those that have nothing to …
27 16 years scottmc removed #1362 from Prop 1
26 16 years scottmc added nasm as WIP
25 16 years scottmc added #3150 and removed #1420 from prop 1
24 16 years scottmc removed #2755 from prop1.
23 16 years scottmc Updated list of tickets that might fall under Prop1
22 16 years stippi
21 16 years scottmc Added a few closed tickets to prop 1 and added note about researching …
20 16 years scottmc Looks like Ingo knocked out the rest of the dev tools, crossing them …
19 16 years stippi
18 16 years stippi
17 16 years stippi
16 16 years scottmc crossed off autoconf, added m4 to cross it out as well.
15 16 years umccullough note about waiting for an updated bebook
14 16 years scottmc split development tools into sub-tasks, marked off gcc and perl, as …
13 16 years scottmc BeBook has been added to the image, crossing it off the list
12 16 years scottmc Newest BePDF has been added to the image and marked as done.
11 16 years nielx Swap support is done and enabled
10 16 years scottmc
9 16 years nielx Add a list of accepted proposals
8 16 years nielx Refer to the alpha1proposals page
7 16 years nielx Summary of thread on haiku-development
6 17 years nielx Add article by Stephan
5 17 years nielx Add a link to the second status update.
4 17 years nielx
3 17 years nielx
2 17 years nielx
1 17 years nielx