Opened 13 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#7698 closed enhancement

Tracking ticket for missing or incomplete localization — at Initial Version

Reported by: taos Owned by: nobody
Priority: normal Milestone: R1/beta3
Component: Kits/Locale Kit Version: R1/Development
Keywords: localization Cc:
Blocked By: Blocking:
Platform: All


Localization has come a long way since alpha 2. However, there are still a few things missing. I've collected open tickets concerning localization (bugs and enhancements). Feel free to add missing tickets - or to close this tracking ticket if you think it's not needed.

#7270 Localizing MediaPlayer's info window
#7512 Media preflet is only partially localized due to un-localized mixer media add-on.
#7480 Mail preferences only partially localized
#7689 [mail_daemon] Mail menu in deskbar is not localized
#7652 [Deskbar] Calendar is not localized
#6422 BCalendar should allow starting weeks on any day
#7586 [Terminal] window title and menubar are not localized
#7622 Debug_server localization
#7506 Filepanels mixing un/localized folder names
#7491 AboutSystem: clicking on localized license name doesn't open license file
#7321 FileTypes - Type and Display as not localized
#7293 Untranslated names of file systems in DriveSetup
#7249 Localization of Shortcuts' breaks functionality (+ similiar #7505 Shortcuts prefs don't work in a localized system)
#5743 Texts in resource file is not localized in Printers preflet
#6515 language mix due to country settings
#7142 linkcatkeys replaces binary file instead of adding a resourse to it
#7495 program to get locale settings
#5817 Locale - Keyboard-Navigation bug.

Rather general problems attributed to or affecting localization:

#1586 Queries: not case-insensitive for "Umlauts"
#4181 'query' Cannot Parse Dates
#4335 [Interface Kit] menu draw a split second earlier than the contents draw
#4681 linkcatkeys fails when building on PPC
#5582 [AboutSystem] is slow to appear
#6263 Bash ls -Q
#6276 Console backspace doesn't properly handle non-ascii unicode
#6930 Tracker status window problems
#7406 Background preference window become very wide
#7434 Tracker gets in a node monitoring loop
#7454 []About System, Locale and Time Preferences Apps crash after the start
#7552 [Locale preflet] Default translation of Deskbar and Tracker to on

Issues with HTA:

#6808 Drop the checksum field from catkeys file header
#7294 Installer – Missing space/not wide enough in installation status

Application names that seem not localized because "Application name" is used instead of "System name" on HTA (and therefore in catkeys):

#7539 [CodyCam] System name is missing (manual workaround for alpha3)
#7542 [PoorMan] System name is missing (manual workaround for alpha3)


#7349 FontDemo localization (+ duplicate #7536 [FontDemo] FontDemo is not localized)
#7528 [BSnow] BSnow is not localized
#7529 [Chart] Chart is not localized
#7530 [Cortex] Cortex is not localized
#7532 [Playground] Playground is not localized


#4962 Localizing parsedate usage for Find panel
#5889 [Patch] Tracker localization
#6374 [Tracker] several strings not yet translated (patch)
#7289 Attribute labels not localized
#7521 [Tracker Add-Ons] Tracker Add-Ons menu items are not localized
#7567 [Tracker search] Enable search for localized names

Layout problems in localized version:

#5746 No room for the localized text in double-click test area
#6987 InfoWindow Owner clipped in layout
#7209 Does not work change the color of the font in the Terminal in Polish locale.
#7311 Artifacts in ProcessController
#7332 [ScreenSaver] increase window margins
#7369 [ScreenSaver] localized window is too wide
#7697 [AboutSystem] Link to MIT licence looks strange when localized

Non-latin scripts:

#5320 Add font overlay
#6118 [Patch] WebPositive Fallback fonts enhancement
#6194 lack of Chinese fonts
#6967 haiku needs a better font overlay or fallback mechanism

Keymap dependent problems:

#2499 [Keymap] hotkeys doesn't work with some keymaps (+ similiar #6225 WebPositive Ctrl+plus (Increase Size) Key Combination Does Not Work, #7428 Alt-Plus won't work in WebPositive)
#4891 can't input accented characters using dead keys
#5441 Allocate more positions for dead keys

CLI applications and tools (AFAIK no decision if they should be translated at all):

#6318 Fixing listport output and changing it to a localized BApplication
#7162 A bitsinfo localization
#7163 A pnginfo localization
#7164 A bmpinfo localization
#7167 A stxtinfo localization
#7168 A tgainfo localization

3rd party applications (not translated via HTA):

#7189 linkcatkeys replaces binary file instead of adding a resourse to it
#7210 WebKit and WebPositive localization
#7233 Pe editor localization patches

Usually not visible (error messages or applications not (yet) included in standard haiku build):

#6109 ResEdit without ResListView.h and ResListView.cpp
#7234 A Login application localization patch
#7576 [Locale Kit] localize /src/system/libroot/posix/string/strerror.c

The following tickets might have been (at least partially) fixed in the meantime:

#4625 locale preflet windows size to large
#5387 Locale chooser adds wrong locales
#5471 [Locale] language list is lowercase for some locales
#5882 Installer cuts words on some custom languages (including the default english). (+ duplicates #7166 Japanese text gets cut off in Installer at the end of installation, #7240 Localized status messages too big for window)
#6369 userguide update issue
#6729 [Locale] add initial scroll to selection
#6742 Catkey strings for the Tracker Kit in HTA have the wrong context
#6747 [BOutlineListView] incorrect behavior observed in Locale preflet's usage of the list view
#6805 [Locale] crashes after pressing Default button
#6961 Tracker draws overflowed column text when window is vertically resized
#7229 Missing Translators Add-Ons localizations
#7245 Some enchancements and fixing of the Devices application localization
#7348 Adding CatalogEntryAttribute to Pairs application
#7393 Minimal width of window

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